Author has written 12 stories for Pendragon, Road to Eldorado, Harry Potter, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Bones, Merlin, Firefly, and Inception. Eve Finally updating this, but yeah. My name is Eve, and you can refer to me as such. I wrote some cutesy gay fluff fiction to keep me occupied on a vacation about a year ago. I abandoned this community a few months ago in favor of writing a webcomic, but my plans fell through, and well- I'm back. A little bit about what I write- I don't obsessively support fandoms. I'll write for them and consider them seriously, but usually canon works fine for me. I don't write a lot of canon pairings though, because I like slash. Yay, slash. I'd like to start branching out in the near future: one shots, prompt fics, femslash, possibly some het, M rated fiction, songfics- throw all your requests at me and I'll try my hardest to make them work. NOTE: As of now, I'm not taking down any of my existing fanfictions. But unless I've updated it in a little while, please assume that it's on hiatus. If I get some serious requests for more, I will try my hardest, but there's a lot of other stuff I'd like to write and I'm afraid updates for those just aren't possible at the moment. Sorry! Stuff about me: I'm a very happy, very scientific girl in high school and thaaat's pretty much it. If you want to know more, please don't hesitate to ask, I love talking to new people. :) Thing I Watch/Read Firefly, Bones, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Pushing Daisies, Harry Potter, Pendragon, Merlin, etc, etc, etc. |