'Rose…' I heard Lissa calling.
"What do you want?" I asked her without opening my eyes and something moved beside me.
"I didn't say anything" Dimitri said amused and fully awaked. Huh?
"Not you…" I said yawning "Lissa" I looked in the room "where is she?" Dimitri looked confused and I was really annoyed.
'Rose I'm in your head!' Lissa screamed and then last night events came back to me.
'Ooops' I smiled to myself… 'This is so cool! I have my personal alarm clock' I could just imagine Lissa rolling her eyes and shaking her head.
'Yeah, yeah right, good for you! Now get your butt over here and teach me how to do the putting my walls up thing and fast!'
'What's the hurry?' I asked grinning.
"Roza" Lissa and Dimitri said at the same time. I held one finger to silence Dimitri and said my Okays to Lissa.
Dimitri raised an eyebrow at me and I signed.
"I have to go to Lissa and teach her how to put her walls up." He nodded and reached for his shirt that I now noticed was off. I took all of him and I saw him looking at me. I took the hand that reach for the shirt and shook my head at him. "You don't need that" I said licking my bottom lip.
He gulped and closed his eyes.
"Rose the Princess will see us" he said but that didn't make me relax my hold of his hand. I put his hand on my collarbone and he gasped opening his eyes "Roza" his Russian accent lingering around my name like a prayer. Before I could talk he griped my nape and pulled me close to him crushing my lips with his. I put all I had in that kiss and I could feel its impact on Dimitri. I traced his abs with my fingers and he groped my breasts. For a minute or two I forgot that Lissa and I agreed to meet in her room but she couldn't let me forget.
'Rose my room NOW!'she screamed and I wrinkled my nose making Dimitri stop.
He signed but pulled away showing me he understood. I gave him a small smile and he kissed my forehead.
"You know" I started playing with his fingers "I could use your help with the putting her walls up thing. I mean I could use the destruction for our benefit" I said not looking at his eyes but on our hands.
"Sure" he said and I almost fell off the bed by the surprise.
"Really?" I asked him and he nodded.
"Sure if that means that we could spend time together all alone in the future." He said future! He wants us to have a future! I know I'm probably grinning like a fool but who cares? He wants to have a future with me! "Roza I love you and the sooner you teach Vasilissa how to put her walls up the sooner I will show you just how much" he said and pecked my lips…
Teaching Lissa was easy. I mean she is a hard working student and with Dimitri's help she got it sooner that I did. Hey I didn't have anyone to show me this! Anyway…after I showed her how to mentally seal herself I went with Dimitri to the gym for our training.
Training with Dimitri was harder than I remembered. I was being over destructed by his it's-too-hot-to-wear-a-shirt attitude that I got pinned almost 10 times by now.
Well that's enough! In a too-quick move for him to react I pulled off my shirt and lunged myself at him. He was taken so aback that I managed to pin him on the floor in 2 seconds. Huh! Take that mister no-shirt-on! Dimitri's hands were on my waist in seconds. His eyes got bigger and bigger seeing me on top of him with no shirt. His eyes weren't the only that got bigger. I could feel him above me and I know he battled for control. A smile played in my lips and he closed the gap kissing me. We spend some good 5 minutes in this position just kissing one another. Suddenly he stopped. I furrowed my eyebrows and gave him a questioning look.
"We have to talk" he finally said. I nodded and he continued. "when we were with Vasilissa, Tasha texted me that we are to leave tomorrow. Work came up and Lord Mendrinos wants to make sure she and the baby are fine. He is really overprotective but I know I would do the same." He suddenly stopped. I can't give him what he wants. I can't give him babies.
'Rose?' Lissa asked in my head 'are you alright? Is it something wrong?'
'I'm fine' I told her putting my walls up and looking at Dimitri. He had put his Guardian mask on and he was looking away. I reached and cupped his cheek.
