Rating: T
Pairing: Roy/Wrath, past Roy/Ed
Word Count: 306
Warnings: mention of sex, angst, slightly AU (obviously), Wrath POV
Summary: He's always calling me Edward
Author's Note: The second one of baroqueangel's prompts at my drabble prompt post. The prompt was: Roy/Wrath, 'He's always calling me Edward'
Extra Note: Can stand on its own, but I kinda wrote it as a sequel to 'Thinking about you'.
He's always calling me Edward.
I don't think he even notices it, but whenever he gets to that point during sex when all thought leaves him… he starts to call me Edward.
At first I thought it was simply a lapse. I mean, I know of his history. He and Ed had been lovers for over a year, his last one before we got together. It was entirely possible for something to have triggered a memory. However, as it happened the second time I was getting suspicious. And by the third and fourth time I was just… starting to resign myself to it.
I know that, to some point, he loves me. But there is one part of him that will always belong to Edward. A part that will always hate me for surviving when Ed didn't. That hates me for coming back from that fight and leaving his lover behind.
I had tried. But seeing that I haven't been completely sane at that point, there really wasn't much I could have done. It has taken him years to get over his loss and I had helped him as good as I could once my head cleared of the last of the stones.
I guess I'll always wonder if it was my automail, reminding him of his dead lover that gave me the chance I had whished for once I got to know him.
Which brings me here, into the arms of a man I've come to admire while wandering around with Al, a pale substitute for what he really wants. It hurts knowing that, but I'm ok with it. I figure this is the punishment for all the bad I've done in the past, my personal hell on earth.
A future with the man I love, overshadowed by the ghost of the one he lost.