Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon. All these characters belong to some company very far away. This disclaimer goes for all chapters.
Summary: Serena and Darien are supposed to be together forever…..right? Well, Serena doesn't think so anymore, and when she refuses Darien's "surprise". He doesn't take it very well. In fact NO IS NOT AN ANSWER if he has anything to do with it, and you won't believe who's helping him……. But wait a minute what's this secret that Gohan is hiding, and what about the rest of the DBZ gang.
Background info:
Serena and the scouts are 23
Darien is 28
Gohan's 23
And everyone else is basically the same age they were during the cell saga.
Serena couldn't help it. She tried to hold it in as long as she could, but she started to cry, because all else had failed.
"It's ok. Go ahead and cry. At first it will hurt, but after a few hours. You'll stop fighting it." He said as he licked the single tear off of her cheek.
'Please, God, Please help me……..' She prayed in her head knowing, that he was the only one who could help her now.
3 hours earlier
Serena (10:00)
Serena was getting readying for 8 year anniversary with the only man she had ever loved. Darien shields, who was 28 (five years older than her), and the main of her dreams…… or so she thought.
"I was so young, 13. When your with someone that your told that you'll be with forever, that (at the time) you want to be with forever, if course you'll hang on to it." She said quietly to herself. 'But we've been through so much together. He was there for me when I needed him most.' Serena thought as she looked at the picture of her mother, and father, which was sitting on the dresser.
The young blonde was a mess after the fight with Misstress 9, because the next morning she found out that there was an accident the night before. A VERY BAD one, it took her parents life, and Serena was left alone in the world.
'The girls were there to help pick up the pieces, but Darien……he was there most of all.' After finding out about her trued identity, their past lives, and future destiny with a family of their own being with Darien seemed like the only light in such a dark situation. Through out high school Serena always looked forward to the day that it would be official…..the day they'd vow to be together forever, but lately……
"Something's just not right!" The young woman yelled in frustration while throwing her lipstick in her make up case. Serena put her head in her hands and sighed. 'I just don't feel it anymore. What's in the past is there, in the past. I'll have to tell him.' She convinced herself, as she glanced at a picture of the two of them. 'Just not tonight.'
Gohan (10:00)
'Tonight's a nice night.' Gohan thought to himself as he was out for a walk to clear his head. Gohan had no idea why he had this sudden urge to go for a walk at 10:00 at night, but there's a reason for everything and so he went with the feeling.
As Gohan walked he started to think about how much he missed his family back home in the country. His mom, dad, and little brother meant the world to him. It hurt to move away, but he wanted to get out on his own, at least that's what he told them. What he didn't tell them (but they automatically knew, because they can read Gohan like a book) was that he wanted to be closer to his best friend in the whole world, Serena.
Gohan and Serena have been friends since the day they were born, but Serena's family moved to the city when she was 4 years old, and even though he saw her every summer and still kept in touch, he missed her a lot. Every time he thought of Serena he thought of the fact that she was with Darien.
'What does she see in him.' He thought with a little bit of subconscious anger. There was something about Darien that no one back home really liked. They had only met him a few times, like at the funeral, but something was always wrong to Gohan about Darien that no one could put there finger on. No one said anything of course, because they wanted to respect Serena and her decision to be with him, but it doesn't mean that they liked it.
"Oh Serena." He sighed remembering that she's with HIM right now. 'Eight years.' He thought sadly. 'Eight painful years that I had to watch you be held in the arms of another man.'
Serena (10:30)
Darien had just pulled up in his red sports car, and Serena was heading out the door, when she realized her broach was still sitting on her bed. "Old habits die hard." She said as she tossed it in her purse.
There hadn't been an attack since they defeated Mistress 9, but Serena always carried her communicator and crystal with her, just in case the negaverse couldn't take a hint that good will always triumph over evil.
The door bell rang as soon as she got down stairs. She opened up to her handsome smiling boyfriend.
"Hello love, happy anniversary." He said passionately as he embraced her, and gave her an equally passionate kiss.
"Hello Darien", she said softly in his ear as they embraced once again.
"I always liked that dress the most on you." He said looking down and admiring her white spaghetti strap dress that came down right above her knees, with matching heels.
"Let me grab my jacket right quick." She said, and grabbed it from a nearby chair.
While she was putting it on, Darien gazed with desire. Her beautiful long legs, and long blonde tresses, that were no longer in the pony tails her adolescent years, that laid straight down, were making Darien even more about his surprise for her.
As Serena was taking a last minute look at the near by mirror Darien walked up behind her wrapped his arms around her waste and whispered in her ear "I love you. My moon princess. I love you so much. "