"I'm sorry" I told him "I know how much you want a family and I'm so sorry I can't give you that." A tier escaped my eye and Dimitri brushed it away removing with it his Guardian mask.
"You have nothing to be sorry for my Roza" he kissed me softly in my lips "you are everything that I could possibly want. I never thought that I would be given the chance to be a father and that's alright with me. As long as I have you I'm perfectly fine!" he smiled but I could see he was hurt. I looked down but he got my chin forcing me to look right into his eyes "Roza I love you! Nothing will change that. Please keep that in that pretty head of yours." He kissed my forehead and pulled me to his lap. I sobbed for a while but then I caught up with what he said earlier.
"When you are leaving?" I asked him sniffing my nose. He brushed another tier and signed.
"At dawn" he said "I won't be able to see you tomorrow" he held me closer tightening his arms around me.
"I love you" I whispered in the crook of his neck inhaling his aftershave.
"I love you too Roza" he whispered back smelling my hair. Or that was what I think he did.
We headed to the cafeteria to meet the others. Lissa was beside Christian and Tasha chatting cheerfully. When she saw me she gave me a small smile letting me know that she knew already.
'I will be here this time sis' she told me through the bond. I smiled at her and gave her a hug murmuring my thanks.
"There you are my little Dhampire!" Adrian's voice came loud and clear making Dimitri stiffen beside me. "I looked all over for you. Is everything alright?" he asked eyeing Dimitri.
"Everything is fine Lord Ivashkov" Dimitri said and even bowed formally putting his Guardian mask on.
"Dimka we have to go and pack." Tasha said looking at Dimitri "Rose I'm sorry we didn't have as much time as I'd like us to have here. We will be here for graduation though. I hope we can catch up then?" she asked kindly and I could tell she was sorry for taking Dimitri from me.
"It's alright with me Lady Ozera" I followed Dimitri's actions and bowed my head at her. "I shall be happy to see you again."
"Wow Rose you really have issues calling my aunt a Lady" Christian laughed at me but I kept my composure trying to make Dimitri proud to be beside me even though no one knew about us he was still my mentor.
"If you say so Prince Ozera" I bowed my head at Christian too and I think I puked little into my mouth.
"Little Dhampire I love the new you! What do you say you come to my room and teach you how to properly bow?" Adrian said and I could hardly contain myself.
"I am sorry but I have to decline your offer Lord Ivashkov. My schedule is too tight" I replied kindly enough.
'Rose, Alberta is here. Keep pretending!' Lissa warned me through the bond.
"Rose can you please accompany me to the feeders?" Lissa asked smiling.
"It would be my pleasure Princess Dragomir" I turned to Tasha and bowed again "Lady Ozera it was a pleasure" I turned to Christian "Prince Ozera" I saluted him turning to Adrian "Lord Ivashkov if I say it was a pleasure I would be lying" I bowed and smiled at him turning to Dimitri "Guardian Belikov it was a big pleasure to have you train me again"
"The pleasure was all mine Guardian Hathaway" he said using the title that I would have in the future and bowed. I winked at him without anyone else seeing and turned to Lissa.
"After you Princess" I said and followed her to the feeders.
We were in Lissa's room chatting to keep my mind off of things. She was trying to brush my hair through the combs and I was trying to focus on something else beside Dimitri. I didn't have a chance to see Dimitri before he left and I think it was easier that way. I don't think that I could let him go if he stood in frond of me saying his goodbyes. I let a sign that got Lissa's attention.
"It's going to be alright" she said hugging me from behind. I turned to face her and rest my head into the crook of her neck sobbing.
All those years of trying to be tough and keeping what bothered me inside crumbled in a moment of the thought of Dimitri being away. "Rose everything's gonna…" a message in my cell phone interrupted her. I took my celli in my hands and opened the message from the unknown number.
We didn't have the chance to see each other.
Know that I miss you already.
I miss the way you laugh, the way you kiss, the way you feel.
