Hey peeps! This story idea just sorta came to me when I was watching Gossip Girls (which is a great show by the way). This story is placed in the Gossip Girls world. They are all human and rich.

Some scenes may seem pretty similar to the show particularly the first chapter. This chapter is based loosely on the pilot episode of Gossip Girls. Other then that, I do plan on taking this story in my own direction. So, basically, this idea was inspired by Gossip Girls.

I really hope you all like this. I'm going to try to put up the next chapter soon after this. Hopefully I will succeed. As for the story title, I could not think of a better name for it. If I think of a better one I will change it. On to the story.


Chapter 1: Intro

A girl with beautiful shoulder length raven hair and big violet eyes stepped of the plane and made her way through the terminal. The sounds and sights of people talking and walking overtook her senses.

She took out her I-pod headphones and put them in. She blasted the music so she could drown out the noises.

Being short, no not short, she liked to say vertically challenged, she knew she needed to get someplace higher so she could see if her driver was here.

She located a set of escalators and made her way to them. Moving quickly, she almost bumped into a blonde headed girl, but at the last second, she maneuvered herself around said blonde.

Once she passed the blonde, she went up the escalators and looked over the rail. She scanned the area.

Unbeknownst to her, the blonde on the ground floor stood there shocked.

"Was that…" she trailed off. She quickly brought out her phone and put it into camera mode. Her eyes swept the upstairs wildly until she found her goal. "Bingo." She muttered.

She positioned her phone perfectly and snapped a picture of the raven haired girl. Before she sent it, she also wrote a message. Then she pressed send. "Guess who's back Karakura?" She then turned around and went on her way.

The raven haired girl had finally found who she was looking for. She quickly took the headphones out of her ears, took the escalator down, and walked towards her driver.

"Excuse me. Would you happen to be here for a Rukia Kuchiki?" She asked, already knowing the answer.

The man turned around and nodded. "Welcome back Miss Kuchiki. Would you like me to take your bag?"

He motioned for her bag. "No thank you. I've got it."

The driver nodded. "This way." He said as he motioned with his hands. "Please."

She nodded and took the lead. After a few seconds, she realized that she didn't know where the car was parked, so she fell behind.

Minutes later, Rukia was seated in the car. "Where exactly are we going? This isn't the way home."

"Your brother and sister are at a dinner party." Rukia nodded in understanding. "I was told to bring you to the Lavery's place." Rukia was a little confused.


"I didn't think you would remember her. Senna Lavery. She's your age, but from what I can remember, you and her weren't close."

"Oh. Thank you for clearing that up."

"No problem Miss Kuchiki."

The rest of the ride was silent.

-Lavery Mansion-

The party at the mansion was in full swing. Parents talking with parents, and teenagers talking with teenagers.

"Orihime, have you seen Ichigo?" A girl with dark violet hair asked.

"Yes, Senna. I saw him with his sisters." Orihime, the strawberry blonde, answered.

"Thanks. Why don't you 4 stay here?" Senna asked looking at the group behind Orihime. "I'm going to go get him, and we will meet you here."

Orihime nodded.

Senna left them on search for her boyfriend Ichigo. She found him in a matter of seconds thanks to his bright orange hair.

"Ichigo! There you are. I've been looking all over for you." She went up to him and wrapped her arm around his. She turned towards the two sophomores, Ichigo's sisters.

"I hope you don't mind, but I am going to borrow my boyfriend for a bit"

The lighter haired colored nodded. "Thanks Yuzu. I appreciate it." Senna told the young girl with a smile. She started to pull Ichigo away.

"Hold on." Ichigo turned towards the two girls. "Go find dad. Stay with him, and Karin," He focused his gaze on the darker haired girl. "I mean you too."

"Fine." Karin told him.

"Now we can go" He said while pulling Senna closer to him.

The two made their way to the others. "Hey Renji, Uryuu." Ichigo called.

"Hey." Renji said.

Uryuu nodded towards Ichigo.

"Hey guys" A new voice said.

"Hey Tatsuki!" Orihime said.

