Disclaimer: I do not own Cowboy Bebop.

Song Line

Spike looked at Faye highly amused. She was mad about something, but she was a woman, a woman with attitude, so it could be anything.

"Lose at horses again?" Spike asks.

"What?" She snaps back at him.

"Did you lose all of your money?" Spike repeats slowly.

She advances on him slowly, Spike raises an eyebrow from his position on the yellow couch.

"Shut up lunkhead!" She snaps as she throws one of her magazines at him.

"What's the problem then?"

"Why do you care?" She asks defensively.

"No reason." Or maybe one but he wasn't going to tell her yet.

"There's a stupid song out and there's a line in it that really pisses me off."


"I'm not telling you, God." Faye sniffs as she snatches her magazine back from him and walks to her room.

Spike snorts, he knew what song it was, it was one of his favorites actually, he smirk as he threw an arm over his eyes to sleep.

A/N: Okay so just to let you know the song is Ask DNA by: The Seatbelts. The line: Earthgirls are easy. If you're a fan of the series it'll click. Anyways, the begining of a series of short (or long depends) drabbles! YAY!