Disclaimer: I don't own it!

Author's Note: Hope you all enjoy the short ending! I had so much fun writing this story and thanks for the great reviews!

"No, I mean the part about you becoming a mother." Tony To Kate in See No Evil, Season Two

"I can't believe it...how did you manage to keep this a secret?" Abby's voice resonated through the small hospital room as she stared at two bassinets.

"It was so hard. I know we're best friends, but please don't hate me." Kate said as she held her daughter tightly.

"Or me either." Jethro said quietly as he held his son.

"First of all, I could never hate either of you. Secondly, are you going to introduce me?" Abby asked with a grin.

"Ladies first." Jethro said as he sat on the end of Kate's bed.

"Abby, I want you to meet Evangeline Shelly Gibbs." Kate said proudly as she handed her newborn daughter off to Kate.

"I love it!" Abby said happily as she looked at Gibbs.

"We thought it was just right too." Jethro said. He had been so proud when Kate had suggested Shelly as the middle name for their daughter. It was the perfect combination of Shannon and Kelly.

"I would love for you to meet my son." Jethro said proudly as he turned so Abby could see the baby boy.

"Abby this is Jackson Todd Gibbs." Jethro said proudly.

"I love the names! I love the babies! This is excellent!" Abby said as she handed Evangeline back to Kate so she could hold Jackson.

"Evangeline and Jackson! What perfect names!" Abby cooed as she held Jackson.

"They will be known as Jack and Eva." Gibbs explained quickly.

"Yes, much like their father they have an aversion to being reffered to by their full name." Kate said dryly.

"I see the effects of labor have done nothing to dampen your sarcasm." Tony DiNozzo teased as he walked into the room.

"Wow! Boss! Why are there two kids here?" Tony asked as he eyed Abby and Kate both holding babies.

"Because late last night Kate gave birth to them." Jethro Gibbs teased his young co-worker.

"Cheese and crackers man! Aren't you way too old for this?" Tony asked with a laugh as he eyed his boss.

"DiNozzo!" Abby yelled before anybody else had the chance.

"Do it." Kate said quickly as Jethro made his way over to Tony and head-slapped him.

"Guess who's here?" Ducky said as he made his way into the room.

"Guess who had twins?" Jethro said as he hugged Ducky.

"You old bast-" Ducky stopped short, he didn't like to use the word, and there were young ears present. He knew Jethro would get the joke before he finished his sentence.

"We wanted to surprise everybody." Kate explained.

"Hi mama!" Ziva David said happily as she entered the now crowded room with Tim McGee.

"Jenny sends her regrets, she will visit after her boring dinner with the leaker of the House." Ziva explained.

"Speaker of the House." McGee corrected quickly.

"Yes...Speaker, but boring nonetheless." Ziva quipped.

"I see we are twice blessed?" Ziva said as she stepped towards Kate's bed so she could admire the babies.

"We are." Kate said knowingly.

"Wow." Tim McGee stood back from the crowd still slightly in shock.

"All right! Kate needs her rest. I'll buy everybody dinner if all you children can behave for an entire meal." Ducky said after the group had visited for about a half-hour.

Kate looked at Jethro, thankful that Ducky had saved them. She was so happy to see everybody but her natural labor had been exhausting, and the twins were getting fussy.

"Free chow! Let's roll! You all heard the good doctor loud and clear!" DiNozzo practically shoved the team out of Kate's room.

"Behave yourself DiNozzo!" Kate teased as the group left.

"What a crew. Do you kids know what a ride you're in for?" Kate asked as she looked down at Eva.

"Let's keep them blissfully unaware for now." Jethro said as he leaned in and kissed Kate while he held Jack.

"Sorry I'm so late. I didn't realize visiting hours ended at nine." Jenny Shepard apologized as she walked into Kate's hospital room in a cocktail dress.

"How was your boring dinner?" Kate asked with a small smile.

"A snooze-fest." Jenny said as she looked down at the twins. A nurse had shown Kate how to balance both children in her arms at the same time.

"They are amazing. I have some gifts!" Jenny said proudly as she produced a large bag and set it on Kate's bed.

"Let me take them." Jethro said as he reached across the bed so Kate could open the gifts.

"Can I hold one?" Jenny asked with a smile.

"Sure." Jethro said with a grin, remembering that Jenny had never really been fond of children.

"Take Jack, he's the mellow one." Jethro teased as he reached for Eva.

"Thanks." Jenny said as she reached for the tiny newborn.

"Director they're beautiful!" Kate said as she pulled two blankets out of the gift bag that sat next to her. They both had the Navy logo on them, and were made of a soft satiny fabric.

"How did you know to get two?" Kate asked as she looked up at her boss who was holding Jack.

"Good news travels fast. There's more in there." Jenny said as she nodded in the direction of the bag.

Kate rummaged through the bag and found two tiny plastic boxes in the bottom. She opened them both and laughed when she saw the contents.

"They are definitely wearing these home!" Kate said proudly as she held up the contents to show Jethro.

Jethro just smirked and nodded approvingly when he realized they were miniature NCIS badges.

"I'm going to get going." Jenny said as she glanced at her watch.

"Thanks for visiting, and thanks for the lovely gifts!" Kate said politely as Jenny handed Jack back to Jethro.

"I can't believe this!" Kate said as she flopped back onto her pillows with a defeated look on her face.

"What?" Jethro asked as he stifled a yawn.

"I almost forgot." Kate said quietly.

"What?" Jethro pressed.

"Happy birthday Jethro." Kate said as she looked at her husband and smiled.

"Thanks Kate." Jethro said quietly, not wanting to disturb his sleeping children.