Teck: Find out what happens to the couple when things are far from being over.


Serena woke up in a cold sweat. She didn't know why she hadn't been able to sleep. It just seemed something was making her uneasy. She could barely breathe when she woke up and it had been the third time this week this had happened. She got out of bed and went to the bath room and splashed some cold water on her face. She didn't want to bother Gohan with her sleep problems because she didn't think it was a big deal, but now she wasn't quite sure. She looked up in the mirror and could have sworn she saw movement behind her.

"What was that?" She told her herself.

She checked the bathroom closet and didn't find anything out of place.

"Come on Serena. You just need to stop eating so many sweets before bed. Mom always said it would catch up to us." She reassured herself with a giggle.

She knew it wasn't just sweets though, but she told herself that to help her relax and she believed it. She knew Gohan would just worry and it was probably nothing anyway, but it did sort of nag her as she fell back to sleep.


Gohan was in a very strange dream. There was nothing around but fog and he didn't like the energy he was surrounded with. It was twisted and very different than anything he had ever experienced.

"Who are you?"

Gohan could sense something trying to communicate to him.

"Nevermind who I am, who are you?" Gohn said looking around. He barely noticed he was in his Prince armor.

"I am the one you should be afraid of. If you know what is good for you, you will stay out of my way."

"Out of the way of what?" Gohan asked. 'Is this part of the Negaverse Serena talks about?'

'Just, STAY OUT OF MY WAY!' The presence forcefully sent with a blinding light.

Gohan instantly woke up in a cold sweat and thought about the dream he had just had. He didn't know what had just happened but he knew it might be the beginning of something.

'Why do these things always have to happen when you least want them too.' Gohan thought and looked at a little box on his night stand.

He wasn't sure if he was going to tell Serena or not. He wanted more information about what was going on, if it happens again definitely.

'Maybe if we're lucky it won't' He thought with false hope. He wasn't going to be fooling himself that easily.

Teck: Well there is your clip of what is in store for the young couple. Don't worry things will start making sense soon, or will they just get more confusing. You're going to have to keep reading "You and Meā€¦Forever and Always" to find out. Thanks ya'll. Much love!!
