The Truth about Robbie

Chapter 7

Meanwhile by the edge of Lake Gravity Falls, Wendy and Mabel were having a girl's day out.

The two girls were lying on the ground on their backs, watching the clouds float and trying to see what shapes they made in the sky.

Wendy's shirt was pulled up, exposing her huge belly that spilled over her jeans.

"Ooh that one looks like a lamb!" Mabel exclaimed, pointing to a lamb shaped cloud in the sky that floated past.

"Hey that one looks like a rhino" Wendy pointed out, showing Mabel a rhino shaped cloud in the sky that floated past.

"Cool a dragon!" Mabel cried as a dragon shaped cloud floated past.

"Hey look a bear" Wendy showed Mabel a bear shaped cloud that floated past.

"Ooh a doughnut shaped one" Mabel squealed, pointing at a ring doughnut shaped cloud as it floated past.

Wendy's huge belly gurgled


"Thanks for reminding me that I haven't ate within ten minutes" Wendy chuckled at Mabel

Just then Wendy's cell phone rang.

Wendy pulled it out her jean pockets and answered it

"Hello" Wendy greeted down the phone.

It was Dipper

"Hey where are you?" Dipper asked down the phone

"I'm at Lake Gravity Falls with your sister" Wendy replied.

"Great I have a surprise for you!" Dipper told Wendy in a happy tone before hanging up.

"Soos take us to Lake Gravity Falls!" Dipper commanded while fastening his seat belt at the front of the van.

"Roger little dude!" Soos responded before turning the key to start the engine, pushing the peddle down and driving the ice cream truck towards Lake Gravity Falls

"Apparently your brother has a surprise for me" Wendy told Mabel.

"What is it?" Mabel asked.

"I don't know, but I hope its food" Wendy answered

"It's nearly lunch time" the obese teen chuckled.

"How do you know that?" Mabel questioned

"My belly always makes noises and goes all gurgly about lunch time" Wendy responded while standing up.

Mabel then stood up and put her ear on Wendy's enormous belly that was spilling under her shirt and over her jeans.

Mabel could hear all sorts of gurgling noises.


Just then Wendy's stomach rumbled so loudly that it shook her massive belly.


Mabel then took her ear off Wendy's stomach.

Just then there was music.

It was a catchy jingle that ice cream trucks play.

"You hear that?" Wendy asked

"Your stomach?" Mabel replied

"No that music" said Wendy, looking in the direction of the music.

The music got gradually louder until out of nowhere, the ice cream truck with Soos and Dipper inside it started to drive towards them.

Soon the ice cream truck stopped in front of the girls and Soos and Dipper stepped out of the van.

"Soos could you take care of my sister?" Dipper asked Soos.

"I want to have a bit of private time with Wendy"

Without saying anything, Soos then lead Mabel back to The Mystery Shack

Dipper then took Wendy to the back of the ice cream truck and opened the door.

"Wendy…it's all yours…every last one" Dipper told Wendy.

Wendy stood there with saliva running down her lips.

There were shelves stacked with candy bars, a freezer full of ice lollies and cans of soda on the shelves and various other confectionaries

Without saying anything, Wendy then went inside the ice cream truck and started eating all the candy bars, packets of candy, drank all the cans of soda, and ate all the ice lollies in the freezer.

Soon Wendy had eaten out an entire ice cream truck.

"Ooh I'm so stuffed" Wendy sighed.

"Well there is more" Dipper then told the heavy teen girl.

He then showed her the ice cream machine.

Wendy then put her mouth on the nozzle.

"Ready?" Dipper asked

Wendy gave a thumbs up and said nothing.

Dipper then pulled a leaver, which made the ice cream pour into Wendy's mouth as she ate it.

Wendy started to gain even more weight

The buttons on her shirt started to pop off one by one.

Her button on her jeans popped off again.

Dipper then noticed a sign the side of the machine.

It read "volume, ten gallons"

Soon there was a buzzing sound and at the top of the machine were flashing lights that spelled out empty.

Wendy had consumed five gallons ice cream and became morbidly obese.

She had

Dipper then switched off the machine and Wendy then took her mouth off the nozzle.

Wendy then burped loudly.


"Ooh I am so stuffed" Wendy groaned

Wendy lay on the ice cream truck floor.

"Dipper, come rub my belly" Wendy sighed.

Without saying anything, Dipper then kneeled next to Wendy and started rubbing her even bigger belly.

She had developed a spare tire on her belly, giving her a double belly as well as even wider hips, bottom, cheeks, face and neck.

"Dipper….I love you" Wendy then quietly said.

"I love you too" Dipper then told Wendy before they kissed and Dipper carried on rubbing Wendy's giant belly

The End