Author has written 41 stories for Harry Potter, Digimon, Cowboy Bebop, Twilight, X-Men: Evolution, 90210, Doctor Who, Supernatural, That '70s Show, Smallville, and Life Unexpected. Hey everyone! I thought I would revamp my bio to make it look a bit more professional, so here's a little bit about me. My name is actually Trina. I use this account to write most of my non-Harry Potter fanfiction; I use my other account, Sweet Darkling, to write most of my Harry Potter fanfiction. Additionally, I have an account on - Midnight Green - and that tends to house my more random Harry Potter fanfiction that won't be covered under a single title. Name: Trina. Pseudonyms I go under are Tuppence and Sweet Darkling on Midnight Green on . Age: Currently 23. Weekly Drabbles: The Beautiful South. Supernatural. 100 word drabbles based on the E/O Challenge. (Contact Enkidu07 or OnyxMoonbeam for more information.) Currently working through old challenges from November time. The Embittered Monologue. Supernatural. 100 word drabbles but in the form of a multichaptered story. As always, based on the E/O challenges. Bebop Weekly. A challenge I'm trying to set up for Cowboy Bebop. Much like the E/O Challenges, there will be one challenge a week. Currently working on: Pandora's Kiss. Last Updated: Surprises Unexpected. Cowboy Bebop fics in progress: Sometimes it's enough. Cowboy Bebop. The second chapter is finally up but it's more like Prologue I and Prologue II. Chapter three will soon be started. The rough outline of where I want this multi-chaptered story to go is mostly written. Faye/Spike Drops of Crimson. Cowboy Bebop. Chapter II up. The writing style is going to be drastically different to the other fanfics I've's going to be MUCH more old English and abrupt and at times, surreal. The writing influence is credited wholly to Georgette Heyer and her book, The Masqueraders. It's one of my favourite books and the writing is very different from anything else I've read thus far. Touch wood this one goes ok. (The storyline for this one is inspired by Slytherincess' Adjudication, an awe-inspiring multi-chaptered Harry Potter fic on . The first Faye/Spike fight was influenced by Ain't Afraid to Die by Cassandra but I've been told it's harsher. Oops? ) This was initially going to be a Faye/Oc turned into a Faye/Spike, and very dark...I think it will eventually be dark but at the moment, it's not that angst-filled. Just a Dream. Cowboy Bebop. What is Julia was right? What is it was all just a dream? The entire Real Folk Blues was just a dream? But what will Spike to do? AU Chapter II up Ephemeros. Series of drabbles that I've started. 3 chapters up - "She ate the dog food" and "Sleep-watching". Fata. The Goddesses of Fate decides to have a little fun. Deities get bored, after all. But how will it affect the Beboppers? Chapter II up The Spike Files. A series of drabbles solely from Spike's point of view. 2nd one up. Flashes From The Past. Random, non-chronological one-shots from the Julia/Vicious/Spike era... Twilight fics in progress: Broken smiles and goodbyes. Told from Esme's point of view, this story starts with when she first changes, and then goes through all that befalls her and her true opinions on everything that occurs. 2nd chapter up. Something so much more. One of my favourites Twilight fics that I'm working on, this is a series of one-shots, non-chronological order, focussing entirely on the relationship between Jasper and Rosalie and everything we're never told and never shown in the books. The second part will have dialogue, for those of you who wanted some. :) 1st one-off up. Detective Boyle Investigates. It seems to be far less popular than the others I'm working on, but this one is a slightly parodical take on those classic film noires, with the typical hard-boiled main character who's named Had Boyle...get it? :p Anyway, so it's also a bit of a whodunnit, in that Det Boyle has to use his "little grey cells" to work out who actually murdered Lauren Mallory. (Maybe I should have called it "Who killed Lauren Mallory?" or "The Murder of Lauren Mallory" to go for an Agatha Christie taste...) Anyway, I know you guys don't seem to like it, but I really enjoyed writing the first bit, so I'm going to continue with it. Chapter 1 up. Cigarette Smoke. A fic that combines my love (ahem