Authors note these characters are not mine, no matter how much i wish otherwise, and i'm thinking of continuing this, let me know what you think :D
Dearest Jethro,
This letter is something i wouldn't do when i was sane...(blame Abby) ...but it is something i do feel that i need to tell you. Maybe i should start from the beginning...I'm slightly drunk in Abby's office, gothed out. Now i should mention that dinozzo and McGee are here as well, so you may want to slap them after this is over, if they can keep up with our drinking. Any way i made a stupid mistake and agreed to play...truth or dare... (never play this with me) besides that we've been playing for about twenty minutes when you came in, dinozzo was probably in the most awkward position, but covered well though not well enough if your slapping his head was anything to go by, anyway i chose dare, if dinozzo can do it then so can i!
However this was not the entire problem, see they dared me to write you a letter expressing how i like i said, i would never write this in a sane state of mind, simply because i know you'd find it and it would change things between us, you'd pull out rule twelve and shunt me off into a corner...i couldn't bear that... that infamous gut telling you what I'm getting too yet Gibbs?
I suppose i should say it here, but even though i know you'll never see this I'm still nervous, however i have no choice but to put it in writing otherwise dinozzo gets to pick my dare...(Abby picked this one by the way) so here goes, I'm not sure what attracts me to you, your silver hair? Piercing blue eyes? The intimidating presence you have that demands respect and the way you can sneak around despite my training i cant detect you...i love you Leroy Jethro Gibbs
Loving you secretly,
Caitlyn Todd