I hope you are not missing me as hard as I miss you 'cause it's painful.
I love you my Roza and I can't w8 till graduation.
Love D.
D! Dimitri! He text messaged me…oh how I would like to text him that I didn't miss him as much as he missed me but that can't happen. I'm pretty sure I miss him much more than he misses me. So that's what I texted.
Dimitri…I wish I could tell you that.
I wish there was a way of me to tell you that
I don't miss you as much as you do so you wouldn't have to hurt.
I can't. I miss you so much that my heart stops beating at times.
Then I whisper your name in the shadows and it starts beating again.
Way to go Comrade! You are my medicine.
I love you Dimitri. My freedom is close.
Love Roza
(Playlist: my sacrifice-creed)
Days kept passing and graduation couldn't come any closer. In field experience instead of giving me Lissa they gave me Christian. I thought about complaining but then I thought how Dimitri would like me to cope with it. He would want me to go up there with a smile on my face and the head high as I did. To add up to this when I reached Christian I bowed and called him Prince Ozera which pissed him off. Everything seemed to be ok till the day that I saw Mason. Yep! You figure it out. The Mason. The dead Mason! I was walking Christian back to the dorm when he appeared in frond of me. He just materialized out of thin air and if Lissa wasn't in my head spying on what Christian was telling me about her I would think that I was crazy. The first time I just froze and he kept showing something behind me. By the time I shrugged it off. What would dead Mason wanted to saw me? The second time I was with Lissa and though she couldn't see him on her own she saw him through me. Mason said that 'they' are coming. It was really strange and we tried to make him tell us more but he couldn't. To add to strange things happening around 's, kids were found beaten and then Lissa gets a creepy invitation from Jesse and Ralph to join their little group. Once I learned about their group called Mana I went to Alberta to report it. I know it sounds mean and all but it was strange that all those kids were beaten and didn't want to tell to anyone who did it. Alberta investigated it and found their secret meeting place and made them stop. Seems like they were messing with offensive magic that had the wards weakening. I never saw Mase again which was good and bad at the same time 'cause I missed my buddy but I was creeped by the whole ghost thing. Anyway things were good for a while and then the day of the Graduation came. The trials were easy considering that I had already tasted the real deal when Mason died. The ceremony took place in what was usually the Academy's dining room, a room they were able to remarkably transform into something as grand and elaborate as we'd find at the Royal Court. Spectators-friends, family, guardians-packed the room as Alberta called our names one at a time and read our scores as we approached the tattoo artist. The scores were important. They would be made public and, along with our overall school grades, influence our assignments. Moroi could request certain grads for their guardians. Lissa had requested me, of course, and Christian requested Eddie. There were no Moroi at this ceremony, though, aside from the handful who had been invited as guests by the new graduates. Everyone else gathered was a dhampir: either one of the established guardians or about-to become-guardians like me. The guests sat in the back, and the senior guardians sat near the front. My classmates and I stood the whole time, maybe as some sort of last test of endurance. [I put the actual lines from Spirit Bound] I was happy to see my parents there. I was about to receive my graduation mark when he enter. His eyes flashed instantly on me and stayed there. I kept my eyes on him the whole time as the tattoo guy finished his work. A smile tagged on his face as he saw me stand.
'He is here!' I said to Lissa through the bond and she turned her eyes to where I was looking. She waved at him and he bowed politely at her. Always the gentleman!
After the ceremony I went to my room to change only to find the door half open. I opened it slowly and walked in. His aftershave filled the air of my room and I instantly relaxed. I tried to figure where he could be but he didn't gave me much time. He lunged at me the second I closed the door and he pinned me down. His lips found mine easily and his hands were all over me.
'Lissa your walls NOW!' I told her through the bond.
'Got it!' she replied and sealed herself.
"I missed you" he whispered through kisses.
"I missed you too" I said kissing his jaw "more than you know"
"Mmmm…" he said licking and sucking my neck and collarbone.
