Author has written 17 stories for Vampire Academy, NCIS, Covert Affairs, and Criminal Minds. Hey I'm Ellen . . . hm I'm 14 . . . NCIS is the best show ever haha (: it inspired me to go into law enforcement. I'm taking a Forensic Science class in my school and it's pretty interesting. The people I respect the most are people that serve . . . marines (my cousin) army (my uncle) navy ( i think my friend's dad is in the navy. . .) it takes dedication and perseverance to serve and I really admire them for sticking with it. For anyone who watches NCIS, I have to say that I reallyyyy miss Kate! Gibbs and Kate had so much chemistry, so that's what I'm trying to bring back right now! Notice how Gibbs was a lot more happy in Season 1 and 2. Now compare that Gibbs to the Gibbs you see in season 8. Big difference, huh? Yeah. Thought so. I miss the cheerful, strict, yet some times funny Gibbs. It's like a part of him died when Kate took the final bullet to the head. I'm on the tennis Varsity team and the track team, play piano, violin, lolz yeah that's 'bout it (: oh wait . . . Covert Affairs is pretty good too haha Pairing: AnniexAuggie GibbsxZiva GibbsxKate TonyxZiva AbbyxMcGee yea that's how it's suppose to go haha (: so read some of my fics and review, hope you enjoy em! |