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![]() Author has written 11 stories for Legend of Zelda, Lord of the Rings, Hobbit, 1917, and Your lie in April/四月は君の嘘. Mae govannen! Many thank yous to all who have clicked on my profile and my stories. I have many ideas that I would love to see published on here but never as much time as I would like to do so. I'm sure many of us can relate. My profile is almost constantly changing since I like to update any readers on "the story behind my stories." I’m an exploratory writer with a penchant for poetry and a tenacity toward trainability. I love hearing from my readers and chatting about all things fantasy such as Zelda, Narnia, and especially Tolkien Though I have been on FF.N for years, I only just began writing with this account last year for a fresh start, so I may not have several stories uploaded at the moment, but I have big plans for the future! We shall see... I am also a beta editor, so if you would like a beta reader to help improve your stories in grammar, awkward phrasing, and commas, I'd be happy to assist anyone. I truly enjoy editing. A great, large shout-out to each of these wonderful authors for whom I beta read: Khauro, T.A. Spears, PhoenixEcho2007, St.James1 Please check out their profiles and works; they have put a lot of effort into what they do. Stay you! And another to ZeldaBrowser who was the first to favorite me as an author and to Cosmo14 who was the first to follow me. Many thanks again! I've recently created a new community similar to the one that I neglected (ergo deleted) with my older account. Time to start fresh with "Zelda's Novelization Centralization" where you can find a number of great Zelda games in novel form! Artwork by WLOP whose stunning art continues to inspire me to this day. If you’d like, maybe you can learn a little more about me through my favorite things and other random facts: Author: The brilliant professor J.R.R. Tolkien, especially concerning LotR and The Hobbit. However, a little C.S. Lewis never hurt anyone (they were best friends anyway). Brian Jacques would be an excellent childhood third Book: Absolutely anything that can be considered among the ranks of the TolkienVerse. I am, however, particularly partial to The Return of the King Couples/pairings: I got a number of these from current and past favorite fandoms in no particular order. Feel free to join me anytime in a standing ovation for these wonderful characters: Edward-Winry, Faramir-Éowyn, Beren-Lúthien, Aragorn-Arwen, Luke Skywalker-Mara Jade, Han-Leia, Neo-Trinity, Eragon-Arya, Rogers-Carter, Newt-Tina, Hiccup-Astrid, Zuko-Katara, Cloud-Tifa Gilbert-Anne, Sam-Rosie, Benedict-Violet, Sherlock-nobody, Darcy-Elizabeth, Harry-Ginny, Laurie-Jo (book), Mark-Greta aaand the list could continue-- Drink: Coffee first and foremost (I won’t accept anything other than brewed black, either cold-brew or hot) and potent green tea Eatables: “Tomatoes, sausages, nice crispy bacon…” Fandoms (childhood and current): The Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit, The Legend of Zelda, the Marvel Cinematic Universe/comicverse (I probably used to be the biggest know-it-all I knew when it came to the MCU), a number of shonen anime, The Chronicles of Narnia, Starwars, Elder Scrolls, Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park, Harry Potter, HTTYD, Hollow Knight, T.V. show Star Trek... Grew up watching: 6 original Starwars movies (Disney ruined it for me - sorry, even if the prequels were okay), Indiana Jones (I implore you, Disney, don't make a fifth), first Harry Potter movies (books were read first, don't worry), Narnia (ibīdem), Lord of the Rings (ibīdem) Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw (last time I took some sort of test was years ago though... not sure if these things change) Introvert or Extrovert?: Contemplative introvert who can push herself to act extroverted (due to years and years of productions and acting). For those of you people who view us as aliens, feel free to check out the book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain. She hits every nail on the head! Joke: Politics Kryptonite: 85% dark chocolate, though I of course would never pass up a Hersheys Life advice: Exercise everyday and practice intermittent fasting (with a five hour window or less.) I’ve been doing both for a long time now, and I’ve never felt healthier. Consider this as the highest recommended life option from yours truly! Feel free to check out Gin Stephens and Melanie Avalon (oml she’s amazing) podcast, The Intermittent Fasting Podcast, for great information Music: I'm sorry! I just don't listen to pop music or any bands out there. For the longest time, I've always been a major fan of modern composers and their OSTs and scores. John Williams is my absolute favorite, or course, but Michael Giacchino is brilliant, too. Well, John Powell, Howard Shore, Newman, and especially Zimmer are classics though... There's something about movie scores that touches the core of one's being, reaching into the soul where no monotonous rapping or querulous-sounding pop songs can. Hats off to these wonderful composers who have dedicated their lives to providing our ears and minds with inspiring music. If you don't believe me, I recommend watching the documentary Score directed