Author has written 3 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Stargate: SG-1, and Smallville. I am recently back from a long break in writing, will hopefully start posting more soon. Problems with Profile I've been having some problems with showing my homepage so. fanfiction(dot)lucifael(dot)com Remove (dot) and replace with . and it'll lead you to a cover page type thing and you can find my fiction and a fair bit more there. Harry Who I've managed to pick up the thread of Harry Who, I can't promise it will come out all that fast but it is still coming. So while I did say it was abandoned I'm very pleased to say that now it is not! i know somewhat changeable mind but it was only abandoned because I could get to my notes, as it turns out my memory is slightly better than I thought - who knew! Currently working this fic quite hard and doing a lot of planning for it, using some new writing software that I hope, will allow me to keep up with a good posting schedule. A lot is going on in that fic and sometimes even as the author it's hard to keep up with. Quick note on this fic, they start at 16, Sixteen, not eleven (11) in that one. That seems to catch a lot of people so I thought I would mention it here. Yokonamy This story is NOT dead, just on hiatus. Unchained Check my homepage for this one. See note above. After The Storm I update this as and when I can but that isn't perhaps as often as people would like, but it is definitely not abandoned so don't worry about that, but I am a little blocked on a few items at the moment so that's slowing things down a little. My Homepage (lucifael[dot]com) [dot] = . Do please visit my home page, link on profile as it is more up to date than anywhere else and has several useful and interesting features that I can't have here. There's also something like 100 stories there and only two here currently. Beware most of my work is of an adult nature though and you are required to be of age to read those works. I only post my 'safe' stuff here - lol. See note above. |