"So…Renji…Do you remember what tomorrow is?" Tatsuki asked Renji.

Renji gulped. "Umm…Yes." He said hesitating.

Tatsuki raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"Well, it's uh…" Renji didn't have a chance to answer, for Orihime shouted the answer.

"It's your 2 year anniversary!"

Renji snapped his fingers. "That's it." He exclaimed.

Tatsuki turned to Orihime. "Orihime! I wan-" She was cut off by multiple cell phone ring tones going off. Orihime was the first to pick her cell phone up. "It's a text message." She told every one who could hear her.

The parents looked around as well as the teenagers, who had a look of curiosity on their faces. Who would send out a massive text?

Orihime slid her pink chocolate phone open. Her eyes widened and she laughed a let out a little laugh.

"Oh my god!"

"What is it Orihime?" There was a trace of worry in Uryuu's voice. It was normal for him to be concerned. She was his girlfriend after all.

Orihime ignored him and shoved her phone in Tatsuki's face.

While she was doing that, everyone else answered their phones. Gasps where heard throughout the room. Senna was cursing herself. She left her phone in her room.

"What the hell is going on?" She asked getting a little angry.

Tatsuki had the same expression as Orihime. "Wow." Was really all she said.

Renji moved behind Tatsuki to see the phone. A smile slowly appeared on his face.

"Well, I must say it's about damn time. The Princess has returned."

Senna grabbed the phone to look at it. She scoffed. "You have got to be kidding me. Princess my ass. She is in my territory now." She handed the phone to Orihime, and quickly turned to Ichigo.

"Come with me."

"Senna, what the hell is going on?"

"It doesn't matter come on." She grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the stairs.

The driver stopped in front of a beautiful white mansion. She opened the car door and stepped outside. With her bag on her shoulder, she went up the steps and opened the door. She followed the sounds of people's voices and soon enough she came into the main room.

She let her eyes scan the room and automatically found who she was looking for. She was highly aware of some of the people staring at her, and that they were talking. She put on the infamous Kuchiki façade and made it clear that what they were doing was not bothering her. She moved closer to her target.


The young women turned around.

"Rukia!" They went towards each other and hugged.

"Oh it's so good to see you and to have you back home baby sister"

"It's good to be back. Where's big brother?"

"Right behind you."

Rukia turned around and was met face to face with Byakuya. Her older brother.

"Hello Byakuya. How are you?"

"Just fine. I see you made it here safely."

Rukia nodded. As she was going to say something else, she was suddenly tackled.

"Orihime…"Rukia said.

"Oh my god! Rukia! I can't believe you're here!"

Orihime let go of Rukia and let Tatsuki give her hello.

"Hey! Wow, look who's back." Tatsuki exclaimed.

"Yep. I'm back." Rukia stated. "For good."

Orihime and Tatsuki smiled. Rukia turned to Hisana and Byakuya. She sighed.

"Listen Rukia, me and Big Bro are going to go mingle. You stay and talk with your friends. We will see you at home." Hisana gave Rukia on last hug. "I love you. Be safe."

Rukia nodded and looked at Byakuya. He nodded. Rukia smiled. He knew that was all she would get out of him. Then Hisana and Byakuya left. She took a deep breath. Now with family gone how was she going to fair? She still felt their stares on her. Would they ever stop?

She forced those thoughts out of her mind, and decided that they were going to talk here. And you know what? It felt good. Rukia thought that it would be awkward but it wasn't.

It was like she never left. She found out that Orihime was going out with Uryuu, Tatsuki was with Renji, Hinamori (a.k.a. Momo) was going out with Toshiro Hitsugaya, and the others were still single. The most important information was that the new 'Princess' of the most prestigious school was Senna Lavery.

As they were talking Senna's mother came up to them.

"Well. Looks like we have a new guest. Hello, my name is Ann." She put her hand out to shake hands with Rukia. Rukia raised her hand and gently shook it.

"Rukia Kuchiki."

"Pleasure. My husband went up to get our daughter, Senna. It's important to be a good hostess."

