Author's note:

Dear Readers,

This is just a note to let you know exactly how this story is set to continue. I have taken a look over the growing size of this story and have decided to split it up into another 'story', as in another story on FF . net. It will be a continuation of the plot from where it left off but I think this is a natural break and a good place to start the next set of adventures (I hope you agree!). It's going to be called "A War Less Just" and you can find it in my stories list :) sorry, you all probably knew that already but, umm, ok, I like giving directions...

So, this is just to let you know in case you don't have author alert and were waiting for the next chapter which would never come as it would be in another story (would I do that to you? Moi?)

Well, 51 chapter and four hundred thousand odd words is a long way to go with someone! So once again I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support, in favouriting and alerting the story or myself. To all those who have reviewed I owe a special thanks for your kind words and wonderful support, especially when I have been in doubt about something or just in a bad place, as recently with my surgery and all that, it had really cheered me up and kept me going!

Thank you especially to Rabastanka, for all her incredibly kind words, her wonderful insight, her great understanding of my warped mind :P, her help with my doubts and fears, her mammoth emails and her amazing art which makes me smile :D like this! I am so glad that you found this story and have stuck with it for so long. Without you it would be very different!
Also thanks to The 14th for the long, insightful reviews which you kindly give for every chapter (I love to read them!) and to Gerec for also giving constructive reviews which sometimes help me to understand my own work better than I do!

Also thanks to Nekoka, LeSage, Lemonlimediddies, Aynslesa, Roses-and-Cinnamon, gatorsnacks, sinfulseraph, Aelfric's Cat and any others who have forgotten to mention (sorry in advance but you're still amazing!). You all rock!

Thanks again all, and hope to see you in the new story...

Maiko x