"Someone can't control himself" I was referring to the fact the he was ready to jump me on the floor. He seemed to understand that 'cause he stood up quickly and helped me up. "I wasn't complaining you know" I smiled at him and pecked his lips. He growled and pushed me on my bed for another short make up section. After a few minutes we stopped and I got ready for the after party. Dimitri escorted me there but he didn't come in. We said our goodnights and he turned to leave. The party was pretty awesome but my mind kept focusing on Dimitri.
6 years later
Dimitri and I were now living on in a house close to Royal Court. Dad insisted on buying it for us and let's just say that Dimitri wasn't so thrilled about it. I still laugh when I think about my parent's reaction to mine and Dimitri's relationship. At first Janine attacked him and then Abe threw fire balls to 'finish the job'. I may be laughing now when I think about it but then I was really scared about him. As the years passed they accepted our relationship but me wanting to move in with him facing all this criticism just added to the fact that they didn't like Dimitri. Whatever! It's not like I ever listen to them.
Tomorrow was Lissa's memorial. Lissa died giving birth to Alexandra Ozera 3 years back. We tried everything to save her but she was very weak. I blamed myself for weeks and Dimitri was going crazy with my behavior. Eventually Christian and I got over it and agreed that since Lissa died to bring Alexandra into life then we should take care of her no matter what.
"Roza, Roza" Alexandra's voice ringed to the hall. Yes Christian was staying with us. He was like my brother and I couldn't imagine my life without him or Alexandra. It was late July and they were back from their short trip to visit Tasha. She run and hugged my leg.
"Hey baby girl" I said leaning down carefully. I tried to pick her up but Dimitri was faster.
"Hi you little monster" he said and hugged her close to his body. She took a deep breath and smiled. "I missed you" he said and kissed her hair.
"Miss ya too Dimka" she said kissing his cheek. She was 3 years old and tomorrow she would be 4. She reached for me to take her from Dimitri's arms but he wouldn't let her. She looked at him with those sad puppy eyes but he just nodded no. She then turned her face to me. She was a spiting image of Lissa if you exclude the dark hair and blue eyes that she got from the Ozera line.
"Alex what I told you about Aunt Rose?" Christian asked her saving me from her sad eyes. She hidden her face to the crook of Dimitri's neck and he patted her back.
"Sorry Roza" she murmured loud enough for me to hear. I smiled and kissed her cheek.
"It's ok baby girl. I don't mind." Dimitri gave me a glare and Christian rolled his eyes. I stuck my tongue out at them and took Alexandra's hand heading to the sofa. She sat at my lap and played silently with my hair.
It was our way of relaxing and giving Chris and Dimitri their time to chat or do whatever they wanted to do. She told me everything about how she spend her time there with her own perfect way. It seems because I used to be Lissa's shadow kissed, my ability to read her mind and feel her feelings passed by her to Alexandra. Alexandra used it to communicate with me of show me pictures if she couldn't find the right words to say it. She told me about Tasha's son, Steven, and how they played together. It was really cute to have her showing me her way of seeing things.
Suddenly I felt a pain in my stomach and gasped letting Alexandra from my hands. She ran away calling Dimitri and Christian. Dimitri was beside me in seconds taking me in his arms.
"Dim…"gasp "the baby" gasp "water broke" I screamed and folded in two in Dimitri's arms. All I can remember is a white light before I fainted.
Dimitri's Pov
Roza folded in my arms screaming out of her lungs. Christian took Alexandra in his arms and opened me the door to the garage. I put Rose back and kept talking to her but she wouldn't respond. We reached the small hospital in Baia in less than 10' and the doctors took immediate care of her. I requested to be with her and they allowed me. I took Rose's hand in mine and I felt her squeezing it back to show me she was there.