"Really that's not necessary. I'm actually getting ready to leave."

"Nonsense. You must meet her." Ann smiled as she walked away. Rukia smirked. Sadly, Rukia knew there was no way out of this without making a bad impression, but hell, she wasn't Rukia for nothing. She wanted to clean up her image. She would. She always got what she wanted. This time was no different. She would start cleaning her image after this.

-Upstairs in Senna's Room-

Right as they entered the room Senna's lips met Ichigo's. She was kissing him furiously. She started to take his jacket of off him, and he helped her along. He put his hand on her shoulder and started to slide the strap of her dress off.

They started moving backwards and fell onto the bed. Senna moved from his lips to his neck.

"Wait, wait, wait," Ichigo said suddenly and breathlessly. "Not that I mind this but what the hell is going on. What was on the phone?"

"Nothing!" She answered quickly. "I just want to spend time with my boyfriend." She started to pull him towards her.


She let out an exasperated sigh.


"Senna, your mother wants you to greet a guest."

"Yes dad. I'll be down there soon."

They stayed silent for a while until the footsteps faded away.

"Lets go."

"I thoug-"

"I know."

"You don't seem to happy about this Senna."

"It's fine. Lets go."

She grabbed his hand and held it tightly. He knew something was up. What? He didn't know. He was damn curious too. He had a gut feeling that it had to do with all the cell phones ringing.

Senna led Ichigo down the stairs, and told him to go find Renji. He wanted to go with her, and he would have, but Keigo, another friend, called him.

"You are lucky." He told her. Then he left.

She looked for her mom, and when she found her, Ann pointed her in the right direction.

She made her way to where her mom pointed her too.

"Do you have to go?" Orihime asked Rukia.

"Yeah. I have to go. I still have so many things to do. School starts tomorrow and I have to make sure I'm ready to meet with the headmaster."

"Give her time Orihime. She just got back. I'm sure she needs time to unpack." Tatsuki said to comfort Orihime.

"Fine." Orihime pouted. "At least we will see you tomorrow. Then, we will all be back in action!"

Rukia smiled. Same old Orihime. Nothing is ever that simple. Things can't go back to the way they were before that fast. She hugged both Orihime and Tatsuki and made her way to the door, at the same time Senna found her. Senna stayed good enough away to see Rukia.

Before she left though, Rukia turned around. "Oh. One more thing. Give my regards to the daughter. Senna wasn't it?" With that said, Rukia turned and left.

Senna approached the two girls. "Well that was exciting now, wasn't it? Lets go." She said in a commanding voice walking away. Tatsuki gave Senna a look. Orihime laughed.

Rukia was in the car. Thinking about all that happened at the party.

'It wasn't bad' She thought. 'Maybe I can make this work. I can do this. I have to do this.'

She sat there letting the silence overtake her. Too soon for her liking was she at her home.

She got out of the car and made her way up the stairs. She took the key out of her back pocket and unlocked the door.

Before she went in she took a much needed deep breath. She twisted the doorknob and walked in.

She walked down the entrance hall into the forye. She set her key on the table. She stood there studying the walls, floor, and high ceiling.

"Miss Kuchiki. We have all been awaiting your arrival. May I take your bag?"

Rukia turned towards her left. "No thank you, Rebecca. I've got it."

"Of course Miss Kuchiki." Rukia watched as Rebecca walked away.

Rukia walked towards the stairs, with one foot on the first step, she stopped. She turned around to get one last look.

Her voice was soft and wavered as she said to herself, "Welcome home."

WOW!!! I think this was the longest chapter I have written so far.

I hope it's good. On a whim I decided to go ahead and type this. This is all free written. I have to say it was a little hard to type. I hope all who read this like it, and I hope no one thinks this is confusing.

The next chapter is when Rukia will meet Senna. You will also find out why she left. If you saw Gossip Girls Rukia, like Serena, was at boarding school. Just a little FYI. Also, Rukia and Ichigo have not met before. Ichigo came after Rukia left fo boarding school

Any questions please ask, and I will try my hardest to answer them.

All good and bad reviews welcomed.