![]() Author has written 12 stories for Regular Show, Amazing World of Gumball, BioShock, and Steven Universe. Hello my name is Atlas the Wise. A03 Account: AtlasTheWise Planning on possible cross posting. Favorite Games Favorite FPS (Not in any specific order): Portal 2 Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite (Bioshock 2 excluded for not adding anything big in terms of story.) Dishonored (Waiting for Dishonored 2 :)) Far Cry 3 and Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon (Far Cry 2 not a favorite of mine) Call of Duty - Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (Excluding World at War) Crysis series Borderlands 2 (Borderlands was a 'meh' for me) Halo series Metro 2033 and Metro: Last Light Favorite Third Person Action/Shooter Red Dead: Redemption L.A. Noire Alan Wake (Quantum Break came out!) Mafia 2 (Mafia 3 looks promising.) Spec Ops: The Line Telltale's The Walking Dead Tomb Raider (2013) Assassin's Creed Series (Ubisoft should really end it soon. Series is getting stale.) The Saboteur (Last game from Pandemic Studios before Big Bad EA shut it down :( ) Gears of War 3 Misc: Lego Games Favorite Western RPGs Mass Effect 2-3 (Disliked the first Mass Effect primarily for it's gameplay) The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim Fallout series (Haven't completed 3 yet but completed 4.) Least Favorite Things: Shows that have overstayed its' welcome (Ex. The Simpsons) Shows that I feel do nothing more interesting with characters and stories. Shows may vary in terms of writing (Ex. The Amazing World of Gumball) Shows running out of good ideas and just padding it out (Ex. Regular Show) Pure Cash Grabs (Ex. Bioshock 2 in general. Opinions vary with fans) Creators treating their fans as just money makers and nothing else. (Ex. Not going to bother listing) Top Cartoons Of All Time The Big 3 1. Avatar: The Last Airbender: This is probably one of the most legendary and greatest show I've ever seen in my lifetime. This show basically sinks all other shows or blows them out of the water. Now why is it such an amazing show? The reason is because it focuses so much on the Asian mythology and culture and what we have is something spectacular. Avatars, Bending arts, the Spirit World, that creepy face stealing guy, A Japanese like militaristic nation AKA The Fire Nation, the Moon Spirit, that giant water monster Aang formed, Sozin's Comet, Cave of the Lost Lovers (No question there), The Earth Kingdom, the Air Nomad genocide, life in the Fire Nation, etc. What I also loved were the characters. I think I even remember them all. Aang, Katara, Toph, Zuko, Iroh, Sokka, Momo, Appa, Azula, Jet, Ursa (Darn you Legend of Korra), Former Avatar Roku, King Bumi, etc. Aside from that, the show had it emotional and humorous scenes and had a nice touch of pacing for relationships and romance (Where was the pacing, Legend of Korra). Anyway, it is probably the best shows I'll ever seen as long as I live. 2. Gravity Falls: Simply the best cartoon I've seen from Disney. Great animation, great characters, a great story arc, nice establishment of the relationships, well done moments, and creative imaginary monsters that are funny and ridiculous at times, but sometimes just dangerous, scary, and life threatening. 3. Sym-Bionic Titan: This one I actually ended up liking. I never really liked anime that much, but this show I was particularly drawn to because it had a tone like an anime, but the animation looked like a western cartoon. Combine western animation and inspirations and ideas from old childhood memories of animes and you get this show. All I can say is that I've absolutely fell for this and believe me, it was incredible. I'm not going to go into much detail as I rather much let the show do the talking. All I can say is that even though it was amazing, it was sadly cancelled because (get this), Cartoon Network could not find enough ideas for toys... Yeah, way to go you guys. Anyway, if you manage to catch it on reruns and you happen to be an anime fan, then it's something I would recommend. The Double Duo Note: Double Duo does is not connected with Top Cartoons of All Time. These are good shows, but not the greatest shows of all time as shown above. 1. Steven Universe: 'This is just like Adventure Time' is what I would describe this show as being and how well does it end up? It may look like a simple on the outside but on the inside it's got to be the most charming and creative shows so far. The plot is simple and has this coming of age vibe but if you have the time and patience to sit through it without being bored or weirded out then you'll likely be the one to enjoy it the most. The animation is simple looking closely at it but it's also beautiful due to the color palette and how flexible it makes the characters look. This is the reason why the pilot animation isn't used (Some fans are still a bit upset about the changes). Aside from that, I enjoyed this show because it has a charming premise and some interesting episodes. I admit the story could be more attractive if it moved on from this