A/N: I am SO sorry its taken so long to get this out!!! I didn't know what I wanted to do next. But anyway, here it is, hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto just Kaya and Ami.

I quickly slammed and locked my door, before turning and leaning on it. Ok, so I got through that okay. Though I was still probably going to have a lot of explaining to do to my parents. But that could wait. Right now I had a bigger problem at hand. I glanced up at Itachi who was watching me.

"Its safe to say you don't have any idea what's going on either right?" I asked, and Itachi shook his head. I sighed. "Figured." I walked over to the bed and sat down.

"This is your home?" he asked looking around the room.

I nodded. "This is where I come from. Its my world, which is entirely different than yours. But the question is, how did we get here?"

I couldn't think of any way we could have come back to my world. Especially if Itachi was here. I mean how was that even possible?! But then again, he was standing right here in front of me. Or so I thought.

When I looked up, Itachi wasn't there. "Itachi?" I looked over where my T.V. was, and saw Itachi looking at some dvd's I had. But not just any dvd's. "No wait! Don't look at-"

But it was too late. Itachi turned to me, holding up one of my Naruto box sets, the one with him on the front. "Is this the show you were talking about?"

I gulped, afraid of how he would react if I answered. I mean, he took it well when I was talking to him about it, but if he sees proof……

"Um….yes." I said quietly.

"I want to watch it."

"W-What?" I asked shocked. He wasn't serious! He couldn't be!

"I want to watch it from the beginning." He said, looking up at me. "But I want to watch it together."

I sighed. "Itachi we have more important things to worry about! Like how we're going to get back to the Akatsuki!"

"Maybe we can figure it out while we're watching."

I stared at Itachi defiantly, but he seemed so set on watching the show. I groaned. "Fine. We can watch it." I stood up and walked over to him, taking the box from him. "But this isn't the first set of episodes. This one is." I pulled out the first box set.

I put the dvd in the player, and I went and sat on the bed with Itachi. "So am I going to be in here?"

"No. You don't come in for a while." I said, then smiled. "But you will get to see how much what you did affected Sasuke. Maybe you'll actually start to feel some regret."

Itachi glared at me. "I did that all to-"

"I know I know." I said cutting him off. "You did it to protect Sasuke. Now, lets watch."

I actually had a lot of fun watching 'Naruto' with Itachi. He was getting so into it, it was funny! Especially when Sasuke 'gave up his life' to save Naruto during the Land of Waves arc when he fought Haku. Itachi looked ready to jump through the T.V. to save his little brother. It was kind of cute, since it showed he really did care about his brother.

Once he saw Sasuke was alive, however, he calmed down. "I can't believe that happened….."

I giggled. "Well believe it. But he's still alive, as you well know. You shouldn't have gotten so upset over it." After receiving a harsh glare, I stopped laughing and smiled. "I'm sorry. Its cute that you care about your brother."

Itachi looked away, and back to the T.V. as we continued to watch the show.

"Kaya! Ami's here!" my mom yelled from downstairs.

My eyes widened. Ami was here?! This wasn't good! She'd recognize Itachi immediately and then she'd start asking questions and I wouldn't know what to say!

"Ami?" Itachi asked me confused.

I nodded and got up. "I'll um…be right back." I quickly walked to the door, and downstairs.

Ami was standing by the door, and she looked over when I came down the stairs. "There you are! I was about to come upstairs to get you."

"Now's not really a good time Ami." I said quietly.

"What? Why not? We planned on going to the mall for weeks now!" she said angrily, and obviously hurt.

I sighed. I felt bad for doing this, but I had no choice. There were things more important to worry about than going to the mall. "I'm sorry. Maybe some other time."

"Why don't you go?" my mom asked, and the two of us looked over at her. "I'm sure Itachi would like to see some American stores."

My eyes widened, as I silently cursed my mother. Why did she have to bring him up?! I glanced at Ami, and saw her expression turn from anger to confusion. This wasn't good.

"Itachi?" Ami said confused.

"Yes. Kaya's boyfriend from Japan." My mom said smiling and Ami looked over at me.

"You have a boyfriend from Japan?!"

"Um…well I….." I took a deep breath. I guess there was no other way now. "Come on. We'll be upstairs mom." I grabbed Ami's hand and dragged her up the stairs to my door.

"Kaya what's going on?" she asked.

"Ami….what you're about to see will probably scare the hell out of you. But you need to stay calm and don't scream or anything ok?" I said calmly, earning a confused stare.

"What are you talking about? Kaya you're scaring me…." She said.

"Just promise you'll stay calm, and I'll tell you everything."

After a few more seconds, Ami nodded slowly. "Alright. But, whats going on?"

"You'll see." I muttered, before opening my door and walking in.

Ami walked in behind me, and I shut the door as she looked over at me. "Ok so what didn't you want me freaking out about?" she asked as her eyes drifted to the bed, where Itachi was still sitting.

"That." I said sighing, as her eyes widened. Itachi just stared at us, apparently not sure what to do.

"Kaya?" Ami whispered.

"Yes Ami?" I said, trying to hide my smile. Her expression was hilarious!

"Is that…..who I think it is?"

"Yes. Yes it is." I smiled as Itachi stood up from the bed, looking between me and Ami.

"B-But I…..how…..he's…..is he…." Ami couldn't even form a complete sentence.

"I'll explain everything. Just sit down, I don't want you to pass out on my floor." I chuckled and let her over to the bed.

As we passed Itachi, I saw Ami flex her hand out as if to touch him, but then she pulled it back quickly. I knew she still didn't believe he was real, but she would eventually. Then again, maybe she'd just think I went crazy and was completely delusional. And who knows? Maybe I was.

A/N: Well thats it for now! Review please and let me know what you think!!