I kept remembering her face when the doctor told her they found a way for as to have a baby. It was soon after Vasilissa died that they told us she worked with them helping them to find a way for Dhampires to reproduce without the Moroi's help. We would be the first to ever try it and I was afraid to put Roza in immediate danger. We would disagree about it every night for a week until I gave up with her saying that it was Vasilissa's plan and that it would work with no doubt. After two months we were told that Roza was pregnant with my baby and we couldn't be happy enough. Now I'm not sure I'm willing to let Roza die in birth like Vasilissa but from the other hand if I chose to let the baby die and Roza to live she would hate me forever.
Another ear piercing scream interrupted my thoughts and Rose's hand nearly crashed the bones of mine. She opened her eyes and I took a deep breath. My Roza is ok…we are ok…She looked at me and tried to smile. I leaned down and kissed her lips murmuring that I loved her.
The procedure was painful not only for Roza but for me also. Watching her in pain was the hardest thing to endure. I was incapable of doing anything to help her so I kept my mouth shut watching the love of my life giving me a baby. After four hours of try finally a cry filled the room.
Rose's Pov
A cry filled the room. My baby is here at last!
"It's a girl" the doctor told me holding her out to me.
I took her in my arms careful not to break her. She was the most beautiful thing I had even seen. She had a cute nose like mine and my wicked hair though she held my mother's red colour. She slowly open her eyes and I was instantly captivated. She held her father's eyes. Those eyes I could get lost into. She took hold of my finger in her little palm and I felt Dimitri brushing a tier that fell from my eyes. I looked at his eyes that mirrored our daughter's.
"Thanks you Roza" he murmured kissing my forehead.
"Do you want to hold your daughter ?" I asked him and he nodded.
Dimitri took her in his arms less scared than I and held her close to his chest. He sat in my bed and I leaned to his shoulder watching our daughter. I yawned and a nurse came to take the baby. Dimitri gave our daughter to the nurse and kissed me.
"Sleep my Roza. I'll be there when you wake with our daughter."
"Lissa" I whispered and he smiled at me as the tiredness took a hold of me driving me to sleep.
15 years later
"Roza he is here!" Alexandra came in my and Dimitri's bedroom screaming. I could feel her emotions going wild and that meant only one thing: Steven was here! I turned from the other side shoving her away. "Come on sleepyhead! Help me pick my dress and fix my make-up and hair. He will be here in 10 minutes." She kept pulling me off the bed and then I sensed Lissa entering the room.
"You know you shouldn't treat your Moroi that way" Gosh she sounds more like her father every day.
I growled and put my face in my hands. "Ok you little monsters I got it!" I could hear them snickering as they exit my bedroom. "Teenagers" I muttered as I made my way towards Alexandra's bedroom.
Alexandra was now 18 and my daughter, Lissa, was 15. They were both at 's Academy here in Russia and it was Alexandra's Graduation day. She and Steven were together for 3 years and they looked really cute together. Christian didn't know a thing and we hoped to stay that way. Both Dimitri and I were now working on 's Academy as trainers and Christian as a teacher of 'defensive arts', as he liked to call it, for Moroi. My charge was Alexandra since she was my 'niece' and Dimitri worked in the Academy just to look after Lissa which she finds stupid since she is going to be a Guardian herself one day.
"Roza we only have 5'! Come on!" Jeez can't she just be happy that I'm up?
"Ok!" I started taking the situation in my hands "you will wear the blue dress that will make your eyes pop up and I will straighten your hair. Does it sound ok to you?" I asked her and she hugged me tight.
"Shoes?" she asked as she wore the dress.
"Black stilettos, in my room, under my bed!" I instructed her. She smiled, got the stilettos from my room, put them on and then sat in her vanity turning to me. I applied some light make-up and some black eyeliner to her and straighten her hair as I told her. I gave her the ok as the door bell rang. She screamed and jumped up nervously.
"He is here, he is here" she chanted over and over again. I showed her to the door and remind her to keep the casualties in frond of her father.