coming of age story about Steven bringing tons of more creativity and more dynamic stories if it did but I don't really mind. It's obvious this is what Rebecca Sugar wanted and obviously it's not going to be liked by everyone. Besides, maybe we'll see Gem adventures somewhere in the near future. Otherwise, it's got interesting character arcs, some fun moments and tearjerking moments (Rose's Scabbard :( ) 2. We Bare Bears: A cute little show that is also a slice of life. Apparently there's an anime show with a similar premise made long before this show but the differences are definitely noticeable. All I can say is Ice Bear. Ice Bear: Ice Bear demands you watch the show. Note: Clarence was on this list but it lost it after it started having weird episodes rather than grounded ones. I'm going to be honest, I don't think the creators know what it wants at this point. I would not be surprised if it doesn't end up having a second season unless it finds a way to get it right again. Top Best Games I've Played 1. Portal 2: 2. Bioshock Infinite: Simply one of the best games of 2013. It's a great shame that GTA V and The Last of Us took home many of it's Game of the Year awards. If GTA V wasn't that overrated, maybe Bioshock Infinite could have won some awards like The Last of Us did. An amazing memorable dynamic story that differs from the ever so popular modern military FPS which is had gone downhill, great characters (My favorite will always be Elizabeth even after the events of Burial at Sea), a spectacular setting, a wonderful soundtrack, fun gameplay which does get repetitive but the strength lies in it's story and the Sky Lines and Sky Hook because it feels at least different from other generic shooters especially the way the gun fire works in the game, exploration of racism and religion in the early 20th century, the challenging mini bosses (If you want a real challenge from them, play the game on hard. Also, the Siren boss is nothing really special considering it's recycled by using the same boss fights 3 times.), and the thoughtful satisfying ending with no sequel hook. The DLC episodes may have not been impressive as the main game, it is till at least a good story DLC that at least had a happy ending (If you've played Bioshock 1 in the first place.) Despite it's shortcomings and not looking like the E3 Demo, it is still the best games that I'll always remember. 3. Red Dead Redemption: What else do you want? It has it shares of interesting and memorable characters, a beautiful open word for a game that takes place in the Wild West setting, a great plot, good soundtrack, and fun gameplay with my favorite game mechanic being the Dead Eye mode. 4. Telltale's The Walking Dead (Season One): Nothing really much to say about it except it is one of the best games of 2012. I would've placed it as the 2nd best games I've played, but the bugs and glitches are what's keeping it back. RDR may have bugs and glitches because it's an open world, but the bugs and glitches are more of a concerned in this game. As for Season Two of Telltale's The Walking Dead all I can say it was good, but the characters here are just hard to connect to because we're just the person getting involved in personal matters that we really don't care much about. It becomes the issue when we're dealing with Carver by In Harm's Way. One thing I'm happy about the second season is that it managed to improve and fix the bugs and glitches. 5. Bioshock: Since Bioshock Infinite is my favorite game, this one is my favorite too. However, why it ranks this number on this list is because of the gameplay and story. The story felt like it dragged on for a bit during the last levels of the game after the reveal of a certain phrase with one escort mission you will likely end up hating. The gameplay is basically your standard FPS mechanic, but it does change it up a bit by adding different types of ammo and including this research camera which helps you level up like it was an RPG game. Speaking of RPG, there are choices in this game that are just limited to killing or saving girl and that's pretty much about it. It leads to a happy or bad ending, but that's all there is which is one of the flaws of the game including the cheap endings. However, I chose to at least forgive the cheap happy ending after the events of Burial at Sea due to unfortunate events that occur within that story-line but I still stand that even though I forgive the happy ending of Bioshock it still feels cheap. 