obsession ahem) for Cowboy Bebop and applies it to Twilight. A series of one-shots in non-chronological idea, focussing on Emmett and how he feels about Rosalie. Get rid of those Emmett-thinks-Rosalie-is-an-angel or Emmett-thinks-Rosalie-is-a-goddess ideas. Here's what he really thinks and feels about her. She reminds him of cigarette smoke. First one-shot up. Cruel breezes and funny valentines. There's only so much a person can take, and for Rosalie, once she reaches that point, she decides she has to leave. Of course, things aren't always simple when leaving. Certain other vampires get irrationally irate and worried over her leaving, some of them worry that she'll leave them behind, and parents have a tendency to be overly anxious anyway, even Vampire ones. First chapter up. Rosalie and her thorns. A series of non-chronological one-shots focussing on Edward and Rosalie. The first one was humourous but some of the others might be a bit more serious. Second one-off up. 90210 fics in progress: Innocence's Loss. 90210, Pro-Naomi fic that takes place at the end of season 1 and is somewhat AU thereafter. Warning: It will be very dark. Snapshots of Moments Past. Currently being worked on. Random one-shots and drabbles based on various characters in 90210. Some from Beverly Hills 90210. Harry Potter fics in progress: Sparkling Onyx. One of my favourite completely (almost completely) OC Harry Potter pairings: Meet...The Parkinsons. Genevieve and Adolphus...Pansy's parents. The highs, the lows, the laughter, the crying, the curses and the magic... Slytherins don't always marry other Slytherins. Sometimes, they marry Ravenclaws... Shots of Vipertooth Vodka. He didn't look at her until she ordered a shot of Vipertooth Vodka. And then...boy did he look at her... Rolf/Astoria... If JKR can Rolf characters, so can her fans... :) Supernatural fics in progress: Brotherly Possessions. Dean came to Sam, invading Stanford and asking him to come with him, help him find dad but he gets a call and that call changes everything. Clouds Dripping Lemonade. The demon caught up with them and his kids' lives were on the line, so what does John do? He does what any sane father does: contacts said demon, exchanges The Colt and his soul for Dean's life. If only the demon hadn't reneged on the deal and let Dean die... Smallville fics in progress: The Different Facets. A look at what went on with the Kandorians... How did Jor-El and Zod go from friends to foes? What did happen on Kandor and how was it destroyed? A look at the different things happening on a complex planet with disastrous results. Pandora's Kiss. Jimmy's died and Chloe's all alone and how do things go from there to a world taken over by Kandorians where she dies a tragic death? We Used To Be Friends. Chloe and Oliver visit Smallville for a charity ball which Lois and Clark are reporting on. They used to all be friends - Chloe, Lois, Oliver and Clark. And somewhere down the line, life got in the way and when they look at each other, it's more with nostalgia that love and how did they really get here? How did they go from friends to former friends? Other fics in progress: Collision of Worlds...Again. Doctor Who: Takes place at the end of New Season 4, before we lose David Tennant. :-( Silver Booms In All Their Glory. X-Men Evolution: Originally, the plan was for a bunch of random one-offs but the first idea that came to me could quite easily be extended to a multi-chaptered story, so that is what I'll be attempting. Focusses primarily on Tabitha and the Brotherhood. Not all is what it seems, and sometimes love can lead to the greatest mistakes... Enter the 80's. That 70's show might have ended with the 70's, but life doesn't end with a decade. It starts anew with a new decade, and that's just what happened with the gang... Scattered Fragments. Make It Or Break It - canon until mid-season 2 finale and AU thereafter. Kaylie faints and people are so busy staring at her, worrying about her that they never notice Lauren running out of the gym and disappearing until they have no idea where she is. Surprises Unexpected. Life Unexpected - random one-shots based on different characters of the show, using word of the week from . Anyways, this is it. Love you all. Take care, ~ Tuppence ~ |
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