The House of Hashiyo-Hashiyo

Called the Hashiyo-Hashiyo Dynasty (as the Ctarl-Ctarl would call it), the House of Hashiyo-Hashiyo or House of Ctarl-Ctarl (as we would call it) is one of the most influential royal houses in the galaxy. The Ctarl-Ctarl Empire's Crystal Throne has been continuously occupied by the Hashiyo-Hashiyo for more than two centuries (longer than the existence of the Toward Stars calendar). It replaced the earlier Notok-Notok Dynasty, and unlike many European monarchies (which derived their names from geographic locations like cities and castles) or Asian monarchies (which took their names from linguistic concepts) on Earth, its name was the surname of its founding sovereign, though not of her descendants from her marriage to a member of the House of Notok-Notok.

Besides the three dynasties that have ruled the Empire since the political unification of their species after the end of the Warring States Period, the Tomoyo-Tomoyo Restoration, the Academy of the Ctarl-Ctarl Empire has accurate, detailed records of more than 200 historical dynasties dating back four millennia, and marginal evidence of almost twice as many going back eight thousand years. Obviously the three "true" Imperial dynasties are of importance to Earthlings, and the current dynasty of particular import. Below I will outline the twelve sovereigns who are and were members of this dynasty, the dates of the reigns and lifetimes, as well the Imperial princesses and princes.

Note: Unlike the vast majority of Ctarl-Ctarl, who have three names (a given name, a matronymic, and a surname), members of the Imperial Family have both their dynastical name (with the honorary reduplication omitted) as well as a familial surname (with reduplication) with the nobiliary particle Bakr (roughly translated "also of") between the two. All dates are in the current calendar.

(Vice-Marshal) Lena Aishin Hashiyo-Hashiyo / LENA AISHIN BAKR HASHIYO-HASHIYO (Pre-32 – 17) (Reign: 0 – 17) Female. Dynastical founder, member of parliament and Vice-Marshal of the Imperial Army who led a military revolt, the Long Night, against OTORI II, and crowned LENA I. Died from injuries in the Fairweather War, likely from a Kata-Kata assassination attempt. Wed to Amuro Notok-Notok (Pre-9), mother to three children: Gregor, Marianna and Lena.

(Captain, 1st Class) AMURO ZELDIN NOTOK BAKR COB-COB / Amuro Zeldin Notok-Notok / AMURO ZELDIN HASHIYO BAKR NOTOK-NOTOK (Pre-34 – 39) Male. Abdicated prince of the Notok-Notok Dynasty, husband and Emperor-Consort of LENA I. Died of complications from old age as well as liver cancer.

(Major General) Gregor Lin Hashiyo Bakr Notok-Notok (1 – 61) Male.

Marianna Lin Hashiyo Bakr Notok-Notok (3 – 49) Female. Briefly served as Minister of Education (48 - 49) before her death.

(Force Admiral) LENA LIN HASHIYO BAKR NOTOK-NOTOK (Pre-9 – 24) (Reign: 17 – 24) Female. Heir to LENA I, crowned LENA II. Military supreme commander during the Second Farpoint Pirate Conflict. Second shortest reign of any sovereign in the dynasty, died in naval explosion that destroyed her flagship. Wed to Makoto Hara Mizu-Mizu (10), mother to two children: Rune and Fatora.

Fatora Lin Hashiyo Bakr Veno (12 – 60) Female. Served as Home Minister under both RUNE I and MARKUS I (37 - 47).

RUNE LIN HAHSHIYO BAKR NOTOK-NOTOK / Rune Lin Hashiyo-Hashiyo (10 – 66) (Reign: 24 – 39) Female. Heir to LENA II, crowned RUNE I. Wed to Martyn Marvo-Marvo (25), mother to two children: Markus and Marin. Youngest princess to be crowned sovereign on record. Abdicated in favor of her heir (39).

(Major) Marin Runin Hashiyo Bakr Notok-Notok (29 – 70) Female.

