Reviews for Whatever Happened to Eric and Donna?
shortie990 chapter 21 . 5/20
Aww love this story. Wish there was a part where we actually get to see Eric and Donna come home and find out where they actually have been over the years.
Guest chapter 21 . 5/17
Excited to see what actually happened to Eric and Donna! Excellent!
Shadwood chapter 1 . 4/4
Okay, i had to say it What the hell happened to Eric and Donna?
I don't even know if you still use this account, the email connected to it, and still had the spirit/time/inspiration/etc to continue this fic, but i really enjoy reading it. For, i think so, the 4th time since i end T70S on Netflix.
i know its been too long but i am just curious if you have plans to continue writing or if i had to, just, make me the idea of not resolving my first question.
I hope you are okey. Healthy, especially in moments like the world in general, are passing. And sorry for my English. Not my first neither my second language
Shadwood chapter 17 . 7/3/2018
Okay. It's supposed that i had to be studying for my test of tomorrow, but i past all the afternoon reading your fic.
I laugh, i feel anxious, and rn I have a mix of feelings between Jackie and Hyde (i don't rlly know if i want this two together again), whit Jackie herself (she feel lonely. I can't take it. I saw her like she is kind of depressed, like clinical depression.) whit Eric and Donna( where the hell are they? Why aren't any of them still comunicating with his old friends? i mean, i have friends that i don't see in almost 8 years but we still say hi to each other in birthdays and holidays, it's not difficult.)
And Collet, lil Jackie, i like her. She is smart, she is calm, and she don't follow Jackie in what she says. That's cool.

Well, i gonna wait for a new chapter, and hope that you past an excellent week
romeosami7 chapter 10 . 11/18/2017
fuck. this is heavy too. Writer, you're a God. I say *bows down*
romeosami7 chapter 10 . 11/18/2017
damn Fez. daughter of Dracula. that was awesome! LMAO
romeosami7 chapter 8 . 11/18/2017
Goldenbassets chapter 16 . 9/30/2017
I had so much fun reading this. I hope there's more to it. I was worried when I saw Buddy's name come up that it would be just a lame nostalgic name drop but he was a great addition to the story, I loved reading about him and seeing how he added to it.
Goldenbassets chapter 2 . 9/29/2017
I'm so intrigued! I love that Jackie picked up Little Jackie and brought her to the Forman's. Of course, Hyde is still there after all this time. Of course, Red is going to be gruff yet amenable to another damn kid coming in to eat their food.
Vondrakenhof chapter 16 . 6/4/2017
Great story. Really interesting. I hope you'll finish this!
kagome higurashi chapter 16 . 8/18/2016
please write some more. it's good.
Aaliamad chapter 15 . 5/24/2016
Hooray, an update!
Caroline is seriously deranged. Completely cuckoo. Poor little Jackie must be wondering what the hell is going on! I love the way you write Angie - I can so see her saying and doing the things you've written! I'm pleased she's helping Jackie out, albeit reluctantly at first. Hyde's lost Grooves?! No way! On to the next chapter to find out what's going on...
Great work, as always :)
imnotforman chapter 14 . 2/2/2016
dude, today's your due date! February 2, 2016! tbh i'm growing a little impatient... haha jk
apreciad chapter 14 . 12/7/2015
Love this story.. have been waiting for more!
Aaliamad chapter 14 . 12/6/2015
Omg, great chapter! Caroline is MENTAL! You have done a brilliant job with her. And Jackie peddling all round town on a bike...hilarious :D Can't wait for the next chapter, I adore your writing.
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