I opened the door to Steven, bowing my head to him, he rolled his eyes and I smiled saluting his Guardians and letting them in. Steven was 21 years old so he already had his stationed Guardians. Guardian Manesis and Guardian Christou were Greeks like Lord Medrinos and they were pretty good at their job. Alexandra fixed her dress and hair glancing at me for approval. I winked at her and she came forward. She smiled and offered him her hand. He formally took it and kissed it making her blush.
"Princess Ozera" he saluted formally.
"Prince Medrinos" she saluted trying to keep her composure but they eventually cracked in hysteric laughs.
"Lexi I swear every time I see you, you look even more beautiful" Steven said winking at her. Alexandra opened her mouth to reply but Christian interrupted her.
"It runs in the family kid" he said giving him a manly hug. "Aunt Tasha made a wonderful job with you" and he was right. Steven was a sight to see. Not like my Russian God but like a Greek God. Oh Rose get a grip! Sometimes it is hard to fight Alexandra's feelings.
"That's how it seems" he replied eyeing Alexandra and she winked at him.
"Time to go" Lissa announced annoyed. Her friends waited for her in 's already.
"After you Princess" I showed Alexandra out.
The ceremony passed by quickly and Alexandra ran straight to me. She hugged me tightly and I patted her back.
"Your momma would be proud" she smiled at me and hugged Christian next. Dimitri came to say his congratulations to her and rested his hands in my waist.
"How's my favourite girl in the world?" Adrian asked coming from the backstage. His eyes fell on me but then he noticed Dimitri so he turned to Alexandra. She ran to his arms and he spanned her around like a little girl. "Hey there princess!" he kissed her hair.
"Hi Uncle…I missed ya tons! Nice of you to show up." She teased him. We hadn't see Adrian for over a year but he was busy as hell.
"King Ivashkov" Stark, Christian's other Guardian, bowed formally. A few years back Tatiana died and since there wasn't a successor Adrian took her place as the King of Moroi.
"Oh…not again" Adrian growled frustrated "stop with the bowing already"
"Adrian always a pleasure to see you" Christian commented "now please let my Guardians be" Adrian opened his mouth to reply but I shot him a glare that stopped him. He put his arms to surrender and looked at me.
"Rose…charming as ever" he said and I bowed my head slightly "oh don't give me that! Don't I get a hug?" he asked with a sad smile. Adrian never really got over me but he tried to stay away from me through the years. I felt Dimitri stiffening behind me but I signed and hugged Adrian. He held me in his arms and whispered in my ear silently so only I could hear him "I missed you Little Dhampir" I kissed his cheek and gave him a small smile.
"Lexi I have a gift for you" he said turning to Alexandra.
"Adrian I hope is not an expensive car or something like that or else King or not I will make you flambé" Christian warned him.
"Do not worry human torch it's nothing like that" he handed Alexandra a box from Tiffany's. Alexandra's eyes popped out and quickly took the box from his hands jumping in his arms once again.
"Thanks Uncle!" she gave him a kiss in the cheek and opened the box. Inside there was a simple silver chain with a small emerald drop on it. It was gorgeous. It reminded me of Adrian's eyes. "Roza look" she held it in frond of me to have a good look at it.
"It's gorgeous Adrian" I commented and Dimitri's arms crept slowly around my waist. Adrian turned his eyes from me and shrugged his shoulders.
"It was nothing really" Alexandra hugged him again and he helped her put it on.
"It looks great on you" Steven said from behind us. She smiled at him and he gave her a hug. I cleared my throat when I noticed that they hold to it long.
"We should head home. It's late and we have preparations for tomorrow night." Alexandra nodded and walked with Steven to the car. "Dimitri will you tell Lissa that we need to leave?" I asked my husband.
"Of course Roza" he gave me a kiss and he left to find our daughter.
