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![]() Author has written 5 stories for Legend of Zelda, Harry Potter, High School Musical, Twilight, and Inheritance Cycle. My name is Brad. I'm a college student in Oklahoma and I love the arts whether it be music, drawing, or writing. Reading is one of my favorite pastimes because, more often than not, during the time I am reading I ultimately treat the book's events as reality and watch as the scenes, or my interpretation of the scenes rather, play out in my head. I love talking fanfiction, especially when it is about stories I know well. I'm more than happy to message back and forth with you about any of my stories, ones you have read, or even ones you have written if you feel inclined to suggest them. Always looking for new stories to read on here. :) PM me if you just wanna chat about, well, whatever really. x x Most Recent Update x 9/21/16 So I am still alive. No idea how often people actually even look at this thing. All the same, I am going back through and editing the previous chapters since they still haven't been beta'd or anything like that. This has two results I am hoping for. One: it will clean up the story, make it more professional and easier to read. Always a plus. I know that I made a bunch of mistakes while writing this, and most are simple mistakes (grammar, spelling). Two: I didn't have a ton of endgame plans set in when I was writing this story. I feel like that showed in the earlier chapters while I was still working on getting the thing off the ground. As such, it is rough, so I am working to fix the story up a little bit, use my knowledge of how the story ends up going to add some minor foreshadowing in and generally just working to fix any plot holes I can think of or that have been pointed out to me over the course of the 900 reviews for this story. As a tie in to the second, I have reworked chapter one, really took the beginning at a different angle on how things are working and why Harry ended up with Brom's appearance. I would really love some feedback though to see if anyone else thinks it is worth posting, or just cleaning up the original and leaving it as is. If I go with the second route, there is going to be quite a bit changing about this story. Good news though, I am hoping to have this story wrapped up before my girlfriend finishes all the books she has to read for her class this semester, a staggering total of 13. That gives me a timetable to work at, and I'm really hoping that this will push me to write more of the story later on once I get through this part. I know that most people die out when they rework their stories, but I have put three years into this story dadgummit and I don't plan on quitting until it is finished! anyways, pm me if you have any desire to read the updated ch 1. thanks :) x Most Recent Update x 2/18/16 Trying to think over the next chapters that are to come. This past one was about the average word count for tTaDR, but it still felt a little short. Hopefully it was enjoyed all the same though. Should be about 5-7 more chapters if they all come out in a semi-orderly fashion. the next one will likely be a doozy, super long and hopefully pretty intense. and then one or two at the very end to wrap everything up. Not sure yet if I will do an epilogue type chapter to close out or not yet though. That's about all for now I think. Happy readings! 1/30/16 Working on the next chapter as I have time, but I have a few more gigs that I am playing than usual and I am moving into a new position at work, so it's cutting that available time a bit more. I had been reading another story on my break when it mentioned that it was in the top five stories of the selected crossover, which got me curious, I'll be mentioning this again in the next chapter, but thanks to all who have read, reviewed, and favorited To Train a Dragon Rider, as it is at the top in all three in the HP/Eragon crossover. That was a nice little ego boost for me. :) The next chapter has been fighting me a bit, so it will be broken up to focus on the different sections of the fight, but it will not be another five or six month wait hopefully. I'm very read to be finished with this story so I can take a short break and then work on fixing Green Meets Gold. In reference to that, Green Meets Gold will be getting a full rewrite, taking it from first person perspective since it can be rough trying to write, but also less enjoyable to read it like that. Unfortunately for those waiting for it, I will not start posting it until I am finished writing it. I am hoping that trying it this way will get me to work on it more consistently since I will be very eager to let you all read and give feedback. 7/7/15 So got the new chapter for TTaDR up, and need to get started on the next chapter, but I wasn't really feeling it after pounding out the last few parts of it right before posting, so tonight, I settled into a nice chair and started working on GMG again and was looking at things when I realized, it has almost been a whole year since I last updated the poor thing, and I feel kinda bad about that. It's not dead, not in any way shape or form, especially after tonight. I got another 4k words added to it, which will always make a writer feel better about themselves after treating a story like a punching bag for so long. I'm trying to decide if I want to give in and post the next chapter for it, or hold out like I kind of want to and not post anything for it until I am completely finished with TTaDR... No idea if people get on here very often, but I figure if you want the next chapter for GMG, you can send me a pm and mention it would be nice to see or something like that and I will likely cave. I'm so weak willed sometimes... And as a day later update, I caved on myself and went ahead and posted the next chapter. mehhh, hope you all enjoy it all the same. Anyways, thanks for reading and following and all that shabangness. 6/21/15 Hey all. Forgot that I had said I would have this on my profile to deal with questions and my argument about the wards
Still hammering away at the next chapter to post for TTaDR and piddling around a bit with a couple other ideas when I have no drive to work on the next chapter for that. Green Meets Gold is fighting me every few steps that I make forward and has been sent to the corner for time out...again...because I wasn't happy with how it was acting. Hoping TTaDR will be wrapped up in another 8-10 chapters or so. The past three haven't moved the story as far forward as I was originally expecting them to. The Blood-Oath Celebration should be covered either in the next chapter or the chapter after that and then we will really start moving towards more of the marching, battles and war leading to face Galbatorix. Can't wait to see where it leads and how you all respond to it. Hopefully the next chapter will be out at some point next month. This month is not a posibility. 5/11/15 New chapter is up and has gotten another 20 some odd reviews, 2.3k views in the 24 hours since it was first posted. Always nice to see that kind of response to a story that has been in the works for almost two years I realized today. Also amazing, is this story has broken 300k views. Crazy. Just a quick note to say thanks to those who have been with me from the start of TTaDR and everyone else that has joined the wild ride since then. Hoping to have the next chapter posted in two weeks time for TTaDR, and have also finished some more work on GMG, you just don't get to see it till TTaDR is done. XD Hoping to have most of it finished though by the time I start posting on it again. Mostly just picking at it here and there and trying to keep my attention solely on TTaDR. Happy readings and writings, friends. :) 5/6/15 Just saying, It is pretty crazy looking back at all these updates. Next go around, I will probably delete about half of them as they are no longer relevant, but man. This has been one heck of crazy run so far. I am not dead, surprise surprise. I have not abandoned the stories, even more of a surprise to you all probably. :) I will be updating TTaDR next week. Putting the final touches on it, and while it isn't the largest chapter I have put out for the story, it is a doozy, to read and, especially for me, to write. The semester was not kind to me, though this summer shouldn't be terrible and I am only going part time for school next year. Really hoping to be able to schedule in more writing time because I have really missed it. The satisfying sound of keys being punched down to string together the crazy grouping of letters and words we try to call English. ;) Thanks for being so patient and I am sorry that you had to wait so long for this update. I really hope I never have to go six months again because of a portion of the story I wrote myself in to. -_- *sigh* |