![]() Author has written 46 stories for Robin Hood BBC, Stargate: Atlantis, Sanctuary, and Thor. Hi! My real name is Lynne, but I have the pseudonym "Whytewytch" nearly everywhere on the web (on LJ, I had to choose "Whytwytch4" though). I have wanted to be a writer since I was 10 years old; I won't tell you how long ago that was, but let's just say I don't remember much of the 90s due to a bar-hopping habit at the time! I am married and have two boys, ages 17 and 22. The older boy is married and going to make me a gramma soon. :D I earned my BA degree in English, but was soon married, then blessed by the birth of my first son. Money was tight, so my writing love had to take a backseat to paying the bills. My writing may be a bit rusty, but I do it out of love of the craft. I appreciate any reviews, as they can only help me to improve. I admit to being a bit of a geek--I love Robin Hood in most of its forms, the Kevin Costner version being the exception, and most sci-fi. Big fan of the whole Stargate universe (yes, that's a little "u" as I love the whole concept). I also love to read and just can't seem to understand people who don't. I am a non-practicing Christian Wiccan, hence my pen name, and have always loved to read about ancient religions and myths. I also love Arthurian legends and Shakespeare. I currently work as an administrative assistant for a construction firm to pay the bills. My job is nearly an hour's drive one way (no mass transit, nor really able to ride-share due to location and arrival time), so I have little time to write these days. When this job goes away (as it likely will in a couple of years), then maybe I can find something closer to home and do a bit more updating. I wish I could update as often as I did in 2010-2012, but that is not to be ATM. I also post to AO3 (link below), and am considering Wattpad and Tumbler. I used to post often on LiveJournal and Dreamwidth, but it's all I can do to write these days and post anywhere. For those that want to keep up with me outside of just fan fiction, I do have a fictionpress account--same name. For a time, I was blogging on Blogger and Wordpress. There are still some fun things there, but I have not been able to really keep up due to my work and travel for work schedule, plus still having the lion's share of the mom and household duties. When I lived in Florida a couple of years ago, I was a member of Central Florida Romance Writers, a local branch of the Romance Writers of America. I now live in Maryland, closer to my birthplace of New England, but not quite there yet. I would love to live there again one day. Pet peeves: glaringly obvious grammatical and spelling mistakes, characters behaving in completely un-characteristic ways. UPDATE: Due to recent events, I have removed all of my explicit content. If you're looking for smut, you can find me on Dreamwidth, under the name Whytewytch; I'll also be posting to AO3 (Archive of our own) under the same pseudonym. I do not visit DW that often, but I am in process of moving stories to AO3. Sorry, but it seems that the powers-that-be are getting strict and I'm not sure that I want my account totally closed at this point. APRIL 2013: Unfortunately, my dear readers, RL has been throwing me a few sucker punches of late. As a result, some stories are on indefinite hold. They are: King of Thieves (RH BBC) A Father's Love (SGA) Letters (RH BBC) is to be moved moved to AO3, so if you started reading this only to find it gone, keep an eye out--it will be there as soon as may be. May 2013: I recently had a guest ask about An Eye for An Eye--it will be moved to AO3, in my ongoing effort to keep the extreme smut off of lest they get their collective knickers in a twist. 2013 is being a difficult, super-busy RL year for me, but I will do the best I can to get the naughty stories moved to AO3 as soon as may be. Thank you all for your continuing support! March, 2015: Wow, it really has been a long time since I've been here. Lots has happened, including the passing of my mom to the other side. I am just starting to write a fan fic in the Avengers 'verse, a Loki/OFC. I have also been working on an original fic in the Robin Hood world. Who knows, maybe that will spark Miss Muse to finish a couple of my Robin Hood, BBC fics. |