Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or any of its characters; in fact, this may well be my only Bleach fanfic I'll ever write. This idea just popped into my head after seeing a fanart of Rukia reading her mangas.

She sighed as he pressed her closer to his body, his lips descending on hers hungrily. Moaning she closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around his neck allowing him to hoist her up to straddle him on the sofa. The lovers ignored the world around them lost in their own world of pleasure.

Rukia suddenly felt a blush leap to her face, as strange as that was, but she made no move to deter herself from her latest addiction.

Wasting no time, he began tugging at her sweater and she helped him by shrugging it off without breaking contact of their lips. His buttons were next as he slipped his hands under her shirt trailing kissed down her neck. She arched herself to him, momentarily forgetting her early task of touching as much of him as possible.

The temperature was getting really out of control, Rukia noticed, unbearably hot in fact. Yet she continued on, oblivious to the newest person who had just stepped into the room.

The pile of clothing lay forgotten as the two lovers..


Rukia 'eeped' and dropped her book swinging around to look at the bastard who had dared to interrupt her reading time. "Ichigo! What the hell do you want!?" she asked her chest heaving trying desperately to catch her breath, although she wasn't quite sure why she freaked out in the first place.

The smirk on his face only drove her closer to rage as she balled her fists, his next words stopped her cold, "You have a bit of drool on the side of your mouth," he said motioning to a corner of his lips. Maybe it was what she had just been reading….but Rukia suddenly paid much closer attention to those lips of his.

After a funny look, and the realization of what he said, her hand snapped up to her mouth to discover it dry. "Ichigo," she warned, but he only tilted his head to the side in that damn cute way of his.

"I didn't know you were into trashy romance novels Rukia," he paused letting his Cheshire grin spread to ridiculous proportions, "What would you dear brother have to say about this?" he asked mockingly letting his hand hang open in the air. "Are you blushing?"

Ichigo didn't know what hit him. Her strength may not have been what it was, but she was still pretty damn fast when she needed to be. In less than a second, she had swiped his legs out from under him and sat on his chest with emphasis, enjoying the 'oof' sound he made.

Before he could protest, she leaned over his face with a wicked grin of her own. "If one word gets out about this I'll be sure and make your life a living hell at school. I'm sure that everyone would believe me if I told them that you confided in me that you were gay."

His eyes widened for a fraction of a second before composing himself in the blink of an eye. "Oh I don't think you would be dumb enough to do that," he challenged.

"And why is that?"

"Because if you do go and spread stupid rumors I won't do this anymore," he said matter-of-factly.

This time she was the confused one, "Do what?"

Apparently, her reflexes were still a bit rusty, in no time at all Ichigo had reversed their positions and was kissing her hard on the mouth.

Maybe Kon's suggestion to read Icha Icha Paradise near Ichigo had been a good idea.

Was that his tongue?

A good idea indeed.

AN: Icha Icha is a 'pornish' book that Kakashi always reads in Naruto.