by Matt Schrader (Am I recommending too many things?) Netflix series: I never really frequented this video media platform much, but I’m an ardent fan of Fullmetal Alchemist (2003) and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (2009) which can be found there. Contrary to popular belief, I believe the 2003 version is a worth-while watch. Person of Interest is also quite good, but that’s ever so slightly different. I'm currently slogging through Attack on Titan because I never got around to it, and it's a looong overdue watch, and season four is coming out soon. I’m actually not very impressed by it so far, but I’ll see it through OTP: (Didn’t leave it out-) ZeLink, of course! Poem: Dulce et Decorum Est is a heart-rending, very disillusioned poem about the realities of war (If you have not seen the movie 1917, I highly recommend it; it's a very heart-shattering and sorrowful film that should have won many more oscars) Quirk: (As I’ve never watched MHA, this has nothing to do with that--) My eyes automatically read sentences first by their grammatical constructions and clauses. Ex, initially recognizing the participles/absolutes/passive voice uses- It makes for excellent beta reading, but articles and academic papers can only take oneself so far when it comes to one’s own creative writing Regret: starting to play DnD as late as I did. Either that or watching Dragon Ball before Dragon Ball Z. Would not recommend Secret dream: voice acting. I've been told many times I'd do well in that. I'm not opposed if the opportunity presented itself Theater Production/Written Play: Very nearly anything Shakespeare, and Much Ado About Nothing has a special place in my heart. I'm almost constantly in some production or another, but with the quarantine unfortunately, I haven't been able to remain in anything US state: Alaska by far. You can (of course) brag to family and friends that you’ve been way above the Arctic Circle. -- In all seriousness, the state really is beautiful, especially Denali, and the hikes and trails are absolutely gorgeous Video game: The Legend of Zelda … just a bit Word: "Mellifluous" XKCD question: What would be the cumulative energy of the hundreds of thousands of keystrokes required to write a novel? YT suggestion: If you happen to be ever so slightly inclined to check back, I’ll probably be changing this suggestion every time I update my profile just for poops and giggles. For now, feel free to check out the YT channel Rozen whose brilliant music (especially Zelda music) I’ve been keeping up with and buying for a while now. Zelda installment: Breath of the Wild, what else? The gameplay and exploration was flawless, and while I’m hoping for more story in the sequel, BotW really takes the monster cake for me ;) A few excellent quotes from my favorite authors, people, and/or characters who have inspired me throughout my life
My humble list of completed works: Unbreakable Bond: This one about The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword was a pretty old one that I dusted off and polished the corners; not too thrilled with it, but I hoped for the best and haven't looked at it since. Cute young ZeLink though, I guess? The Many Annoying Companions of Link: Another older Zelda fic I once made on which I looked back and laughed at my younger insanity, and apparently I couldn't let go of it. I remember I was wondering why just so many of Link's companions were so annoying. I had (and still have) very little idea of where this one was going, but I posted it anyway. Not all my fics are like this one - don't worry Vision: I thought this idea was pretty sweet, and so I fleshed it out. Faramir is probably my third favorite LotR character—save for Bilbo and Aragorn—and I always thought his life was a little tragic. I liked this one. Shade of the Past: After rebooting Twilight Princess again, the Hero's Shade's potential backstory intrigued me. I always wondered why the he decided to give up eternal rest in order to train the next Hero of Legend. Poor guy. Wayfaring Stranger: This one is a short, loose retelling of the events of the World War I movie 1917, adding that heavy, sorrowful meaning that was there but always unspoken. This piece was actually an out-of-the-blue self-challenge because the movie wasn't out of theaters when I wrote it. (Yes, the word count is intentional) I smuggled into the cinema a pencil and six notecards (thinking that would be enough) and completely poured everything I could into them as I watched the movie. I've seen 1917 even more times since. The masterpiece movie is a real eyeopener to all those illusioned by war and glory; it never really is anything more than a struggle of humanity. Definitely one of my favorite movies, but not too sure if I can say the same about my fic here; I wrote it in perhaps four hours, give or take, and I still don't think I could ever do such a mocie justice. Fool of April: Written for April Fool's Day 2020, this one was a crazy write, and I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it. I honestly can't remember what muse prompted me to write this cute, fun-filled fanfic. It took me a while to think of some pranks that would have been even semi-plausible in a BotW setting, and I hope I didn't disappoint. BotW Zelda has such a lively personality, so she was naturally