MARKUS RUNIN HASHIYO BAKR NOTOK-NOTOK (27 – 52) (Reign: 39 – 52) Male. Heir to RUNE I, crowned MARKUS I. Wed to Sayla Clan-Clan (39), father of four children: Bashar, Dawid, Tycho and Marianna. Died abruptly of a brain hemorrhage during the Norn War.

Sayla Kyokin Clan-Clan / SAYLA KYOKIN HASHIYO BAKR CLAN-CLAN (24 – 97) (Regency: 52 – 60) Female. Empress-Consort to MARKUS I, assumed the regency on behalf of her son following her husband's death.

(Counter Admiral) Bashar Saylan Hashiyo Bakr Clan-Clan (44 – 105) Male.

(Captain, 3rd Class) Dawid Saylan Hashiyo Bakr Clan-Clan (45 – 67) Male. Killed-in-action during the Second Lorgan Insurgency.

(Marshal of the Hashiyo-Hashiyo Nation) Tycho Saylan Hashiyo Bakr Clan-Clan (40 - 110) Male. Younger dizygotic twin of MARIANA II. Chief of the General Staff under (79 - 86) and War Minister (100 - 108) under his niece, SAYLA II. Founded the original Victory and Order Party, which formally disbanded after his death.

MARIANNA SAYLAN HASHIYO BAKR CLAN-CLAN (40 – 64) (Reign: 60 – 64) Female. Heir to MARKUS I, crowned MARIANNA II. Assassinated by radical faction of the Kei Pirates during the Second Lorgan Insurgency. Shortest reign of the dynasty, mother of two children. Wed to Hakeem Ros-Ros, mother of three children: Anya, Bashar, and Sayla.

(Senior Lieutenant) Hakeem Ro Ros-Ros / HAKEEM RO HASHIYO BAKR ROS-ROS (38 – 99) (Regency: 64 – 79) Male. Emperor-Consort to MARIANNA II, assumed regency on behalf of his son following his wife's death.

(Captain, 1st Class) Bashar Marin Hashiyo Bakr Ros-Ros (62 - 109) Male. Better known as Prince Bashar.

(Sub-Lieutenant) Anya Marin Hashiyo Bakr Ros-Ros (61 – 131) Female. Younger dizygotic twin of SAYLA II. Served as Home Minister (116 - 126) and then Deputy Foreign Minister (126 - 131) under SAYLA III.

SAYLA MARIN HASHIYO BAKR ROS-ROS (61 – 116) (Reign: 79 – 116) Female. Heir to MARIANNA II, crowned SAYLA II at the onset of the Kata-Kata Warhead Crisis. Approved parliament's request for the creation of the Imperial Household Agency in the wake of successive dynastical crises to monitor the Imperial Family's health and wellbeing. Wed to Bakrin Rin Vol-Vol, mother of three children: Zubayr, Zohan, and Sayla.

(Force Admiral) Zohan Saylan Hashiyo Bakr Ros-Ros (91 – 181) Male. Served as Vice Commander-in-Chief of the Navy (146 - 169).

(Colonel General) Zubayr Saylan Hashiyo Tovarl-Tovarl (96 – 192) Male. Served as a battlefield commander during the War of Corbano Succession and the Third Lorgan Insurgency, later long serving prime minister of the empire from the New Victory and Order Party. Wed to Aina Aishin Clan-Clan, father of KASARA III and Marianna. Took the surname of his wife upon marriage (120).

SAYLA SAYLAN HASHIYO BAKR TOVARL-TOVARL (88 – 154) (Reign: 116 – 154) Female. Heir to SAYLA II, crowned SAYLA III. Longest reigning monarch of the dynasty, nicknamed 'The Lucky Sovereign', military supreme commander during first major Ctarl-Ctarl-Terran interstellar conflict, the Midnight War. Had no children, making her niece Kasara her heir.

