Disclaimer: Don't own Burn Notice, making no money.

Note: I started writing this before the finale had taken place so technically it is now an AU storyline.

And this is all from Michael's POV.

CH. 1

Information costs a lot. Guns, land, drugs, you'll all pay a lot for, but information, that usually costs the most. That's why spies exist, to pay the price no one else wants to pay. But at some point, every spy is faced with the question... what price is too high?

The information that Sam, Fi, and I had collected over the last few months was starting to add up. And add with it what Sam had just gotten me, it was enough to clear my name. I was going to be off the black list, and Carla and would be a thing of the past.

"Sam, I need you to run out and get a few supplies. I need to get a hold of Fi so we can get out to the docks."

"Sounds good Mikey. I'm on it" Sam says as he walks out the door.

Now to tell Fi, I wasn't sure how she was going to take it. Trust me I know part of her wishes my burn notice never gets lifted. But this is who I am. I don't know how to be anything else. I pick up my phone and hit 1 on my speed dial. The phone rings

and rings

and rings

No answer. Not like Fi at all. I try again, still nothing. Something is not right. I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach, like right before a bomb goes off and you don't know what wire to cut. Without another thought I run out the door and jump in the Charger, something is telling me I have to get to Fi's place, and I have to get there now.

Fi's door is unlocked when I get there. Not enough to bother a normal person but enough for me to know that something is wrong right away. She never leaves her door unlocked. The living room looks like something out of a war zone, I notice there aren't too many survivors in Fi's snow globe collection.

I hear a sound, a moan, not Fiona's, a man's instead. It's coming from the bathroom. I open the door cautiously. If someone did try to hurt Fi I am sure she did her best to take a few of them down, but when I enter the room, gun drawn, I am surprised to see Campbell. Bloody and bruised but alive and awake.

"Campbell what happened? Where's Fiona? "

"I don't know. What the hell kind of soil scientist are you guys? What's going on?" he keeps rambling, none of this is helping me find Fiona.

"Campbell, calm down, tell me what happened?"

"Calm down, are you nuts, guys burst in with guns, Fiona pulls a gun and starts shooting, I tried to get out of here and one of them starts kicking the crap out of me. You all are crazy. I am getting as far away from this place as possible."

I was getting frustrated, I needed to know what happened to Fi. I pick Campbell up by the collar of his shirt and pin him against the wall. Its the only way I can get him to stop rambling and tell me what I need.

"Did they say anything? Did you see a car, anything?"

"I blacked out before they took her, I woke up when I heard you."

I let go of his shirt. He turns and starts to head out the bathroom door.

"Look I hope you find her and all, but when you do, tell her its over, I can't do this"

And he runs out the door. Fiona needs help and this sniveling little weasel turns his back on her.

I go back out into the living room trying to piece together what happened, when my cell phone rings.

"Hello Michael" Carla...

"Where is she?"

"Oh she's alive for now. I have to tell you Michael she is a feisty one. She made it a lot harder then it had to be. But something tells me you like a little fight in your ladies. Hate to take that out of her."

I can feel my father's temper creeping up on me. All my years of training and being under fire, all out the window.

"If she has so much as a scratch on her, you are dead, all of you."

"Now Michael, that's all on you. You have could kept your nose clean, done what we said and none of this would have happened. But you had to go sniffing around, gathering information you didn't need. And now here we are. So if anyone is to be blamed for what becomes of Fiona, its you Michael." I hate the sly way she turns this on me.

"What do you want?" I am almost afraid to ask.

"The information Michael, all of it. The X-ray, the files, the extra key card, the pictures all of it. And don't you dare try and copy any of it. We'll know. You give me all that, and you can have her back."

My mind was running as fast as it could, was there a way I could keep both...maybe if I could figure out where they were, I could go in...

"Don't think too long Michael, the longer you wait, the less likely you precious Fiona gets out of here alive. I'll give you two hours to go back to your place and get all the information together. And make sure you get any copies Sam might have too." I hear the click of the cell phone. Damn.

I call Sam as I head out the door.

"Sam, get back to the loft. We have a problem."

"What's wrong Mike?"

"Carla just gave me an ultimatum... Fiona or the burn notice."