Reviews for A song For
Switchlolly007 chapter 1 . 2/11/2017
I love it... :)

Ps- You wrote this on 2007, and I'm reviewing on 2017... :D
2Dobbys chapter 1 . 8/17/2013
wow! this was my first renji x rukia fanfic and I LOVED IT! 8D
and yeas, I want a piece of this renji too xD

now seriously, you wrote every detail so well, I could imagine the whole thing... and it was beautiful *-*
lovestoreadgal chapter 1 . 8/14/2012
haha.. i really like your lemon fiction! it's sooo good being compare by the fact that you 're a virgin.. yeah me too i'm a virgin ... pss.. don't tell anyone... peace love out!

-loves to read gal!
Cerulean Dust chapter 1 . 6/18/2012
Whoa that was steamy XD and really nicely written. I've been scouring the site for a good rukia n renji fic for a while now and am happy that I can across this one. Your detail is like MINDBLOWING and extremely vivid.

Good job on this :)

Ps. You sure like using the word 'blush' huh, lol
Erieru chapter 1 . 3/25/2011
WOW. Very sexy and entertaining. RenRuki is probably my most favorite pairing, and I very much enjoyed reading this. They are so cute together, and you did a great job of putting them together! Keep up the good work! :D
Petite Warrior chapter 1 . 8/23/2010
this is a beatiful story
rokureader180 chapter 1 . 8/10/2010
Great story
Trynia Merin chapter 1 . 9/26/2009
Lovely and romantic story here. I liked the situation you built up for Renji revealing his feelings. Also Rukia's fear of what Byakuya would do if he found out. Both are very real concerns. Yet Renji's desire to be with her is very poignient. Also the lovemaking secene was beautifully written.

I really enjoyed this.
Kunishi-San chapter 1 . 6/18/2009
wows. AMAZING. 3
amazed chapter 1 . 6/1/2009
BRA VO thats all i can say. i cried, i laughed, i blushed, i was aroused. ur an excellent writer and i hope you rnot offended when i say u do not write like a virgin (i believe that u are tho) thatnk you for contributing this to the world.

Sakura chapter 1 . 2/20/2009
Incredible story! Reading your A/N I can't believe you're actually a virgin this truly ranks as one of the best lemons I've read (even though I haven't read many to compare it to XD)

The only thing I felt detracted from the story was an overuse of the word "blush"

but you still did a great job and it's not a major problem

just try to watch how much you use a certain word next time

and may you create the perfect story for your next fanfic :)
Thail chapter 1 . 2/9/2009
WOW! O_O I liked it! Congrats!-thumbs up-

F1yMordecai chapter 1 . 1/5/2009
nicely done! I will always hold IchiRuki first too, but Renji x Rukia is fun because it would totally be full of passion and tension release. ;-P
ichirukilover4alltime chapter 1 . 11/5/2008
wow, i must admit (even though i hate rukiaXrenji) that you did a great job on this story. i read your "chimi chimi moryo" story (my first lemon that i read) and it was hilarious when rukia was making fun of him because of his hard-on. a little creepy but funny. oh yeah, you can tell that i'm an ichiXruki fan because of my name. GREAT JOB ON THIS STORY I (sort of) LOVED IT. hoping to hear from you. adios!
StrayDogAndTheMoon chapter 1 . 9/30/2008
I'm also a an IchiRuki and RenRuki shipper though the latter is my fave.

I love, love this ficcy. As someone mentioned. "That had to be the longest lemon.." I'd have to agree but it was well written and enjoyable to read. (I'm a fan of lemons so that was great and especially between these 2 ppl)

You had intended it to be humourous but it ended up taking a different route. I'm glad. You don't really get to see a serious side of Renji and Rukia together so it was very nice. I love the way he 'confessed' his feelings towards her. I could feel the love between them.
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