6. Spec Ops: The Line: It's absolutely a great shame that this game never received tons of awards for being a satire of modern military shooters like Call of Duty and Battlefield. The plot, the characters, the soundtrack, and the setting all outstanding in this world of generic military wannabes. The gameplay does not hold up nor it's multiplayer though I feel like they're unintentional satire. Simply the best military shooter you'll find these days which is shameful. This shows that there is a tiny hope left in this type of genre. Top Games that are Overrated 1. Mass Effect: Don't get me wrong, I like the franchise. I also like this game's story, characters, choices, lore, and space setting. However, there were a few things that drew me off from this game preventing me from replaying the game. One major aspect was how the gameplay was done. No offense, but I actually hated the combat. I thought it was a stupid design choice. I mean, really? Guns with unlimited ammo and poorly done combat? It's ridiculous. I can tell you a few reason what's wrong with that. One, it makes the gameplay look relaxed. Sorry, but it makes it look easy, boring, and tedious. Another thing I think we can all agree on was the Mako missions. One word for these missions: boring. Thankfully Bioware stopped doing these missions after the first game. However, it is making an important appearance in the fourth game and from a pre rendered clip, it actually looks interesting this time so keep an eye out for more gameplay. Lastly, most of our environments are mostly repetitive like you go to another planet and enter the area only to discover that it's the same environment you saw on another planet. This happens a lot of if decide to do the sidequests and trust me, it gets old fast. 2. Far Cry 2: What happens when you combine Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness with Far Cry 2? You get a boring, repetitive chore of a game. That's all this game is about. You go get your mission, you drive there and get there if a car manned and driven by two guys haven't stopped you yet and just shoot everything up to pieces or blow stuff up. That this what this game is all about. What else do you got? Let's see: A boring story, boring characters, boring world, boring repetitive missions and worst of all, a dissatisfying ending. I'm going to spoil it for you because it's that bad. You meet up with the Jackal who wants to help civilians get out of the country before they're slaughtered. Only problem is that in order to stop the advancing factions, one of you needs to go take a car battery and light up a box of dynamites which will instantly kill you. The other will use the diamonds to help the civilians escape. However, after that job's done, you need to shoot yourself. The game ends with a stereotypical text credits that tells you what happened afterwards. All I say is, pick the dynamite cause at least you go out with a bigger bang if you choose to purchase this game. 3. Bioshock 2: This game is nothing but pure cashgrab. I know some people disliked Infinite due to the many changes it did to the franchise but this game did it worse because it isn't trying to be different, it's trying to to be the same and that's the problem. You're Subject Delta now on a mission to save Eleanor which I swear sounds familiar to Infinite's story though there at least it felt a bit more interesting considering there's a likely more chance to Elizabeth to grow on you. Moving on from that, the plot is so boring and the only way to actually get the good ending is with the 'Little Sister missions' and my god those are terrible because it ends up getting repetitive like it's got a bad case of Tower Defense like Destiny also did. This game is nothing but Bioshock Redux or Bioshock 1.5 and it added nothing new to Rapture. This game could have fared better if it was released as an downloadable game on the marketplace instead of this big blockbuster release. The only thing I liked about this game is the Minerva's Den DLC primarily because it is short even though if I'm upset about the happy ending the character gets. (That's a big fuck you to Jack, Booker, and Elizabeth so fuck you Subject Sigma). Retrospect: Mass Effect 1: After replaying the game again on much harder difficulties, I've decided maybe I was too harsh towards the game minus the Mako missions cause let's face it those section of the games were just boring. The combat is honestly enjoyable to some degree. Whenever I was playing on a planet and I was out of the Mako fighting enemies, it felt like I was playing on an open battlefield and here is where the combat works best. Sadly, however, this is the only time the combat is good cause when we enter the linear sections of the game, the combat is just a big mess and isn't as satisfying as they were doing it on an uncharted planet. Best Fanfics of 2014 1. The Ultimate Finale: One of the best stories that I've seen tackle on the terrible season two finale that could have been done as a 30 minute episode. The plot is simply the greatest I've seen so far from this archive filled with bland, dry stories that are to entertain the mindless kiddies though if this was the second part of the actual episode, it would feel dark and out of place. The characters are great, the grammar is fine though there's a bit of grammar error, the adventure and drama were brilliantly done here, and it has got to be the current best fanfic of 2014. I gave the story a 3 out of 5, but the rating felt wrong due to me thinking the grammar needs to be perfect so it the official rating is: 4/5 Unscrambled Version of UnKnown Salvation's Word Scramble I couldn't believe that I could actually