very enjoyable to write as always. I wonder if Hyrule runs on the Gregorian calendar though... Lament of the Princess: This one was a 1 AM brainchild. I was actually reading Tolkien's tragedy of Beren and Lúthien and how Lúthien sang of her broken heart and ill-fate to Mandos of the Valar with a "song most fair that ever in words was woven, and the song most sorrowful that ever the world shall hear." For some reason, my mind suddenly jumped to princess Zelda grieving over Link's fallen body in Breath of the Wild, and I had the wild idea to create a lament for Zelda, just as Lúthien sang to Mandos, pleading that Beren be restored to life. When I immediately started out, it quickly became something completely different from what I had imagined. I don't think my words could have moved the great Mandos, but I hope they caused a bit of thought for any readers who happened to chance upon it. Regret of the Princess of Twilight: Sooo, this one was written for MidLink week 2020, and I had originally planned to publish it on day five in which the day's theme was "mirror." However, I didn't quite complete it in the way I would have liked, so I held it back for another day. Uploading it on day six wasn't a round enough number for my picky antics, so I published it on the final day of MidLink week. It was extremely enjoyable to write; poetry usually comes to me relatively easily, and I wanted to do another after my previous and similar publication of "Lament of the Princess." Midna's character growth throughout the game was fascinating for certain, and the sorrow she must have felt for all her past actions must have made for quite a revelation. Last Day of April: Ahh, I had finished Your Lie in April earlier this year since one of my friends had once described the premise to me in (tearful) fervor over phone. Unfortunately, that meant that I also didn't have "the feels" fresh in my memory by the time I wrote this one-shot, but I hope I captured at least a little bit of Kousei's grief. As most of my fics go, this one painstakingly changed into something different than what I had initially had in mind, yet I enjoyed the process greatly, and yes, I actually did upload it the minute before midnight of May first - a nice touch, I think. Did I reach you? My humble list of current works: Bilbo: The First Ring-Bearer: Ever since I read The Hobbit in the second grade ages ago, Bilbo has always been my favorite book character. One day I got thinking: what really might have happened between the events of the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings. Gandalf was busy. Aragorn was busy. Was there not a possibility that the first bearer of the Ring may have gone of a necessary second journey? A not-quite AU. On a very temporary hiatus since I want to develop it better than I have been. Update: ha ha ha... The month is over... and so is quarentine for the most part... I will absolutely come back to this as I completely enjoyed creating the beginning of this tale, and now that I have detailed the plot/characters, I have higher hopes for it. it's certainly a fic I will return to, but perhaps just not at the moment. The First Legend: Skyward Sword: The SS novelization no one asked for almost nine years after its release! This fic is a big huge journey with my current readers so that future readers can enjoy it as much as possible. I certainly owed a lot to this game; Having gotten into the franchise a little later than now I would have wished, it was the first Zelda game I played, so I never really got too annoyed by its reminders/tutorials/etc. In fact, I always thought they were quite helpful; when I played it for the hundredth time, they still haven't bothered me - just faded into the background because the story for this game is perhaps one of the best LoZ ones out there. I didn't really see any novelizations out there, so maybe I just wanted to share this amazing story by means of a novel and to stir up those memorable moments I think we all've had while playing this game. It's always painful to me when people discount it, so I'm here to change your mind! Lethal Solitude: NB: It actually seems that the wonderful author "The Zed of Ages" had beaten me to the job. Feel free to check out Ben's fic - it's truly a masterpiece, and I believe it captures the game perfectly. It's well worth your time to read! - Inspired by the animation "Deathly Loneliness Attacks," THIS big boy is intended to be a loose novelization of the game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Obviously, since it's such an open-world game, there's no way I could write about every aspect of 1000 plus hours of possible game time, but I want to cover the basic story/travels with as little added, non-canon stuff as possible. I also really want to focus on Link's psyche, having been drastically changed through memory loss. In order to attempt to accurately portray the game and Link's character (after being thrust into a world he once knew 100 years ago and has since been destroyed), maaany an hour has been spent researching in and out-of-game, and several parts are down. No chapters posted yet. - On a later note, not too sure what I'll be doing with this... Cheers! Please stay safe and healthy in this uncertain time of corona danger. Many blessings! Namárië, friends, KVeronicaP |