KASARA SAYLAN HASHIYO BAKR TOVARL-TOVARL (138 – 183) (Reign: 154 – 183) Female. Heir to SAYLA III, crowned KASARA III. Acted as military supreme commander during the Terran-Ctarl conflict known as the Centauri Seccession Crisis or the Five Years War, and presided over the long running Ctarl-Ctarl-Terran Cold War. Died of complications due to cardiovascular disease, though rumored to have been covertly assassinated by either Kei or Acid-B Pirates, the Kasara Conspiracy Theory. Had two children who both occupying the Crystal Throne, the elder ANTON I and the younger MARIANNA IV, making her younger daughter the heir (reportedly at the son and father's behest).

Hiro Nadalyin Novo-Novo / HIRO NADALYIN HASHIYO BAKR NOVO-NOVO (140 – Present) (Regency: 176 – 183) Male. Wed to KASARA III, regent following her death until the coming of age of MARIANNA IV. Briefly foreign minister under his daughter (183 - 185). Living to this day, but formally renounced any role in politics following the death of his father-in-law, Zubayr (192).

(Grand Admiral) MARIANNA KASARIN HASHIYO BAKR NOVO-NOVO / Marianna Kasarin Hashiyo-Hashiyo (165 – Present) (Reign: 183 – 204) Female. Heir to KASARA III, crowned MARIANNA IV. Only surviving former-sovereign of the Hashiyo-Hashiyo Dynasty, dubbed 'The Young Empress' and 'The Warlady'. Military supreme commander during two Terran-Ctarl conflicts, the First Freespace War and the Second Freespace War (also called the Final Terran-Ctarl War and the Great Galactic War), and signed in the controversial Blood Laws on Imperial Terrans. Unwed, her lack of heir and secretive sexual orientation led to a parliamentary showdown called the Marianna Succession Crisis that resulted in her likely-forced abdication, in which the throne passed to her brother ANTON I. Retained her naval rank and honors after her abdication, she continues to serve in the Ctarl-Ctarl Admiralty.

ANTON KASARIN HASHIYO BAKR NOVO-NOVO (160 – 213) (Reign: 204 – 213) Male. Crowned ANTON I in the wake of his sister's abdication in 204. Dubbed 'The Summer Emperor', his was one of the shortest reigns on record before his death (213) due to skiing mishap while on holiday with his family. First sovereign to openly declare a 'pro-peace platform'. Wed to Mariah Turin Clan-Clan in 192, had three children: KASARA IV, Fatima, and Yosho.

Mariah Turin Clan-Clan / MARIAH TURIN HASHIYO BAKR NOVO-NOVO (168 – Present) (Regency: 213 – 214) Female. Empress-Consort of ANTON I, assumed regency following his death (213) until his heir KASARA IV came of age. Often called 'The Saddest Regent' or 'The Unwilling Sovereign' due to the circumstances of her ascendancy and her extremely discreet behavior.

KASARA MARIN HASHIYO BAKR NOVO-NOVO (193 – Present) (Reign: 214 – Present) Female. Heir to ANTON I, reigning monarch of the Hashiyo-Hashiyo Dynasty and the Ctarl-Ctarl Empire. Nicknamed 'The New Empress' as well as 'The Glamour Empress' due to her good looks and high level of visibility prior to her coronation, publicly committed to her predecessor's peace platform. Presently unwed and without children, making her heir de facto her younger sister, Fatima.

(Captain, 3rd Class) Fatima Marin Hashiyo Bakr Novo-Novo (197 – Present) Female. Crown Princess of the Ctarl-Ctarl Empire, de facto heir to KASARA IV. Presently unwed and without children.

(Sub-Lieutenant) Yosho Marin Hashiyo Bakr Novo-Novo (198 – Present) Male. Younger sibling of KASARA IV and Crown Princess Fatima. Almost completely vanished from public view following the death of his father (213) and presently serves as a junior officer in the Imperial Navy, likely under a false name.

