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![]() Author has written 10 stories for StarTrek: Other, Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, Babylon 5, Star Wars, and Limitless. Chapter Progress - All work is slowly being done when inspiration and work allow The Morra Empire Book 1: The Founding - Chapter 13: 30% Complete (PAUSED) Stargate: Ancient Reincarnation - Episode 4: Chapter 1: 0% Complete (PAUSED) Colonial Destiny - Chapter 2: 70% Complete (PAUSED) Stargate: Thirdspace - Chapter 10: 0% Complete (ONGOING) Sins of a Colonial Empire - Chapter 1: 0% Complete (PAUSED) Stargate Origins: Lingbao Tianzun - Chapter 1: 0% Complete All my Fic's are AU's unless stated in opening paragraph. Please don't complain if characters are not what is expected or if enemies aren't Cannon. Updates will be posted the first week of every month. Next update scheduled: When written, hopefully APRIL: 1st - 7th 2014 (New Stargate: Ancient Reincarnation episodes will be posted when completed.) Guide 1) Personal Information 2) MY recommendations 3) Game Releases 4) Work 5) Latest News 6) Fiction Summaries 7) My Favourite Technology 8) Book Recommendations 9) MY own Planets 1) Personal Information I'm a huge fan of Sci-Fi. It's the technology that fascinates me, while the humour is entertaining. Favourite TV Franchise: Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Stargate Universe, Babylon 5 (Including Crusade), Battlestar Galactica, Caprica, Family Guy, American Dad, Game of Thrones, Andromeda, FireFly, All of the Star Trek series and most Sci-Fi genre. Favourite Games Franchise: Halo, Mass Effect, Gears of War, Kingdom under Fire, Lost Odyssey, Fallout, Bioshock, Warhammer 40K, Crackdown, Section 8, Star Wars and others. Favourite Movies Franchise: Avatar, Total Recall, Tron, Star Wars, Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, The Avengers, Transformers, Clash of the Titans, The Matrix trilogy, Watchmen, Fast and Furious, Underworld, Independence Day and other such movies. I'm currently working on several FanFics but only a few are up here for now and it will remain that way until I have perfected my writing. Work takes up a lot of my time, so I only get to write on weekends or at stupid hours of the morning, so don't be expecting updates every day. Right now I'm lucky if I can manage to update every month. Also as my number of Fics increase, updates will become less frequent although possible dates will be posted. As for those few who are concerned about me over-working myself, don't. New Fics will appear when the first few chapters are done, I normally get new ideas from newly released Games or Movies I like, so stay updated. I will reply to reviews in the following update. But feel free to PM me (with questions, comments or ideas) and I'll reply as soon as I am able. 2) MY recommendations Mr.Aanonymous - All great Fic Writers start somewhere, and Mr.Aanonymous is one such writer. He's just starting out and is already showing potential. He has already given me (A fellow 'Just Starting' Writer) some tips on how to improve my Fics. His work on Confessions of a stranded Jedi is truly for those who love Stargate: Atlantis with a bit of Pre-Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. It's an epic tale about a Jedi Soldier who has found herself in the Pegasus Galaxy after battling Mandalorians. You follow her and a Mandalorian Trooper through adventures in the Pegasus Galaxy. A Jedi and a Mandalorian fighting against the Wraith...Who will be the victor? Check it out! VexMaster - Now this Writer is very inspirational. His Fic Galactic Imperium is the type of story for all. He takes the question 'What would you do if you were there?' and answers it amazingly. Galactic Imperium is a great story and is somewhat of a continuation of the Stargate franchise, except it has the main character building a Multi-Reality Empire which involves Realities like X-Men, Star Wars, Warhammer 40K and others. With Classic Villains as his Generals while the Original Heroes as his Allies, join the adventure and read a truly entertaining piece of work. Check it out! Amann0407 - This Writer is truly astounding. The work and detail in all of his/her Fics is almost breath-taking. Golden Dawn is something that has everything a reader wants, from Space Battles to Betrayal. Golden Dawn is one of the best Fics I've read in a while. It also has its own spin off called The Addition Into The Circle. The Addition Into The Circle follows on 5 years after the unwritten ending of Golden Dawn. The Main Character Amann of the Alesian Empire is transported by a mysterious Child into the Babylon 5 Universe. Where Amann sets out to build a New Alesian Empire. Check it out! Aer-Ki Jyr - Not many Fan Fics can expand into an entire online series that keeps us on our toes and excited about the next instalment, but Aer-Ki Jyr does with Stargate:Return of the Ancients. Set after Season 5 of Stargate: Atlantis, this explores an AU where 'Enemy at the Gate' never