Rating: Rated Mature for same sex "experiences" and language
Pairing: Harry and Ron
Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters, just the story line. All props to J. K. Rowling!
Harry watched him from the moment he got out of bed each morning. He couldn't help it. He was hard to miss with his tall build and flaming red hair. Ron was harry's best friend from the moment he had arrived at Hogwarts 6 years ago. The had just arrived at Hogwarts for their sixth year together. Harry watched him from behind the curtains on his four poster bed. He looks so peaceful, Harry thought and smiled a sleepy smile. Harry watched Ron until he slowly drifted back into a hard slumber. When Harry woke up again, Dean, Seamus and Neville had already gone down to breakfast and Ron was looking through his trunk for his school robes. "You think that I'd have found them in here somewhere by now...Mornin' Harry!" Ron smiled as he noticed Harry getting out of bed. Harry smiled and watched a boxer clad Ron look through his trunk.
"Aha!" Ron exclaimed as he pulled on his shirt. Harry looked a little let down. What was he thinking! It's not my fault me and Ron have grown so close. We're like brothers. Then why am I falling for my brother, Harry shook the thoughts from his head and started getting dressed himself. Ron looked over at Harry, who was now in nothing but his boxers. He's beautiful, Ron ginned from ear to ear and pulled on his school robes. He had hardly noticed his growing erection. Shit! Ron quickly bent over his trunk and pretended to be searching for something that didn't exist.
When Ron had finally regained his composure he called out to Harry, "Hey- umm- I'll see you at breakfast!" and quickly ran out of the dormitory and into the great hall. Okay... Harry finished getting dressed, a depressed look plastered on his face. Harry put on his mask - a smile that could fool even the best Legilimence - and walked down into the common room to meet Hermione.
"Good morning!" Hermione said as she swung her bag over he shoulder and hurried a bit to catch up with Harry, who was now climbing out of the portrait hole.
"Oh - er - morning', Hermione", Harry mumbled, still sporting a forced smile.
"What's wrong, Harry?" Hermione looked worried as they walked into the great hall. I wish I knew... Harry thought and told Hermione that he'd explain later.
They took seats at the far end of their house table and started breakfast. Ron was already digging in, helping himself to what was now thirds of eggs and bacon and muffins. He took no notice of the fact that Harry and Hermione had sat down across from him other than trying to smile in the middle of a mouthful of scrambled eggs. Harry lost his appetite and sat in silence, waiting for the mail to arrive. Harry often wondered whether or not Lupin or Tonks would write to him soon about the situation of Grimmauld Place. It was now under his ownership, since Sirius died. Harry tried not to think about it. He simply stared at Ron, who was now - from the looks of it - finished. Ron didn't say a word to Harry, he just smiled, his cheeks flushed.
Harry stared at Ron for a short time, pretending to be waiting on Hermione to finish, although she'd just got her first helpings of everything. Ron sat straight across from him, still smiling and looking right into Harry's emerald eyes. Harry felt his cheeks blazing furiously. What do I care if he knows? Maybe... Harry started off on possible explanations, but was lost in a daydream of Ron stripping off his school clothes, right down to his boxers. He wished he could snog the red haired boy right there, on the table.
"Harry, are you coming?" Harry had hardly noticed that Ron had gotten up and was getting ready to make his way back to the Common Room. "She's taking way too long, mate."
"Oh - er - yeah, Ron", Harry hurried to grab his bag, which - now that he thought about it - he had no reason for at the moment.
Damn bag, I forgot...free period after breakfast. I wonder... Harry kept his urges to himself as he watched Ron out of the corner of his eyes. He would love to snog him right then and there... No, what am I thinking? Although...Ron is pretty cute... Harry couldn't manage to shake the thoughts from his head this time. He had been thinking them all morning. And for that matter, for the past couple of years. Harry knew there was no point in trying to hide it anymore... I guess it's not that bad. But what would Ron think Harry had hardly noticed that they were already in the Common Room, alone for the most part.
"H - Harry, l - l - let's go up to our dorm." Ron said shakily. Harry followed Ron into their dorm room. Ron stopped so suddenly in front of his own bed that Harry bumped into him, knocking them both onto the bed. Harry froze up, and before he had time to react Ron had started pelting him in the head with pillows. Harry made a dive for Seamus' bed as it was closest, and grabbed two pillows in either hand, ready for war. "Let's go!" Ron laughed, his red hair hypnotizing Harry as he ran at him. Ron hit Harry in the stomach with a pillow and Harry retaliated with a couple of blows to Ron's knees and lower legs, causing him to fall right on top of Harry. "It seams I have the advantage!" Ron said and started laughing more than ever. Harry loved when they did this. He's so... Harry started off on naughty ideas in his head.
They were both in hysterics. "R - Ron?" Harry managed in between laughs. Harry really didn't mind this position... Laying on top of Ron, who was on the bottom...as Harry had imagined so many times before. Harry could feel himself getting hard. Oh no, Harry tried not to look too worried. Ron looked up at Harry and grinned wide, making Harry do the same, before opening his mouth to speak. Ron leaned in closer so that he was within 2 inches of Harry's face. The warmth of his breath was comforting and seductive all at the same time. And for a moment there, it looked as if Ron was going to kiss him. Harry was harder than ever now.
"Harry...I -" Ron was cut off by the sudden opening of their dormitory door. Harry quickly scrambled off of Ron at sat next to him, his face beet red. Damn, I was so close to telling him this time, Ron cursed himself. He looked over to see who had came in. "Hi, guys!", I happy Dean walked past them both, grabbed his bag and left. "So...what was it you wanted to tell me?" Harry started, but Ron was preoccupied. Ron was looking down at his watch, "Oh, Harry, I promise that I'd meet Hermione before class, I'm sorry", Ron grabbed his stuff and ran from the room. Damn...well, maybe it's just as well, Harry's smile was knocked from his face instantly.
Author's Notes: This is my first fanfiction EVER! Hope you guys like my style.