Christian, Alexandra and Steven headed to the cars and I followed behind them. I was after all their shadow. Adrian crept behind me and of course I wasn't surprised when he popped up in frond of me. I shook my head at him.
"Aren't ya suppose to be with your Guardians?" I asked him seriously. When the scientists learned how to make Dhampirs reproduce with their kind Strigoi were less and the Guardians more. Even the non Royal Moroi gets two Guardians now. Still the fact that Strigoi numbers are off doesn't mean the Moroi don't need our help.
"Cool off Little Dhampir!" Adrian said grinning "there's not even one in thousand chance we meet Strigoi." he reached for my hand and I let him have it. "Rose I miss you…I wish things were different for us.." I shook my head and removed my hand from his.
"Adrian don't! We've discussed it. I'm with Dimitri and I have a daughter to him which I love and I wouldn't change anything for anyone!" I said and quickened my step so I was near the others.
Once we were at the house I started the preparations for tomorrow's party. Alexandra was like all Royals but without the snob part. She liked social stuff and parties so tomorrow we would hold a graduation party.
I was the first one to wake this day. My back hurt like hell and my stomach made flips making me nauseous. Dimitri moved a little but he didn't wake. I remained beside him and looked at his face. Even in his 46 years he can still take my breath away without noticing it. Some wrinkles he had in his face only made him look more beautiful than before. His body was the same 'cause he trained a lot and his gorgeous hair were longer than it used to be. I smiled as I thought how we met and how we ended up together. I kissed his lips and he responded opening his eyes.
"Morning Roza" he whispered in my lips.
"Morning babe" I whispered back and pecked his lips again.
I headed to the closet and picked a dress. As I undressed myself Dimitri did the same making me lose my focus. He caught my eye and gave me his not-so-rare-anymore smile.
"What are you thinking about Roza?" he asked as he neared dangerously close making my breath unease.
"I was thinking about how you can stay as sexy as you were at first and with changes that make you even more sexy with time" he grinned and hugged me close to his body.
"Roza you are the one that does those things. You look like the first time I met you and if it's possible even more gorgeous" he kissed my nose and I smiled resting my head in his chest.
"Momma, momma" I heard the front door opening and then little feet running to our door.
I quickly left Dimitri's embrace and hurried to open the door to our room. Little Mason ran into my arms and I spanned him around.
"I missed you baby…" I told him as I hided my face in his hair.
"Miss Momma" he said and hugged me titer. "Baba?" he asked me looking for Dimitri.
When Dimitri heard our son's voice came and took him from my arms and tossing him to the air. Mason started giggling and kissed his father.
"How's my big boy?" Dimitri questioned our son. Mason grinned and ran to me again holding up his hands so I would hold him.
"Don't I get a hug?" Lissa asked him when she exited her room and saw us.
Mason jumped from my arms and hugged his sister's leg. Lissa giggled, scooped him up and kissed his head.
"Syestra" he said and kissed her cheek.
"Don't we get a pair of hugs?" Abe asked as he entered the room himself with my mother beside him.
It still amazes me how quickly they accepted their grandchildren even if they didn't liked Dimitri. My mom was so wrapped up around Lissa's little finger that she had been training her herself for a little while. I like to think that's because she had her colour of hair. Anyway…I crossed the room and gave my dad a hug.
"Of course you get a hug old man" I said while moved to hug my mother too.
She held me and then nodded at Dimitri. They'll never gonna change I thought shaking my head. Alexandra entered the room and took Mason from Lissa's arms. He was going to be spoiled rotten.
"How's my man?" she asked him rubbing her nose with his "do you have my ring yet?" she was joking with him of course but Mason looked disappointed when she mentioned it. Alexandra noticed that and smiled "it's ok little man I've got many rings see?" she showed him the rings she always wore at her hands. He kissed her cheek and she giggled.
"Where is my buddy?" Eddie asked Mason entering the room without anyone noticing him.