happened and the Wraith Super-Hive was never built. An Ancient takes possession of the city and begins to rebuild the Lantean and Alterran Empires. Stargate: Return of the Ancients tells the tale of this Alterran while he rebuilds his race and their Empire from nothing more than a few stripped outposts and Atlantis herself. Aer-Ki Jyr also has Star Wars Fics...but I'm a sucker for a good Stargate Fic. Check it out! Scourge75 - A rare writer that brings the Furlings to life and makes them believable. His, now three, stories are truly epic adventures. Fall of the Gods Book 1: Colonials on the Run is a beautifully moulded story. A perfect merging of Stargate: SG1/Atlantis and Battlestar Galactica: 2003 that rivals the very TV shows themselves in terms of Drama, Suspense, Romance, Sci-Fi, Action and even a bit of humour thrown in. While Book 1 is a good story, Fall of the Gods Book 2: Reasons We Fear the Dark is a brilliant sequel. As part of the Reapers plan, Stargate: SG1/Atlantis and Battlestar Galactica: 2003 are catapulted into the Mass Effect reality as the beginnings of war appear across the galaxy. While Book 1 is a great beginning and Book 2 is an excellent sequel, Fall of the Gods Book 3: The Covenant is the newest story to be released that obviously continues the tale. While he has a forth planned that'll feature Mass Effect 3 and Halo 3, I continue to hope that these four books are just the tip of the spear and that the Fall of the Gods series continues on. Who knows, maybe a book that'll have Halo 4 and something else fused together? Check it out! AlexanderD - AlexanderD is a writer that creates amazingly vivid battle scenes in his writing. He uses his own experiences to add a realistic feel to the battles in his stories. He currently has only two stories, but they are both equally amazing. I have only read A New Dawn, but I look forward to reading Aphelion when I'm done with A New Dawn. A New Dawn is a unique story for a completely Stargate Universe based fiction. By incorporating the Tau''ri, Asgard, Furling, Ancients and a few others, this story has an amazing 1k reviews! An amount I wish to one day reach. But truly the best feature of A New Dawn, is Arkos shipyard station. AlexanderD uses his created shipyard station as the origin of all Ancient vessels, including Atlantis and Destiny. A New Dawn is truly a fic I recommend and when I finally read Aphelion, I'm sure I'll recommend it too. Check it out! Robertp6165 - Even though this author died in 2012, his work was truly inspired. He wrote a story, a crossover, between Battlestar Galactica: 2003 and Star Trek: Enterprise. This is the only piece of his work I have read and I enjoyed every word of it. He fused the two stories perfectly and was on his way to creating a true fan fiction master piece. My thoughts are with his family, even after all this time and I hope you all read Reunion. It truly saddens me when I learn of someones death, even a strangers, but especially when that someone was so ovbiously talented. Rest in Peace, amazing stranger. SO SAY WE ALL! Check it out! 3) Game Releases (That I'm excited about) (Played) Halo 4 - Another awesome adventure with THE Master Chief and Cortana. It looks like the UNSC and most of the Covenant is at peace when a new enemy makes itself known. Hopefully more Forerunner technology and installations will be available to explore. With new Equipment and this new enemy...what will happen? Will Cortana and the Master Chief defeat this new enemy before they can attack the Covenant or the UNSC? Or will they need to rally the two factions' forces to defend against this threat? Recommended (Played) Mass Effect 3 - This is it! The Reapers have invaded the Milky Way and attacked Earth. Now Sheppard, reinstated to active duty, takes the Normandy around the galaxy to rally the forces of the Citadel races to gather their fleets and armies to defend Earth. Will Sheppard and his crew gather the forces he needs to return to Earth and repel the Reaper invasion successfully? Will you cure the Krogan Genophage? Will the Rachni fight? Will the Geth or Quarians win in thier battle for dominance? Can Sheppard fight Cerberus along the way? This should be interesting... Recommended (Played) Star Wars: The Old Republic - SW:TOR is like the Star Wars version of World of Warcraft (WOW). You can choose to be either the Galactic Republic or the Sith Empire. Each faction has different classes with the four most obvious being Sith, Jedi, Imperial Trooper and Republic Soldier. The two additional classes are Smugglers (Republic Allies) and Bounty Hunters (Sith Allies). This game is completely online and looks wicked, although the graphics look like the same as Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2. There appears to be a campaign as well as community play. There is also a monthly charge to play. Recommended Bioshock Infinite - Widely regarded as one of the best games of this generation, Bioshock stood out thanks to its innovative plasmid powers, the