A/N: ZOMG LOOK A NEW CHAPTER!1111!1111one11!1 Sorry if this took too long, my lovely readers! School work is a killer, especially since this is FINALS WEEK! I'm sorry if this is a little short, I just had to find some time to put a new chapter out and let you guys know I'm still breathing. Enjoy! Enjoy your summer, too!

In Booker's darkened bedroom, the grizzled veteran and private eye slept close to Elizabeth. Standing next to the door to the other room were Rosalind and Robert Lutece. They were both standing there for a while just watching with mute anticipation for something the sleeping couple had no idea about. Robert was noisily eating an apple. Rosalind nudged him.

"Brother, do you mind not chewing like a goat for a few seconds? I wouldn't like to wake the couple," Rosalind scolded. Robert, out of spite chewed louder.

"Oh, silly, we are trans-dimensional beings who exist everywhere. Right now we technically don't exist in Mr. DeWitt's happy little universe here because we don't want to interact with him right now. Thus, we can't interact with our dear friend," Robert explained, finishing his apple and pitching the core at Booker's head, which made the core pass right through him. "See?" he said to Rosalind.

But tonight, Rosalind was not one for Robert's foolery. "Brother, I'm not sure we did the right thing helping him."

"Why so ever would you say that?" Robert said with surprise. Rosalind's face hardened.

"I know we helped him because we both felt bad for the poor sap. But I've been seeing changes in that place we got her from. That dimension... I don't think the residents of that place are too ecstatic to have lost someone. I think there will be consequences, Robert. I don't think Mr. DeWitt is out of the woods yet, so to speak," she said.

Robert rubbed his chin. "I do believe you are simply over thinking this, Rosa."

She stared daggers at him. "Am I? Oh, brother, can't you see the truth already? Elizabeth is a walking paradox. She shouldn't exist. The beings will come back for her- and that is something you and I cannot control."

Robert groaned. "I don't know, sister. I don't know if we're right about that. I know we've seen what those things can do, but... Elizabeth is more powerful than that. She can handle them," he said hopefully.

Rosalind shook her head. "Yes, yes she can, brother, but what about Mr. DeWitt? He's... Just a man. He was almost killed by those things when he went to go search for her. Will he able to stand up to them?"

Robert was silent for a while. "I- I don't think so, sister."

"You see, brother? Should we warn him?" she asked.

Robert slowly shook his head. "If we do, they will take him faster. You've seen it happen before."

Rosalind sighed. "Yes. We have both seen it. I just hope he's smart and can fight them off. And maybe Elizabeth can defend against them."

Rosalind looked at her brother and at the sleeping pair.

"I hope so too, brother."

After a moment, they both vanished.

Later, Booker woke up first and stretched in bed. Elizabeth woke up next, startled by his movements. She rubbed her eyes and grinned at him sleepily. "Hello, Booker," she said.

He planted a soft kiss on her lips. "Good morning, Liz."

She hugged him. "It's good to see that when I wake up, you're still here. And real," she said.

He smiled. "Where else would I be?" he got up and put on a fresh shirt and his shoes. "How was your sleep?" he asked her. She stood up and came up next to him.

"It was... Okay."

"Why just 'okay?'" Booker asked. Elizabeth scratched the back of her head.

"I just kept having this really weird dream. I was alone in this place. It was really dark, and there were all these voices talking in some tongue I can't even figure out," she said. "And I woke up in the middle of the night with this splitting headache. But it went away almost instantly," she said, scratching the back of her head."

Booker chuckled. "Oh, you poor thing!" he said with a smirk. Elizabeth frowned at him.

"Re-lax," he began, "I was just joking. You're probably just stressed, that's all."

Elizabeth looked out the window. "Yeah. Maybe you're right."

Booker put on a coat and took her hand. "Come on. I'll take you out to eat breakfast."

Elizabeth nodded and followed him out. "I'd like that, yeah," she said. It was a good thing Booker was easily fooled into believing everything was alright. Because she knew that everything was far from alright. They were coming.