Author has written 3 stories for Megami Tensei. 25 year old admin clerk, from the UK, who has far too much time on his hands. Well having a look around I realised that the profile was as good a place as any to keep you up to speed with progess (or lack there of). 19/02/2009 - Alright, things have been hectic on this end so I'll be brief. As you all know there has been a bit of an economic crisis through the world and this had led to the company I work for downscaling their operation to get rid of some of the less profitable stores. Now that wouldn't really affect my end of things but the management decided that since there were fewer stores they didn't need so many members in the accounts department. Of the three members who handle the company accounts I'm the only one who wasn't laid off. Since I'm the longest serving member of staff that does accounting (and because I'm the only one trained to do everything), It wasn't too much of a surprise, although I feel guilty as heck. But thanks to the company telling the others in January and with the stores not closing 'till the end of the month it leaves me with a slightly bigger problem. At the moment I'm lumbered with the workload of three people and as such I've not had much time to do... anything. This means that Guiding Light will be a bit later than expected (but hopefully I'll have two chapters worth of work in it when it's done). The new estimate is the first or second week of March. Sorry for the delay, but as you can see my hands are a bit full at the moment. |