Author has written 8 stories for Harry Potter, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Star Trek: 2009. well i suppose i should put something in this thing lol, so her it goes... little bit about my self i would be a good start, K.Krum and its the same on livejournal but i use that more for lurking perpouses. age...well I'm old enough to know better, but not old enough to care. i'm female as most slash writers are, which i think is fascinating. American sadly, but i try my best with British based fan fics like Harry Potter. yeah i really cant think of much more then that to say hey I'm always up for a chat i love talking to ppl... if you want to be sure to get a hold of me ; i even do fan art; oh yeah and my myspace account /lupins_female/ its kinda boring, but hey its something to do lol (sadly its f-locked do too nosy inlaws) I love fan fiction it's a wonderful thing to exercise people's minds, either causing people to read more, or helping people with their writing skills (i suck at english lol), and in some cases helping people learn how to write. in my case if not for spell checker, and grammar check i would be screwed, and so would the poor people trying to read my fan fiction. but i love writing fan fiction though i don't do it often, it does make me read more often then i would normally lol. but youre thinking i should be able to spell by now but noooooo. lol side note when in doubt of what i spelled i most likely spelled it fanetically. = that's spelled right, right? ok good anyway... Lets see what fan fiction i like...ummmm oh when i first got into this fan fiction stuff i wont lie it was about x-men. and yes i was a jubilee/logan girl :D, but then i discovered the wonderful world of slash oh boy that a wonder find indeed lol. first i was really into Lord of the Rings slash Aragorn/Legolas oh yeah they were something else, and Merry/Pippin that was good even if it was slightly incest-ish kinda. then i dabbled into the RP fan fiction and that even went the slash way coughviggo/orlandocough didn't last long and haven't gone back well there has been many parings since then, but the ones high on my list... Harry/Draco(harry potter), Roy/Edward (fullmetal alchemist), and Kirk/Spock (star trek) so thats my little fact page, thank you and hope you enjoy my fics... the ones that are finished anyway |