Disclaimer: I do not own Pretty Little Liars or Glee and all characters belong to their respectful owners.

Summary: Spencer is overcome with all sorts of sinful feelings towards a certain blonde as she tries to figure out what exactly is so intriguing about Quinn Fabray.

Rated: T, eventual M

A/N: This is my first real shot a Fabrastings, considering that my first story was, well, plotless smut, haha. The idea popped into my head so I decided, well why not? The Fabrastings pairing certainly is starting to flare up a bit, and I thought I should contribute to the boom in any way I could. Reviews are appreciated, but views are fine too :)


The moment Quinn Fabray took her spotlight, Spencer despised her. Shooting answers to questions effortlessly was her specialty - her only flaw was that Quinn was faster. She watched the intriguing but infuriating blonde answer yet another question and let out a barely audible huff of frustration at the pain that pounded in her pride. She refused to be bested.

The new girl had only been here for a week or so, and already she'd become one of the star students of the class, perhaps even the school. She was in a handful of Spencer's classes, taking the joy out of each with every passing day. Spencer could almost feel her reputation being run into the ground.

Her teeth gritted together in her mouth as she stared at the seemingly perfect blonde beside her, scribbling notes as if she was oblivious to the fact that she was literally destroying Spencer Hastings - and she was oblivious, of course.

"So, can anyone name some commanders of the Civil War?" Spencer's eyes snapped to the teacher in the front and she took a breath. She wouldn't let this one slide, not again.

Far before the blonde could lift her head and way before the teacher even saw her hand go up, Spencer began throwing out names at an almost incomprehensible pace.

"Grant, Lee, Farragut, McClellan, Sherman, Meade - "

"Woah, Spencer!" The teacher held up his hand and laughed breathlessly, as if he'd been the one who just spoke a mile a millisecond. He gave a proud nod to his short-circuiting pupil. "Nicely done, I think you mentioned every general that came to mind."

Spencer wore a successful smile, one that could have possibly transformed into a grin had it not been for the elevated hand of the blonde beside her.

"Actually," Quinn cut in, looking over at Spencer with a smile that unexpectedly put the brunette's stomach in knots. "You forgot Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson." Spencer felt her pride deflate as her victorious smile slowly fell from her face to stare at the girl who'd, once again, made her feel inadequate.

"Oh, that's right. I had a feeling there was one missing. Nice save, Quinn. Okay, so . . ." The teacher continued his lecture but that didn't stop the two girls from continuing their somewhat of a staring contest. Hazel eyes never tore away from chestnut ones, but when they finally did, Spencer almost missed the smirk tugging on the blonde's lips, and she felt her frustration swell.

Was she trying to challenge her? If that's what she wants, spoke the remainder of Spencer's pride, Then challenged accepted.

"So, let's talk about some reasons for starting the war. Any ideas?" Two hands immediately shot up, but this time, Spencer was faster. "Spencer, go ahead."

"Slavery." She answered simply, not seeing a need to elaborate just yet.

"Right, slavery was one - "

"But states' rights was first," Quinn interrupted once more, looking at Spencer from the corner of her eye as she lowered her hand before turning her attention back to her notebook.

"We're not talking about what came first," Spencer responded, her volume a little bit above a murmur. Quinn smiled at the challenging answer as she shook her head once.

"Well, I think it's important to know what came chronologically,"

"Chronological order doesn't matter if the war was fought for both reasons."

The bell stopped the debate from going any further, but Spencer was itching for another response from the blonde. Her blood was pumping fast by now and all she wanted to do was clear the air and name herself victorious over the blonde for once. Instead, however, Quinn shut her notebook and stuffed it into her bag. Even so, the brunette took this as a sign of victory on her part and proudly smiled, letting her pride feed off her success over the debate.

As she began to gather her own things, she felt something shift beside her before hearing footsteps make their way around a row of desks and down her the row she currently sat in. She kept her head low as she packed her things before a pair of white flats came into her vision. Her eyes slowly made their way up the light blue sun dress and white cardigan to come in contact with the gripping hazel eyes once more. One side of the blonde's lips perked up into an amused smirk and it sent another surprising tingle to Spencer's abdomen.

"You know," Quinn began in a soft voice that Spencer didn't realize the blonde possessed until now. "You're a lot smarter than I thought you were." Spencer's eyebrow shot up in shock at the girl's words.

The fact that this girl had thought Spencer was anything less than brilliant, anything less than her, was causing an uproar within the proud brunette. However, her expression remained stoic, as it usually was. She didn't respond to Quinn, she only stared and wondered how the blonde was going to insult her next.

"You should talk more. I mean, this class would be twice as interesting if I could hear another voice besides my own." Spencer bit back a snarky remark that threatened to rip from her mouth and mustered up her best fake smile.

Perhaps she should have been happy that Quinn was attempting to form some kind of strange partnership with her, but all she felt was down right insulted. The new girl just walked in here and stole Spencer's rightful spot as brainiac of the class, and now she was offering something that was never hers to begin with.

She was a little more than angered by how bruised her ego was but she also felt . . . Anxious. Anxious for what? She didn't know, but she refused to put it off as excitement. After all, this still was a challenge, one that she would ultimately win.

"We'll see." She replied finally. The blonde seemed to take it as a good sign and gave her another smile before turning and heading for the door. Spencer watched the girl turn and disappear into the hallway and let out the breath of frustration she'd been holding in.

As she placed her messenger bag on her shoulder, she quickly removed the small smile that had subconsciously been placed on her face and dismissed the fluttering in her stomach as hunger. Quinn Fabray would certainly be in for the challenge of a life time.