ruined underwater city of Rapture and a gripping storyline. While its sequel, Bioshock 2, didn't quite have the same impact, the next game in the series looks fantastic anyway. Bioshock Infinite changes the location, taking place in the floating steampunk city of Columbia. Metal Gear Solid Rising: Revengeance - The Metal Gear series has always been known for its stealth-based antics, whether it was Metal Gear on the MSX or Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. So it comes as a shock when you first see Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance in action. Revengeance ditches the stealth game play in favour of more frantic hacking and slashing. Gears of War: Judgement - Following the trial of key series character Damon Baird, leader of Kilo Squad, after an unsuccessful mission starts accusations of treason. The game’s fast-paced arcade action (featuring four-player co-op) unfolds in flashback sequences, as more details of the trial are revealed. If that wasn’t enough, Gears of War: Judgment actively encourages play on higher difficulties this time by revealing more of the ‘truth’ about the overwhelming events of the past. Judgment also promises advanced enemy tactics which change dynamically as the game assesses your play style and OverRun, a brand new class-based multiplayer mode that sees teams taking on the role of both COG and Locust sides. Should be a good play. (Cancelled) Star Wars: 1313 - A game where you play as a Bounty Hunter in the crime filled, lower levels of Corusaunt. 1313 is actually the level the game is played on. Or should I say was going to be the actual level. I can't be the only Star Wars fan who wanted to see the shady undercity of Coruscant! I would have loved to run around in the shadows, shooting up entire buildings SWAT style and at the end of it, collecting bounties to spend at the local cantina. I don't believe production on this game was halted. I honestly can't believe it! Star Wars: Battlefront - This, from what I've seen and heard, is going to be one of the best first person shooter Star Wars games and the first Next Generation! I can't wait to start running around the various planets and shooting the scrap out of the Separatist droids! The only downside to the game is that it appears that they're just revamping Battlefront II. I hope this isn't the case. I hope they're including new planets from Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars: The Old Republic as this will add whole new content for galactic conquest and possibly new original stories that could be developed for the campaign. Another awesome feature they could work on is possibly having it as a two disc game. One disc you play the Clone Wars as either the Republic or the Separatists, both with individual storylines. Then disc two you play as the Empire of the Rebellion, again with different storylines. Is that maybe too much to ask? 4) Work Coming Soon... Look out for a SECRET Stargate: SG-1 and Stargate: Atlantis Fic (Won't be classed as a Crossover) that will start in June 2013. Name: TLCW. No TEASER available Look out for Colonial Destiny. Colonial Destiny TEASER "What is it Rush?" Everett asked looking at the worried scientist upon entering the Destiny's bridge. "Long range sensors are detecting a fleet of ships." Rush informed the Colonel as he continued to work at his console. "And why does that concern us?" Young asked sitting down in the captains chair. "Because we're no longer in our reality. Perhaps instead of continuing on to the 'Starting point of the universe', we should settle down, gain allies and repair the ship. This fleet ovbiously has basic space faring technology that could benefit us. We should at least investigate before we move on." Brody jumped into the conversation. "Alright." Everett nodded, agreeing with the 'advise'. Look out for Star Wars: Destiny of the Galaxy. Star Wars: Destiny of the Galaxy TEASER The Destiny was sat idly in intergalactic space, along with the fleet of rag tag ships that had escaped the Empires 'Purge'. Ever since the ship was ambushed over Fondor by Imperial forces, the ancient vessel had been conducting repairs and continuing the process of integrating the galaxy's most advanced technology into the ships systems. The holes and cracks in the aged armour had been repaired while the long decayed power conduits had been replaced with a newly refined Naquadah/Neutronium alloy. "Rush?" Colonel Young asked the seemingly empty bridge. "Yes, Colonel?" Nicholas asked, appearing from underneath one of the control consoles. "How is it coming?" Everett asked, looking around the room at the new, freshly built consoles and the holographic emitters provided by the Alliance. "It's going well. Most of the ship wide repairs and integrations are done. Just a few, newly arrived, control interfaces to be linked with Destiny and we'll be ready for anything. The Alliance techs have done a tremendous job, working with foreign technology and achieving an integration of this magnitude, is not an easy feat. Destiny is nearly one-hundred percent operational, just like she was the day the Ancients launched her." Rush smiled as he gently patted the chair next to him. 5) Latest News I now have a page on Facebook and Twitter for you lot to stay posted and see some concepts when I get them. Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/SpearheadWorks/160986123981961 Facebook Page Likes: 14 Twitter Page: https://twitter.com/#!/Spearhead_Fic11 Twitter Followers: 6 If you want an email address, then PM me and I'll give you one. There is also a new Thread for 'Trek through the Stargate' and 'SpearheadWorks' on ...It's so people can discuss my work, their likes, dislikes and what they want to see. Thread Replies 'Stargate: Vennix' Replies: 31 'Stargate: Babylon' Replies: 16 'Trek through the Stargate' Replies: 8 'SpearheadWorks' Replies: 1 I NOW have a Wiki for all of this. All the information about new Enemies, Technologies and Planets will be posted on my Wiki. ALERT! SPOILERS ARE PRESENT! Check it out: http:///wiki/SpearheadWorks_Wiki 6) Fiction Summaries Trek through the Stargate Summary: When the Enterprise and two other Federation ships are catapulted into the Stargate universe. What will Admiral Picard do when they are unable to return to their reality? Reason for writing For: 'Trek through the Stargate' I really wanted to give people a good crossover that would explore what would happen if Picard had to establish his own Federation in the Stargate Universe. I wanted to give people something that was exciting and full of twists. The story will have new enemies as well as original villains. It will feature Star Trek Universe and Stargate Universe technologies with very few of my 'homemade' technologies. The Tollan will also be included as a beaten and angry people. Stargate: Return of the Old Ones Summary: With the help of Janus Am, the United Tau'ri Alliance must go to great lengths to gain new allies and fight the long banished enemy of the Alteran. Reason for writing: For 'Stargate: Return of the Old Ones' because I always felt that if the Alterran were 'all powerful', then they should have an enemy that was equally as advanced. Even though RotOO is about Earth (Terra) fighting this dark enemy and their minions, the Tau'ri have Janus helping them advance to the Alterran/Lantean level of technology and enlightenment while still having Asgard technology and Human ingenuity. The Tau'ri will have many allies that will rise up from the ashes of the Ori war to help them. The Tollan, Hebridan, Jaffa and Tok'ra will be the foundations of a great Alliance that will span Galaxies, even universes. The Morra Empire Book 1: The Founding Summary: Edward 'Eddie' Morra will use a Tok'ra invention to journey to different realities and establish the Morra Empire as a super power to be rivalled with. His Empire will follow in the foot steps of those before it, but it will dwarf even the Alterran Empire at its height. Reason for writing: I was inspired by VexMaster's 'Galactic Imperium' and thought it would be good to write my own version of the Fic. I always wanted to write a Fic about the founding and growth of a Multi-Reality Empire. I would have preferred it to be MY Empire, but this is the next best thing. Eddie Morra will travel through many Sci-Fi realities and the Morra Empire will battle enemies while forging alliances with famous heroes. SGC Intel Report Summary: SGC Intel Reports about certian civiisations. Reason for writing: I realised that no one was paying attention to my Wiki page, so i decided to start writing small one page reports about the races/civilisations in my stories. My Facebook/Wiki page will contain concepts for new ships, buildings ect. Stargate: Ancient Reincarnation Summary: A continuation of Stargate: Atlantis. Set after Season 5. After Enemy at the Gate. The SGC has been shutdown and all operations have been moved to the cloaked city of Atlantis. As the universe slips into chaos, a new hope arises. Reason for writing: I loved Aer-ki Jyr's Stargate: Return of the Ancients and felt that it was a great concept and wanted a go at it. Stargate: Ancient Reincarnation (or AR for short) is an AU of ROTA. This story will still follow Ryan Stevenson and John Sheppard as they rebuild the Alterran Empire, but many things will be different. Example: Atlantis is on Earth and Enemy at the gate did happen. Expect many simularities but a lot more differences. Stargate: Colonial Destiny Summary: Reason for writing: Stargate: Thirdspace Summary: When a Taskforce of the Tau'ri Federation Navy is attacked on a mission of exploration, a strange occurrence catapults this force into a new universe. The events that sent them to this universe, also brings war to the Tau'ri Federation. A war of annihilation and extinction. Reason for writing: I enjoyed the original, but for me it seemed to be missing something. Hell, I don't even know if I've put in that missing something, all I know is that I'm trying. Sins of a Colonial