![]() Author has written 27 stories for Gundam Wing/AC, and Fullmetal Alchemist. Note (17.07.2011): OMG... Even saying I let you guys down just won't cut it really :/ I'm so *sooo* sorry *sighs* Life has been... worse than crazy this last half year(Having a big fallout with my old room-mate, Money troubles, two moves (with one of them half across the country...), trying out different jobs, and so on...). My writing has been... less than rare and even worse, my muse only gets rarely encouraged to write *anything*. And once it actually complies, it gives me... REALLY weird ideas (just for example: My last two FMA ff's have been Riza/Alex. Yes you read that right... And yes, I still need to post them here...). I'm way behind in posting the stuff I wrote lately here, and even more in continuing 'Lovely Rebel'. I'm trying. I really really am. But so far, everything I tried was... shit. No other words for it. And while I know you all probably would just be happy to see something new coming, I don't want to post something I can't even look at without trying to pull my hair out. I promise this story isn't dead. I'll see it to the end. Hell, the Epilogue is already written! I just... might need a little longer for it *sighs* As for my writing overall... Those of you who would rather see more of my GW stuff will be happy to know that I'm kinda leaving FMA in spirit, which means while I still write for it and get bunnied for it (though weirdly...), whenever I have my *own* ideas lately, it has been GW. And seeing my track-record with that Fandom, I'm pretty sure I'll write more in it in the future. There are a lot of FMA projects that I'll see to their ends (not all are even posted here yet...) but once they are finished I'll very likely get more into GW again. It was my first *real* fandom love and I'm coming back to it now after playing around for so long. But like I said, those of you who read my FMA stuff don't need to dispair yet. There is still a lot of stuff to come. And who knows? Maybe one of you will throw a plot bunny at me in the future that won't leave me until it's written. 'Never say never' ;) As for now... Please have a little more patience with me. I'll try to sort out everything that needs posting and try to catch up. Just... don't expect any wonders, ok?^^; Hello together A few years back I was still . Now... well, I'm still not the biggest fan, but I have to admit that there is more good to be found here than I once thought. I let myself get convinced to post here as well as on livejournal for the past year or so and so far haven't regretted it. I write fanfiction for Gundam Wing and Fullmetal Alchemist, most of it yaoi-based. I also have been known to throw in some het or yuri from time to time. Oh, and I have a wonderful friend who regularly wants me to write Ed/Roy/Original!Greed, so this threesome has become quite the fixture in my writing (even though there was a time I couldn't imagine writing it for the hell of me. How things can change...). As for my personal prefered threesome, that's Roy/Riza/Ed. I haven't much on that yet, but hopefully there will be more in the future. As for overall prefered pairings and threesomes it goes like following: Gundam Wing: Heero/Duo, Heero/Duo/Relena, Wufei/Relena (you might see other pairings as a side-dish in my ffs, but prolly won't as main-pairing) Fullmetal Alchemist: Ed/Roy, Roy/Ed/Riza, Ed/Original!Greed, Ed/Roy/Original!Greed, Roy/Wrath (1st Anime) (I also write other pairings here, seeing that I'm having fun experimenting, where as with Gundam the pairings are pretty much fixed for me. However, I can let you know right away that there are certain characters that won't ever show up in my pairings simply because I hate them. These characters are: Envy, Russel, Dante, Archer. There are more, but those I got asked about in the past. I'll add to that if another character gets mentioned.) Since doesn't allow for mature content to be posted, if you want to read my more mature works, please go HERE. This is the link to my fanfiction master list on livejournal, where I post primarily. If you read my stories, I would like to get some constructive critique if possible. While praise is always nice to get (and I won't complain if I get it XD) I prefer some honest critique that will help me get better. Don't worry about being blunt with me. If you think my stories suck, tell me. It would be nice if you could tell me why you think so, but please be honest with me. Also I want to remark that I'm german, therefore english is not my native tongue. If I make mistakes regarding grammar or the like, please tell me too. I can only get better when you tell me. I have amazing beta-readers, but even they can overlook some mistakes ~.^ That said - I hope you enjoy ~Bloody Disclaimer for all: I don't own any of the characters that I used in these stories. We all know that. So please, don't go crazy about making us all repeat these things over and over again. Oh, and as an extra note: All my stories are at least labeled T, just to be on the save side. Fanart for my stories: My dear wife Mayra did thisone for 'Ignited Tears'. And another Mayra-art, this time for 'Domino Effect' (which is only archived on LJ, not here, due to mature content): Here (you'll need a DA account to view it) |