Author's Note:
So this is my new story. I've written many fanfictions before about many things, but I'd never written a Twilight fanfiction. I am a very big fan of Twilight as well as the other novels by Stephenie Meyer. So I decided, why not? One thing I noticed while searching for stories to read, is that there aren't many Edward/Jacob pairings. Most people don't even half way like the idea of Jacob and Edward being together, but I thought it very interesting. So I decided to write my own story. In this story, all the characters are human. I know we all love our vampires and werewolves, but I have a human story to tell. So this is it.
And reviews keep me going. Literally. In case you haven't read a fanfiction of mine before, I have a rule. Atleast three reviews or I don't put up the next chapter. I think this is a fair deal. All you have to do is tell me what you think. And I'm not asking for page-long reviews. A simple "I liked it." Is good enough for me.
Thank you for reading this first chapter of The Words of Reality.
The Words of Reality
Chapter One
A New Kind of Dream
"You're supposed to put salt in it!" Bella exclaimed over the pot of steaming macaroni.
"Are you sure?"
"Jacob, I've been making Macaroni and Cheese since I was a little kid. I know how to make it."
She laughed when I scrunched up my nose as she dropped a pinch of salt into the water. I just couldn't comprehend why salt had to be added to the little meal. Of course, even though I had just turned eighteen, I had never cooked a thing in my life. So Bella, my girlfriend of over a year, probably did know more about all that stuff than I did. She'd been cooking for her father Charlie for years.
When the food was done, we sat down at the kitchen table to eat. I was starving and quickly scarfed down my entire bowl. The noodles burned my tongue but I ignored the pain and heat.
"Gosh, Jake. Slow down a little."
"I'n juss real huncry." I said, through a mouth full of food. A noodle dropped onto the table and I pinched it up and plopped in into my mouth. Bella made a face.
"Well, I'm really hungry too, ya know?" She eyed me quietly, a smirk appearing on her lips.
I instantly felt myself harden at her words. Bella and I had been dating for almost a year and two months. Until about a month ago, we had never had sex. She always said she wasn't ready, and though I was more than willing, I went along with her wishes. We had gotten pretty close many times, but she had always made sure that we had never gone any further. Then, just out of nowhere, Bella became a maniac. I had no clue to the reason behind her change of heart, but I was in no way about to complain.
"Let's go." I said, jumping up from the kitchen table. She giggled but quickly followed suit.
I thanked God that my dad was out fishing. It was really horrible when our teenage hormones got out of control while he was around.
We ran into my small bedroom and threw the markers and poster board onto the floor. The science project we had been working on was completely forgotten. She smiled up as she lay down beneath me and I couldn't help but grin in return. She was absolutely beautiful.
I felt her hands in my hair as I kissed her eagerly. Her hips rose up to meet mine and I moaned as she rubbed her body against me.
My hair was soon abandoned as her hands trailed down to the waistband of my jeans. I felt her pop the button open and heard the zipper slowly come undone.
I sighed as we rounded the corner. I wasn't exactly happy to be here. I felt all my hopes and wishes drain as Alice, Emmett, and I entered this small God forsaken town.
"What do you think the house will look like?" Alice asked from her spot in the passenger seat.
"I don't know, but I sure as hell hope we have more than one bathroom. I'm sick of waiting outside while you take a two hour piss." Emmett retorted from the backseat.
"Shut up Emmett."
The house we had lived in back home was pretty small. Three bedroom and one bath. Emmett and I had had to share a room, while Alice had her own. I had to agree with my brother. It wasn't fun sharing a bathroom with our sister. She did have an uncanny ability to stay in there for hours. What she was doing, I don't even want to know.
We had no idea what our new house would look like. Dad had gotten a job opportunity at the hospital here and took it. The house had already been set up for us and none of us knew what to expect.
"Oh my gosh! Is that it?"
The three of us glanced up at the large white house as we pulled into the driveway next to the U-Haul that Dad was driving. It was two stories high, with a rap around porch and large columns. It looked like a plantation house.
It was beautiful.
"Do you guys like it?" Dad asked, opening the door at the back of the U-Haul.
"Are you sure this is the right address?"
"Esme, honey, it's right. Look at the paper if you don't believe me."
She grabbed the paper from the dashboard of the vehicle and looked at it quickly. Her lips broke into a smile. I could tell already that she was absolutely in love with the house.
Alice quickly demanded the key to the front door and after she received it, I followed her inside.
The inside of the house was just as amazing as the outside had been. The living room was very spacious and clean looking. The walls were painted a crisp white and the floor was white marble.
A staircase led up to the second floor. The banisters were the same white as the walls and the marble continued up the steps.
I ascended to the second floor in search of the bedrooms. At the top of the stairs, I was presented a large hallway. There were two doors on the left, three on the right, and one at the end of the hall.
I opened the first door on the right and peeked in, finding myself looking into a bathroom. I shut the door and turned my attention to the one right across from it. This door opened up to a closet.
I opened up the next three doors and was disappointed in what I saw. I didn't like these bedrooms at all. So I set my sight on the last door, praying the it would meet my approval.
And it did. Oh, it did.
I was in love with this room.
The walls were the same white as the living room, but the floor was hardwood. There were two windows that looked out into the forest, and between them was a sliding glass door. I immediately walked over to it, flipped the lock and made my way out onto the balcony. I was surprised that I hadn't noticed the balcony on this side of the house when I was outside. Guess I hadn't really been paying attention.
"I see you've found the bedroom you want, Edward."
I jumped at the voice behind me. I hadn't heard my mother walk in.
"Yeah, I'd really like this one if you don't care."
"I'll admit, this room is beautiful, but your father and I will take the one next door."
"Thanks, Mom." I kissed her cheek.
"You're welcome honey. Now you better come downstairs and help us get your bed up. Unless you plan on sleeping on the floor?"
I eyed the hardwood.
"I'll be right down."
That night I lay in bed exhausted. I didn't have to bring much up, considering all or our stuff hadn't arrived yet, but the move had really worn me out. I just had my bed, a nightstand, my reading lamp, and a few bags of clothes. I had made sure that I had put everything up in it's respectable place so that I would have less work to do when the rest of my stuff came.
I had set my bed beneath the window on the right side of the glass door. I could easily look up and see the moon hanging in the dark sky. I kept the door open and relished in the light breeze that came through.
I grabbed my notebook and a pen, something I made sure to have with me at all times. I had a passion for writing. Mainly poetry, but I had been known to scribble out a couple stories in the past.
I clicked on the lamp on my nightstand and began to write.
Tossed into a new kind of dream.
Letting go of broken memories.
Time to let go of the past.
Forget what happened last.
New life, clean, sparkling, and pristine.
I've been tossed into a new kind of dream.