So, some of you might be wondering why I so narcissistically made my penname something so ego inflating... Well I have this running joke with my brothers (or at least they think it's a joke) that I'm our parents’ favorite child. But in my defense, they did lead me to this conclusion. This can be attributed to the facts that I am the only girl, I am the “sweet and innocent” middle child, AND my mom once told me that if she ran away from this madhouse of a family I would be the only one she took with her (HA! EAT IT!!). Little did my mother know, telling me something like that even in jest would only further spur my attempts at evilly "hinting"(this is my way of showing my fondness for my siblings) to my brothers that their place in the family hierarchy is bottom shelf at best. Yes, I do know that I’m a sadistic and wicked sister, and Yes, I do know that I’m going to burn in Hell, BUT I really don’t care so save me your dramatics. My brothers have gotten used to it, as they rightfully should have after 19 years of living with me – if they hadn’t acclimated to my kind of malicious affection by now I would worry for their mental health and stability. Getting back on track – whenever my brothers would ask why I got something they didn’t or why I got to sit in the front seat or countless other petty things I would always answer, “Because I’m the favorite.” My conceited catchphrase has backfired on me in a number of occasions; apparently that particular reply doesn’t answer why I shouldn’t be punished for breaking curfew in middle school or coming home with drunken friends in high school. (See there really is such thing as karma – I screw with my brothers minds for 19 years and occasionally get grounded for a month) DISCLAIMER: My twisted sense of humor has matured and developed over the years and I am proud to say that I no longer screw with my brothers minds just for the hell of it. I try to keep my malevolent tendencies away from any and all with familial ties and instead direct it into a more constructive medium, my fanfictions. |