As is clear to even the uninformed observer, the reigns of the early Hashiyo-Hashiyo Dynasty, even compared to the recent crisis atmosphere of the reign of Marianna IV, were short and turbulent as were the lifespans of the monarchs themselves. Virtually every sovereign reigned during some period of official wartime, and every monarch endured some variety of military crisis: having rose to power in a military coup d'état the Hashiyo-Hashiyo were highly successful at preventing a repeat of the same event, though the same cannot be said about any other crisis. In addition to the physical harm coming to the wartime supreme military commanders, the dynasty also contended with poorer-than-average health (though this is associate more with an unhealthy lifestyle than any congenital defect) until the reign of Sayla II—it seems beyond dispute that the founding of the Imperial Household Agency, controversial as it was, made immediate gains in improving the health, and potentially the personal safety, of the empresses and emperors. It's been widely suggested that the agency also managed to curtail some of the political ambitions of other members of the Imperial Family who either missed the throne or were otherwise obligated to leave it (at the end of a regency); the Hashiyo-Hashiyo princesses and princes resurrected the Tomoyo-Tomoyo dynasty's tradition of having royalty occupy posts in the cabinet and military leadership, though had the good graces to limit their roles to the generation after their own. More recently, the Novo-Novo family of Hashiyo-Hashiyo monarchs is often seen as completing the trend from a wartime sovereign to a peacetime statesperson, an image particularly fostered by the Emperor Anton I.

(Figure 27: One of the few publicly-released photographs of the Empress Marianna IV alongside her brother Anton, his wife and three children, taken at the Imperial Northern Resort on Home. The current sovereign is visible next to her aunt, in the red bikini, gold jewelry and sunhat.)

As with Terran royal families, there is a considerable public interest in the marriage prospects of the sitting sovereign, just as their hand been under her aunt. However, despite a genuine freedom of independent press in many other areas of civic society, a high level of deference is paid to the romantic and sexual life of a sitting monarch. Then-Crown Princess Kasara became something comparable to a "teen idol" in Anton IV's unusually short three-year reign, not unlike the successful commercial personalities found in the Tenpa Empire and to a lesser extent the U.S.S.A., a radically different portrayal than the adolescent Crown Princess Marianna's public persona during the reign of Kasara III.

(Figure 28: An article in The Home Report, a thousand-year-old news publication still widely read in the Imperial Capital, comparing a seventeen-year-old Marianna IV and the reigning empress at the same age. Marianna IV is wearing a sub-lieutenant-in-training uniform in a naval dock, whereas Kasara IV is in a jeweled bikini on a tropical beach.)

Despite their differing portrayals, the independent (and state-owned) media in the empire consistent avoided prying into the private lives of either crown princess—not for lack of interest. Indeed, the majority of popular media portrayals of Crown Princess Kasara, like her famed "glamour shots", were staged by the crown princess's public relations office alongside the Imperial Household Agency. As expected, that courtesy was lessened when both women ascended to the rank of sovereign—arguably, on the subject of the necessity of marriage, Kasara IV has had it worse than her aunt, as Marianna IV largely escaped that area of scrutiny until the second decade of her 19-year reign. While the comparisons between these two generations of female sovereigns, separated only by the short reign Kasara's father and an even shorter regency, was likely inevitable, the media fascination with Kasara not just as an anointed sovereign, but as an icon of feminine beauty and even a mildly wholesome if extremely visible sex symbol as it's sometimes been suggested, the current sovereign is an anomaly in the dynasty. On one hand, it would be naïve to assume the Imperial Household Agency, and the Sovereign's own office, have not exploited her looks for their own gain—on the other, no image or video released of the sovereign by those organizations has deviated from the regimented portrayal of the empress's dignity as practiced by her predecessors. The more scandalous, risqué portrayal of Crown Princess Kasara still exists in the media, but whether it competes with, or buttresses, the conservative, dignified portray of Empress Kasara IV, is up for debate.