understand what I was reading. The phenomenal power of the human mind. According to a research at Cambridge University, it doesn't matter in what order the letters in a word are. the only important thing is that the first and last letter be in the right place. The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without a problem. This is because the human mind does not read every letter by itself, but the word as a whole. Amazing huh? Yeah and I always thought spelling was important! That's so cool! If you could read that put it in your profile. Couples I Like: Canon and Non-Canon BookBeth (Booker/Elizabeth) (AN: I'm highly aware of what happened at the end of the game Bioshock: Infinite. I'm also aware that this relationship is wrong on so many levels. But apparently as an AU it's not for some reason. Besides, removing the whole revelation actually makes them look admittedly cute.) Stevonnie (Steven/Connie): Simply because it is cute and is somewhat more interesting than a typical romance these days. That is makes the most sense out of the other nonsense we have to read. (I mean shipping Steven with Pearl, Amethyst, and Lapis? Really? Man is this archive idiotic sometimes.) Rating System 5 Star Rating 0: WTF 1: Terrible 2: Decent 3: Good 4: Great 5: Outstanding Quote: All wars are civil wars because all men are brothers - Francois Fenelon Gears of Wars Quote: The Cole Train runs on whole grain - Augustus Cole Status on stories: Wipe Away The Blood: Hiatus The Rebirth: The Story of Gumball Watterson Cancelled The Legacy: The Story of Darwin Watterson: Cancelled The Redemption: The Story of Lexy Watterson: Cancelled Fanfics I wish to do based on cancelled shows that ended after 1 season: Untitled Tower Prep Story - Category: Regular Show. Main Character: Unknown Untitled Unnatural History Story - Category: Possibly Regular Show. Main Character: Unknown Original Characters OC's United States Marine Corps Colonel York Bio: CLASSIFIED Race: American Species: Human Age: CLASSIFIED Sex: Male Spouse: Samantha York Family: N/A Military History: N/A Engel der Fersternis Bio: CLASSIFIED Species: Human Race: German American Age: CLASSIFIED Sex: Male Spouse: N/A Family: CLASSIFIED Military History: CLASSIFIED Bower Washington Bio: N/A Species Human Sex: Male Age: CLASSIFIED Race: African American Spouse: Sandra Family: N/A Military History: N/A Pninah Bio: Classified Species: Human Sex: Female Age: Classified Race: Pole Family: Classified SAS or Allie Frank Watterson Description: Nicole's brother. Born in a military family, he rose through the ranks in the British Army at age 18 through his later years. He was eventually drafted into the SAS and lead a three man squad which includes Evans and Brown. He is also seemed to be depressed as his former lover, Elizabeth, was killed in a terrorist bombing. Species: Human (Mixed with cat gene) Sex: Male Race: British American Spouse: Elizabeth Watterson Personality: A commander and a by the books guy. He's always strict but at most occasions doesn't mind cracking a little joke. He also shows compassion to all his men, friends, and especially Elizabeth. Elizabeth Watterson Description: Wife of Frank Watterson. Killed in a terrorist bombing and is survived by her husband and child. In AU, she survived the bombing, but lives with the guilt she couldn't save the civilians. Species: Human Sex: Female Race: British American Spouse: Frank Watterson Personality: Due to her petite size, she uses it to be sneaky and manipulate people in order to get a task done. She's also sweet and caring to everyone especially her husband, Frank Russian Army Vasili Description: N/A Species: Human Race: Russian American Sex: Male Spouse: N/A Personality: N/A The Amazing World of Gumball Gumball Watterson: A twelve year old boy cat who has an unusual family. Anais Watterson: Gumball's four year old sister. Darwin Watterson: Gumball's former pet who grew legs one day and became a member of the family. Nicole Watterson: Gumball's hard working mother who has short temper and can get quite angry. She is considered the responsible one in the family. Richard Watterson: Nicole's husband and Gumball's dad who is a stay at home dad. He watches television, plays video games and is occasionally not fully dressed. Richard also has a large appetite. Call of Duty Gaz: An SAS soldier who survives a shot to the head During "Game Over" in Modern Warfare. Viktor Reznov: A former Red Army soldier who fought alongside Dimitri Petrenko. Groups in stories: Bioshock Districts of Columbia Armed Forces History: Armed forces of Eden, a city divided into two sections. The bottom lies the recreation of Rapture and the top lies Columbia rebuilt. The city was created for isolation from the US. The Board of Council consists of Vasili and Booker Dewitt The Red Guard Order of Columbia History: Existed after the fall of Comstock and after the uprising. It is lead by Bryce Ryan. Steven Universe The Diamond Wardens History: CLASSIFIED |
Community: | The Hall of Stories: Amazing World of Gumball Edition |
Focus: | Cartoons Amazing World of Gumball |