Author has written 8 stories for iCarly, Batman the Animated Series, Kim Possible, and Frozen. I still love the fact that I get to write what I want here. Ok, so I'm Sara, I have a pointless degree and I'm gonna be in film if I have anything to say about it. I got into fanfictions long ago before I knew what it was and now I stay for the community. It is very fun and I enjoy the reading and the writing. My favs are, girl pairings in romances that totally should have been canon (or that were canon) (Or in some cases like Harley and Ivy, totally were as it turns out! Sometimes subtext is more than subtext!) AKA, GIRLSLASH. I went from Harley/Ivy to Avatar (TLA)[I really want to slash ever female in that show with every other one, but the favs are Tyzula, Kazula, and Katoph] to Kim Possible/Shego(KIGO), I found the subtext in Icarly's Cam pair and I suppose that one is a little bit of a crackship. I'm ashamed of my dirty little love of Glee but Brittana makes me happy, Quitt for the rarepair and frankly anything in the Faberrittana including Faberrittana works for me. I like Xena/Gabrielle because its magnificent and mandatory for any self respecting girl-slash fic-er. And um, I'm kind of fond of several pairs in Pretty Little Liars. OH! and Nicky Ann for the other rarepair. And lately, Elsanna from Frozen. Don't judge. And, I picked up a ton of Yuri manga/anime, my absolute fav being Sasameki Koto, but Strawberry Panic! was pretty sweet, Candy Boy was entertaining enough, and though it frustrates me into oblivion, Maria-sama Ga Miteru (Marimite) is really lovely. I keep reading and reading though. New greatness coming always from the yuri manga world. check out "Excited (or fluttering) Feelings"; you wont regret it. I've got a few stories going, that I've neglected forever due to blocks and life and all of that. I apologize and I hope to finish and do right by you all. I have some...other...types of fics, mostly Brittana, elsewhere that I can link you to if you're interested. peace and love. PS - If you're interested in beta-reading stuff, let me know. also, im sorry if i disappear for months at a time, i have some stuff going on. |