Author has written 6 stories for Death Note, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Hetalia - Axis Powers, Bleach, Harry Potter, and Naruto.
Name: Ellis
Uh... my profile used look a lot different?
I used to be REALLY into anime, and I'm not really quite as obsessed at this point. I still like it, though.
I am a huge fan of ONE OK ROCK and am disappointed because theY'RE LEAVING WARPED TOUR BEFORE I GET TO GO TO IT
I had a big list of pairings I like and dislike, but I deleted it (and the rest of my profile besides the My Stories list) because it was out of date and would become way too long if I tried to update it. Also because if we're being serious, here, nobody actually gives a shit.
If you want my Tumblr URL you can PM me and I can send it to you.
My Stories (6)
Confessions of a Chocoholic: Five chapters. No pairings. Mello-POV (through a journal). I HAVEN'T UPDATED THIS IN LIKE FOUR YEARS AND I PROBABLY WON'T EVER AGAIN, SO SORRY ABOUT THAT.
Work: Death Note
Rating: T (a little bit of language and Mello's random, disturbing thoughts)
Genre(s): Friendship/Humor
Summary: Mello, ten years old, is getting pretty bored with his life at Wammy's, so he insists on pulling pranks with an absent-minded Matt and doing other stupid things a normal child genius would generally know not to do. But hey, he's Mello, and he's got two best friends: Matt and Near, who'll help him do all the dumb things he shouldn't (even though, quite frankly, Near is never involved willingly.)
Stupid Cat!: Completed one-shot. Slight 5986 (implied 8086 too). Omniscient.
Work: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Rating: K plus
Genre(s): Friendship/Family
Summary: Gokudera and his cat, Uri, are always having scuffles, but Gokudera is Gokudera and Uri is Uri, and even though they may not always get along perfectly, they still love each other.
Spilt Milk: Completed one-shot. SwissLiecht, AusLiecht. Swiss-POV. Human names used.
Work: Hetalia - Axis Powers
Rating: T (little kids just wouldn't like it, I guess?)
Genre(s): Romance/Angst
Summary: You can't cry over spilt milk, even if it was your very last carton. Vash thought he had forever to tell Lilli he loved her, but when she falls in love with someone else, his world shatters. And even though he wants desperately to get Lilli back, Vash knows that once milk is spilled, it stays that way.
Definitely Not Jealous: Completed drabble. NnoiNel. No POV. Dialogue-only. Maybe a tiny bit of OOC. ((This was an experiment with dialogue-only.))
Work: Bleach
Rating: T (language)
Genre(s): Romance
Summary: A normal, everyday conversation between Neliel Tu Oderschvank and Nnoitra Jiruga in which the latter vehemently denies being jealous of any guy the former is allegedly dating.
Three, Two, One: One-shot. MAY become a one-shot series. Krumione. 3rd-person (Krum-centric).
Work: Harry Potter
Rating: K plus (one bad word)
Genre(s): Romance
Summary: Viktor Krum finally plucks up the courage to ask Hermione Granger to the Yule Ball. Though, of course, not without suffering through self-depreciation, alarmingly sweaty hands, massive amounts of doki-doki, and, of course, the agony of going redder than his maroon Bulgarian Quidditch robes in front of the one girl he wants to impress. Yes, this is going to be hard...
The lovely Smithback has translated this fic into Spanish!! Link: http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/6675302/1/Three_Two_One I hope this is convenient for Spanish-speakers.
Picking Up the Pieces: AU one-shot. One-sided KibaHina. 1st-person (Kiba-POV).
Work: Naruto
Rating: T (language, but it's only a teeny bit; I just wanted to be safe)
Genre(s): Romance/Hurt/Comfort
Summary: After being rejected by Naruto, Hinata comes to Kiba, her loyal-to-a-fault best friend, for comfort. Kiba's in love with Hinata, but his strong dedication to her won't let the pain she's causing him show.