OoLostGirloO here, so, I may get a little dark at times, but i don't think i've ever writen a purly sad story, they more often then not will have a happy ending, so if your reading one of my stories and your going, oh no everythings going to hell i can just tell someones gonna die, well they probably wont, i don't have the heart to kill off my characters (most of the time, and i'll give you advanced warning if i'm planing a character death).
So, i hope you all enjoy my stories :)
Also, sorry for any spelling mistakes, i suck at spelling!
So...it's been six months since I've posted any new chapters or even updated this, I truly am sorry for this :/ i will try to keep a steady flow of updates for the foreseeable future, though they will not be too often, because that was my problem before, i was trying to put up to much at once, and working on more than one story at a time. So instead i will try and get a new chapter up for each of the stories I've left hanging over the next week, then focus on one at a time. Also, some may notice that I've changed the status for I think we can safely assume i'm still fired to complete because i can't think of anything more to add for it, if any random plot bunnies come up i might add more, but for now it's done.
Thank you everyone for your supportive reviews for Yours, they really made my day :)
I can't help being surprised how well received Yours is, I wrote it on an impulse and wasn't even going to finish it, i'm glad i did though, thank you everyone for your reviews :P
Yes I know I've just uploaded a new story (How to Change the World - a Merlin/How to Train your Dragon crossover) when I have so many to finish, but I really wanted it to go up, and even if I didn't upload it, I'd still be working on it.
I'm considering taking down Fighting Destiny. Your thoughts?
I have so much home work! can you tell i'm digressing, i logged onto fanfiction . net just to post this small update :P also for those following The Trinity Saga, I've got the plot for the first five chapters of the third installment worked out. woot!
So today's been a big day, i went with my bf to her father's funeral :( then (coz i think she just really need to get out) we went and had dinner out and caught a movie, AND i shaved all my hair off for the worlds greatest shave! So that was my big big day.
I have just started writing a cross over fic, merging the story line of How to Train Your Dragon with the characters of Merlin. I am currently calling it; How to Change the World...but i'm not so keen on the title, I've got my BF as my Beta and she's read the first two chaptersprologue and loves it so far XD I've told her to mess about with some titles so hopefully she comes back with something good, but i'd love some feed back/ideas from anyone reading this (though i have a feeling not many people are, if any). I'd like to keep with the 'How to...' beginning, but i can't think of anything cool to put after that besides '...train your dragon,' and i thought that was a bit unoriginal :P
Anywho, at the moments it's just a piece so i can keep my muse happy and i won't really be uploading it till it's done, but it will be short so it won't take long to finish it and as soon as the hols start up i'll be focusing more on Epistle for all those following that one
I just got the hundredth review for the Trinity Saga XD I was just like woot! Though of course i'm referring to the Trinity Saga one and two together (coz people aren't reviewing it enough to get them individually into the triple digits *wink wink* *nudge nudge*) oh well :P
Last chapter of The Trinity Saga 2 uploaded, boo-yeah!
For those following The Trinity Saga 2, i am pleased to inform you that i have been working tirelessly on this final chapter, i honesty considered making it two chapters because of all i could fit in it, but i decided i'd postponed the inevitable long enough. So this last chapter is going to be long, longest one yet
Okay, for some reason, fanfiction disabled my review alerts, don't know why
Did you know that you can google OoLostGirloO and you get everything i'm a part of under that user name :P cool huh. Anywho, for those following or are interested in my current stories, The Trinity Saga 2 has been updated XD one more chapter to go.
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, schools back, and now i'm in year 12, omg, one year to go, anywho, i finally have a job, and as of a couple of days ago, i am now a member of tumblr, took long enough :P any way, check me out here: h t t p : / / o o l o s t g i r l o o . t u m b l r . c o m
For those following the story EPISTLE, two things, first, i have renamed it, it is now; The Age of Chivalry 1: Epistle, i have done this because there will be two more stories in the series. Secondly, i'm gonna put a short stopper in this story, I will be updating when I can, but it won't be on the top of my priorities, with school going back i really want to finish the second Trinity Saga story, I've only got two more chapters to go, when i finish them, which shouldn't take all that long, i will continue with Epistle before i start the third and final installment of The Trinity Saga. I hope you can all wait till then :)
I would just like to express my joy that the number of stories i've published has reached double digets, now i just need to work on finishing a couple of em huh?
Life is short, talk fast
Live every day as if it were your last... some day you'll be right. H.H. "Breaker" Morant
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. Elbert Hubbard
As if you could kill time without injuring eternity. Henry David