Mason shook his hand in a strange way making a combo of moves with Eddie. I burst into laughing and everyone else followed.
"What's up?" my little guy asked Eddie making me laugh even harder.
"Where is dad?" Alexandra asked surveying the area and noticing Chris was gone. I shrugged my shoulders and headed to Christian's room.
He can't be still asleep with all that noise. What is taking him so long? I knocked on his door without taking an answer. Alexandra knocked again harder than before.
"Dad this ain't funny" she screamed at the closed door. She knocked again making the door open slightly. "Dad?" she asked again this time in a low voice that was barely audible. My guts told me to not let her in but this was her father. My brother. All this was making me more anxious so I entered the room behind her. I saw him before I hear her gasp. Christian was lying there awkwardly pale holding something in his hands.
Lissa took a hold of Alexandra and I neared Chris. His eyes were wide open and the ice blue of them was fading. I closed his eyes and took the paper from his hands. It was a photo of Lissa with him in their wedding day. She looked so pretty and perfectly happy like Christian. A tier escaped my eye and I quickly removed it. I felt Dimitri behind me and I turned to hide my face in his chest. He held me close caressing my hair and whispering in Russian that everything's going to be ok.
We had Christian buried next to Lissa. Alexandra was devastated so we called off the graduation party. Everything was going to hell and we should go on. How are we supposed to do this? I had to be strong for my children, husband and Alexandra. She was like a daughter to me and I was the one who raised her but I don't know if I can do this without Christian. We learned who to live with Lissa's absent but we never thought that he would someday follow her. Mason couldn't understand why his Uncle never woke up and why he went to see an Aunt he never knew that existed in Heaven. My poor baby was so confused by all of this mess that I didn't know how to act myself. If Dimitri weren't there I don't know if I could do this.
So this how our life goes on. Heartache and pain are always present. Love and compassion also. How are we going to cope? Who knows? All I know is that we have to live the life that's ahead of us and remember the good things that passed….
The End
Sorry for taken so long...I hope you guys enjoyed my first ff…sorry about killing Lissa and Chris please don't kill me =D
Wild World by Sid
Now that I've lost everything to you
You say you wanna start something new
And it's breakin' my heart you're leavin'
Baby, I'm grievin'
But if you wanna leave, take good care
Hope you have a lot of nice things to wear
But then a lot of nice things turn bad out there
Oh, baby, baby, it's a wild world
It's hard to get by just upon a smile
Oh, baby, baby, it's a wild world
and I'll always remember you like a child, girl
You know I've seen a lot of what the world can do
And it's breakin' my heart in two
Because I never wanna see you sad, girl
Don't be a bad girl
But if you wanna leave, take good care
Hope you make a lot of nice friends out there
But just remember there's a lot of bad and beware
Baby, I love you
But if you wanna leave, take good care
Hope you make a lot of nice friends out there
But just remember there's a lot of bad and beware
Chances by Five For Fighting
Chances are when said and done
Who'll be the lucky ones
Who make it all the way?
Though you say I could be your answer
Nothing lasts forever
No matter how it feels today
Chances are we´ll find a new equation Don't get me wrong I'd never say never I´m just a realistic man Chances are we´ll find two destinations Chances chances
Chances roll away from me
Chances are all they hope to be
Cause though love can change the weather
No act of God can pull me away from you
A bottle filled with shells and sand
Afraid to love beyond what I can lose when it comes to you
And though I see us through yeah
Chances roll away from me
Still chances are more than expectations
The possibilities
Over me
Eight to five, two to one
Lay your money on the sun
until you crash what have you done?
Is there a better bet than love?
What you are is what you breathe
You gotta cry before you sing
Chances lost are hopes torn up pages
Maybe this time
Chances are we´ll be the combination
Chances come and carry me
Chances are waiting to be taken
And I can see
Chances are the fascination
Chances won't escape from me
Chances are only what we make them
And all I need