![]() Author has written 10 stories for Scryed, Mirror's Edge, Lost Odyssey, Legend of Zelda, Dragon Age, and Marvel vs Capcom. Heads-up: I have recently changed my name to Redrangerpower so I can be all nice and matching with my video game ID's. Don't fret, I'm still that same ol' guy. Personal Name: Kyle Home: Florida, USA Xbox Live name: Redrangerpower PSN name: Redrangerpower If you'd like to game, cool, just send me a message. I normally play either Halo Reach and Battlefield: Bad Company 2. This said, please tell me who you are in the play request cause I'm not going to just join random parties. News: Chapter 2 of the Amorously Minded revisions/rewrite has been posted. Current Stories Amorously Minded Status: Back in...revisions. Actually closer to a re-write going on. I'll keep you guys posted. In the meantime, revisions are initially posted, alongside new omakes, in the Amorously Minded thread on the Spacebattles creative writing forum. In which Tony Stark and Morrigan Aensland are thrust into the role of parents. You can imagine how badly things go wrong. Operates in a world where Marvel and Capcom have always co-existed. |