![]() Author has written 9 stories for Naruto, Bleach, and Twilight. Name: Bliiss14 Age: 17 Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING. 1. First Fic was 'Dreams', Its my pride and joy and I'm so, so proud of it! It's one of my best accomplishments (sad but true). NaruxSaku BIG fan! 2. The next one was 'Feelings', almost crack couple Sai and Sakura, but it's some different and i had fun writing it. 3. Then (jut so i could have down all the members of team 7 hook up with Sakura) I wrote a songfic, 'Revenge is Sweeter Than You Ever Were'. It was a sasuxsaku, i like sakura with anyone hehe. 4. To my surprise a reader asked if I could write a story and he had the idea of this character called 'Ryu', so after alot of emailing I finaly wrote it and put it up, and again it was a Naruto story. 5. So I watch bleach and i love Ichigo and Rukia, so i thought i'd write a oneshot fluffy thing about them, just to keep me writting until i come up with another 'story story'. its called Pillows, 6. To keep my Naruxsaku fans happy i wrote a naruxsaku oneshot fluff thing. It was spur of the moment and i hope it turned out okay:) It has team 7 in it, there so cute. Called 'Sleeping Bag'. 7. Again another spur of the moment idea for an IchixRuki story popped into my head and i had to write it down. Its called 'Behind Closet Door's', probably not one of my best stories. So i might re-write it. 8. Then i started my 'story story', bleach this time. Its IchixRuki! Its discontinued, i just dont have time with school to do the story justice yet. updated i added chapter 8! hehe. 9. A twilight fic, bella and jacob, only coz i have a huge soft spot for Jacob. Its cute a fluffy and its called 'Campiing'. For now a one shot. Hope you like my stories! Bliiss14 xxxx |