Author has written 3 stories for Stargate: SG-1, and Sanctuary. I'm Katie, aka Katetanic. Photographer of nature, lover of severe storms, travelling, driving aimlessly, walking the trails at my favourite park, playing in the creek, mild temperatures, reading, and Sci-Fi/Action flicks. Hater of 99% of chick flicks. Even at 25yo I charish and live for my Daddy/Daugter Sci-Fi Nights of watching Stargate, Star-Trek, Doctor Who, Sanctuary, Eureka, and Warehouse 13 with my daddy. I love my sisters, and one in particular*glares at Angel* pushes me to share my few and far between writings. I have ideas all the time, but they come to me in visual form and I find it hard to put my visions into words. Even thought I don't really like cats, I have a black and white tuxedo cat named Groucho for the perfect Groucho Marx moustache that he has. He was my Granny's and when she died in March of 2012 I couldn't let him go. :) I would really like to get a Boxer or Brittany Spaniel and name him Schrodinger(Schrodinger and Schrodinger's Cat). I'm from Missouri but my heart is in Ohio. You can find my photography at KathrynMiller(dot)wix(dot)com/Photography. Please stop by, browse, and drop a message there in the guest book. |
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