A/N: Here it is, the sequel to the deal! The two stories are going to be pretty separate, but there will be carry over in terms of characters and the ending of my first one sets this story up. Please read the first if you haven't! Also, remember to leave a review, feedback is welcome!

Chapter One: A Stormy Night

Detective Booker Dewitt sat at his desk reading the New York Times, specifically the crime section. A dead man was found in the streets last morning, gunshot wounds compacted on several concussions caused by bludgeons.

Any normal person would have gasped in horror at the brutal murder, but Booker merely took a sip of his coffee and continued to read on. After being a detective for long enough, Booker found that crimes like the one in the paper didn't bother him as much. He didn't know when he had become so indifferent towards such actions, but indifference was necessary for his line of work.

A politician was just convicted of participating in prostitution. Booker clenched the handle slightly, but knew it was nothing new. Whores, gangsters, corrupt politicians; they were all the same to him. It was the disease that came with the beautiful city. Many didn't deem the trade off worthy, but he wouldn't want to live anywhere else. Booker had grown up in New York City. He was too used to its fast paced and vicious lifestyle to go anywhere else. Also, he owed to much money to leave just yet.

Booker finished reading the crime section and threw out the rest of the news. The economics and political section was of no concern to him. Quite frankly, reading those made him more angry and disgusted with the world then anything else.

He eyed his clock impulsively, waiting for something, anything to happen. The times between cases were becoming too long. He had debts and rents to pay, so work was something he needed. It seemed as if the police department was more interested in hiring detectives they could slip by, allowing the corrupt cops to continue their deal with the devils of the city while the few honest ones stayed blissfully ignorant.

Lieutenant James Roland, one of the only good cops he knew, promised to keep him in the loop though. James knew he was a good detective, and an honest one at that. Honest, it was a hard trait to find these days.

Booker opened up his desk and fished out a pack of smokes as he watched the door intensely. Any minute now, someone would walk through that door with a job, something that could pay off the line of people he owed money to.

As if on queue, there was a knock at the door. Booker perked up immediately, not expecting that his wishes had actually come true. Another knock sounded shortly after, along with a woman's voice calling, "Mr. Dewitt?"

Booker walked over to the door and opened it up for whoever was standing outside. His visitor was a woman with a hooded jacket on, who quickly walked over to the chair in front of the desk and sat down. She was soaking wet and shivering. Booker watched her carefully as he sat down across from her.

"Hello mam, are you in need of detective services?"

The woman nodded and pulled off her hood, revealing a pair of blue eyes and chocolate brown hair. Booker instantly recognized her from the fundraising event he had recently attended. He couldn't quite remember her name though.

"Hello Mr. Dewitt," she greeted with a weak smile

Booker saw that she was obviously still freezing, so he asked her, "Would you like a cup of coffee? You look like you're freezing."

Elizabeth nodded shyly, shivering the whole time. Booker got up and began to make her the warm drink. As he prepared her drink, he asked, "You're that girl I bumped into during the fundraiser, correct? What brings you around this neighborhood?"

"Well I was in need of detective services, and I figured since you are the only one I know right now, I decided to try you," she answered politely

Booker passed her the warm cup and she gave him a gracious nod. He then sat back down in front of her and pulled out a notepad and a pen. "What exactly seems to be the problem?"

Booker didn't know what a nice girl like Elizabeth was doing in a city like Manhattan. When he had met her at a fundraiser about a month ago, she had told him that she grew up in a small town in Iowa. She had never left her community her whole life, and by the time she was an adult, she was ready to see the world. So Elizabeth had packed her bags, kissed her mom and dad goodbye, and left for the big apple to experience life at its fullest. In Booker's opinion, she should have stayed in Iowa. The city had a way of swallowing up those who weren't prepared.

Elizabeth took a sip of coffee and shivered in delight, taking in the warmth. She then began her story. "When I was hired by the mayor, I was not just put in charge of fundraising and philanthropy, but all the funds. As I was doing some numbers yesterday morning, I found a strange inconsistency."

"An inconsistency?" Booker asked curiously, lighting up a smoke and sticking it in his mouth

Elizabeth nodded nervously and told him, "It seems as if a whole quarter of the money we've raised has gone to an anonymous donor. I don't know if the Mr. Jackson knows people are stealing from him, but I don't want to bring this to the public's attention. If the mayor knows I've lost a huge portion of his office's money already, I'll be fired for sure!"

Booker looked Elizabeth over, observing her flattering curves and her other jaw dropping features. He chuckled and pulled the cigar out of his mouth, blowing out a puff of smoke.

"Honey, I don't think you need to worry about your position," Booker told her with a smile

Elizabeth gave him a confused look. Booker realized that she really didn't know what he was talking about. That town she had grown up in must have been REALLY small. Booker shook his head and said, "Never mind, so what do you want me to do?"

"Oh," she squeaked, getting herself back on subject, "I need you to find out who's been pulling funds and how they've been able to access a government account. Again, I need this done discretely, no one can know."

Booker nodded and asked, "Do you mind taking me to see the mayoral funds papers? If I'm going to conduct this investigation properly, I need some evidence."

Elizabeth swallowed nervously and responded, "I don't know if I should let someone who isn't a government official see confidential papers…"

"Alright," Booker yawned, trying to play it cool, "Then you can go to the cops with this investigation. Unfortunately, wherever the boys in blue go, the tabloids follow. I imagine the mayor won't like tha-"

"Alright, I'll take you to them," Elizabeth quickly blurted

Booker told himself that one-day he was going to teach this girl how New York City worked, because she was sadly inept. He stood up and walked over to the door, opening it for her.

"Meet me tomorrow in front of Madison Square, and we'll walk over together," Booker told her as she picked coat of the rack and put it on.

As she walked out, she suddenly stopped and turned around. Elizabeth giggled to herself and said to him, "I'm sorry Mr. Dewitt, I almost forgot to discuss your payment."

Payment? How had he forgotten about that? Booker thought for a second and told her, "I'll size up the case once I get some evidence and find out a little more about it."

"That is fine with me Mr. Dewitt," she told him as she pulled the hood over her pretty head. She gave him a soft smile and a wave before heading back out into the rain.

Booker almost felt bad letting her out during such terrible weather, but he had work to do. He sat back down behind his desk and pulled out a notebook and a pen. He uncapped the pen and flipped the pad open. Booker then began to write the case file for the job.

Case Name: Unnamed

January 12, 1913

Client: Elizabeth Anne Longworth

Client Description: 21 years old, brown hair, blue eyes, white, 5'6

Client Info: Ms. Longworth was born in the town of Fairfield, Iowa. She has led a sheltered life style, and is rather innocent. Should be a considered low level suspect as of now, in light of her upbringing. Ms. Longworth looked as if she had never even heard of political corruption when the Mayor was brought up in conversation. I don't know how qualified she is for her job. Mayor Jackson most likely hired her because she was a pretty face that he thinks he can take advantage of. I believe she is someone to be trusted though, again due to her upbringing and general ignorance of human nature.

Case Info: Ms. Longworth has brought it to my attention that someone has been taking money from the mayor's office's funds. She told me that about twenty five percent had gone missing after the fundraising event, and ever since then it has been a recurring event. I must conduct this case discretely, for she does not want anyone to find out about this. More information will be added once a crime scene has been investigated and evidence has been compiled.

-Booker A. Dewitt

A/N: Instead of journals, there will be case files in this story. I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter!