Author has written 3 stories for Naruto. Special Thanks To: rex133668, for showing me this. It makes me really happy! "A poor man sat on the corner, always picking through the trash. One day a girl came by with her lunch and said “There’s an apple and a soda in here I’m not going to eat. Do you want it?” The man looked up and took the bag and smiled. Upon opening the bag along with what she said was in there, there were also three hundred fifty dollar bills. He looked up at the girl only to find she was nowhere in sight. We are all God’s children, even if we have different beliefs; and we all deserve a chance." Hey guys and gals. While your on here, I might as well tell you this, please stop referring 'gay' and 'retard' as an insult. Come on, it's offensive. There's nothing wrong with being gay, or retarded. So really, you shouldn't use it as a insult. - I'm not ignorant.
I put the 'pro' in procrastinator. I'm a big time nerd/dork. I'm a video game addict. Yes, I have COD fever. I say, "Screw XBOX". I'm a Play Station person. I always have been, always will. My screen name is, 'Killsx4xCRAYONS'. Yeah, I'm not afraid to lose to you XD. I'm really awkward sometimes. Mostly to strangers I don't know. I'm not really the 'one-who-does-the-talking'. But I'm trying to be! (I'm trying to stop being awkward lol.) So yeah, don't be scared to talk to me. It's most likely the other way around XD. I'm really lazy. I like reading and writing, though not in school... I have bad memory, so sorry if I don't remember something... I'm a HUGE Pokemon nerd. I'm playing it right now, actually lol (Pokemon White, just if you were curious). I've been a fan since I was little. I'm a girl. I love the Harry Potter series. But I haven't finished it all yet, so uh, SPOILERS ARE A NO-NO! I L O V E Anime and Manga. I'm obsessed. I dislike any time of work. Homework. Anything I have to put too much effort in lol. I dislike using the word 'hate', I think it's used too blindly these days... I don't curse, unless it slips out or something... or I'm really mad. I don't get mad easily lol. "You don't want to see me when I'm angry" Sorry, couldn't help but put a Hulk reference there lmfao. I'm not much of a fighter, I can't even open a bottle of ketchup... I'm a nerdfighter! (Look it up, if you don't know about it.) I have a Deviantart, my username is the same, 'XxXMiiDNiGhTXxX'. I like to draw, though I don't consider myself good lol. I love Death Note, I finished the Anime and I'm still in love with it. My love goes the same for Naruto. I love it with all of my internal organs! (I like being a creeper, it's fun.) If you think Orochimaru is what you get w hen Michael Jackson and Voldemort have unprotected sex, C&P this into your profile. Repost this if you laughed... |
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