Empire Summary: Reason for writing: Star Wars: Destiny of the galaxy Summary: Reason for writing: //////////////////////////////////////////////////UNDER CONSTRUCTION\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 7) My Favourite Technology Alteran/Lantean/Asuran Stargate - An Ancient device capable of transporting matter great distances by using artificial wormholes. Zero Point Modules (ZPM) - A power source that utilizes Zero-Point/Vacuum Energy from an artificial region of sub-space. The 'life-time' of a ZPM depends on how often it is used or how strained it is. Repository of knowledge - Used to store vast amounts of information that can be downloaded to a humans mind for their use. Nanite creation terminal - A device built by the Lanteans to create Human-form Replicators. Drone weapons - More commonly known as 'drones' are the powerful projectile weapons that most people believe to be the Ancients primary weapons. Kino - The Ancient version of a MALP/UAV Molecular construction device - This was used by Merlin to create the Sangraal. Although in theory the device could be used to create anything or even pre-programmed versions could exist. Time Travelling Jumper - A normal Jumper that was refitted by Janus with a Time Machine. Stargate Satellite - A normal Stargate placed inside of a 'stripped down ship' that only had basic hyperdrive, shield and a small power source. Ori Energy beam weapon - This is the primary weapon system on an Ori Mother Ship. This devastating weapon can destroy a Goa'uld Mother Ship in a single shot. Satellite weapon - A huge weapon that is capable of firing great beams of energy at any orbital or ground target. Super gate - This is a massive Stargate used to send ships across the Universe. The segmented gate has to orbit a Black Hole in order to meet its power needs. Asgard/Pegasus Asgard Beaming Technology - The iconic white teleportation system used by the Asgard and the SGC. Asgard Computer Core - A large computer core that houses all of the Asgard's knowledge and history. Neutrino-ion generator - A large power generator that provides great amounts of power. Only a ZPM can beat its massive power output. Goa'uld/Jaffa Hara'kesh - A hand device used by Ashrak assassins to eliminate Goa'uld or Tok'ra. Kara'kesh - Also called a 'Hand device/ribbon', these devices are used by all Goa'uld to inflict pain, shield themselves or to activate their transport systems (e.g. Rings). Staff weapon - The primary weapon of a Jaffa. The staff weapons fire a single plasma bolt every few seconds and are powered by a Naquadah cell that can last years. Staff Cannon - A larger and mounted Staff weapon that is used against a large number of enemies in the hopes of killing them fast. Zat'nik'tel - The secondary weapon of a Jaffa. These small compactable weapons are used to stun enemies quickly so the Jaffa can focus on a new target faster. Tollan Health Implant - A small chip inserted into every Tollan in order to monitor health and cell emergency services if needed. Ion Cannon - Large ion cannons once protected Tollan and Tollan before their unfortunate destruction. Phase shifting technology - The Tollan used this technology to pass through any object at will. Weapons scanner - Built into every inch of Tollan cities, these scanners can also disable all weapons not of Tollan origin. Tau'ri/Earth Midway Station - Midway is a fairly small station located between the Milky Way and Pegasus Galaxies. 8) Book Recommendations My friend Harrison Davies has written an awesome Fantasy Novel! This novel and the entire Series is truly the work of a genius. Please check it out. A Fantasy Novel by Harrison Davies - The Aduramis Chronicles: Destiny of the wulf http:///Aduramis-Chronicles-Destiny-Erath-ebook/dp/B00736E83E/ Get it while it's hot, and don't forget to review! I hope you enjoy this book as much as I have. 9) MY own Planets Arisia Prime Forge World - Lingbao (Population: Lingbao and 50,000 Clones) Liru Forge World - Lingbao (Population: Human) Pabaro Forge World - Lingbao (Population: Human) Kiata Forge World - Lingbao (Population: Human) Faro Shield World- Lingbao (Population: Clone Garrison) Meand Shield World -Lingbao (Population: Clone Garrison) Alos Farming WorldLingbao (Population: Human Colony) Kay Das Minor Mining World - Great Alliance (Population: Human) Olympus Great Alliance Core World - Great Alliance (Human, Nox, Jaffa, Tollan, Hebridan and Tok'ra Populations) Orillia II Pegasus Asgard Colony - Pegasus Asgard (Population: Asgard and Einherjar) Terra Federation Colony - Federation (Population: Federation and Tollan) Gehenna Homeworld/Capital - Pravus Empire (Population: Pravus Colony) Lenth Forge World - Morra Empire (Population: Bug Repicators) Athamis Throne World - Morra Empire (Population: Jaffa and Human worshipers) Tolic Secret Shipyard Moon - The Tianzun Brothers (Population: Human Slaves) //////////////////////////////////////////////////UNDER CONSTRUCTION\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ |