Reviews for Panes of Gold
Ghostwriter71 chapter 4 . 7/31
Excellent. Just excellent. And stop it...we're NOT breathing "sighs of relief", just sad it's over. :/ We will indeed revisit some of your past amazing stories now.
Clara E. Taylor chapter 4 . 7/31
Sublime...but with lots of action, too.
Abigail D'yo chapter 3 . 7/27
You came back! :D
Lovely work as usual.

Look fonward for the Valiant rsrs.
AcrossFandoms chapter 3 . 7/23
I love these and how they fit into "The Horse and His Boy"! I can't wait to hear about why Lucy might be called "Valiant!"
Laura Andrews chapter 3 . 7/23
Wow, this one was powerful! I actually love Susan, always have; and I feel like in Prince Caspian she was treated a bit nastily by Peter and Edmund because she was a 'wet blanket'; actually that book would be my least favorite of the Narnia book.
Susan is me: the eldest sister, the fearful sister, the one who can't seem to just let go and trust God completely.
You've captured her essence in this chapter and I adore it. Well done, absolutely well done.
I also don't believe that salvation can be lost, and I know that Susan comes to Aslan's country one day, free of her fears and her doubts and the burden of always making sure that her loved ones are safe.
This one is my favorite so far, but I can't wait to read Lucy's chapter :D
Laura Andrews chapter 2 . 7/23
Love it! Not sure I agree that Mercy and Justice are the same. Justice is giving someone what they deserve; mercy is taking away the punishment that is deserved.
They do dovetail, though, in the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, where Christ took what we deserved and gave us what we do not deserve; but that is a very exceptional case, obviously.
Anyways, aside from that quibble, a magnificent chapter as always. I love Corin's character; and Edmund's. I think Edmund is a good mentor for Corin; I can definitely see them being really good friends as Corin got older.
On to the next chapter!
Saoirse7 chapter 3 . 7/17
Lovely chapter! Susan is an interesting one, and I think you capture that there's more to "gentle" than meek and mild. I always think she came back in the end. :) She just took the long way around.
Guest chapter 3 . 7/16
I haven’t reviewed this yet because I didn’t know want to write. Your insight into the characters is incredible and I’ve really enjoyed reading it.

I really actually enjoyed your insight to Susan in your author’s note. You’ve helped me understand the characters better through your interpretation and the books themselves as well. I haven’t thought about it before, but it is Susan who seems the most human throughout all the books. Edmund is tempted but is never again angry at any of them. Peter is always the leader but rarely actually has much to say other than to say and the noble and just thing. And Lucy, even as my favourite character, doesn’t have many flaws. It is Susan who speaks as the voice of disbelief and reasons as if she were at home. She isn’t as likeable, but is probably the closest to how most people would react in her situation. Not that she isn’t a good person, but that she has more visible flaws like the rest of us.

Anyways I’ve gotten sidetracked. Great work, and I can’t wait to hear more from you soon.

P.S. I found you because of your writing in Swallows and Amazons. If you ever feel like writing more there I would quite enjoy it. If you as done with the fandom (for now or forever) I understand.
Ghostwriter71 chapter 3 . 7/17
Excellent. Sheer excellence. Wonderful chapter, young ladies. And your author's note was exceedingly amazing as well. I like these "deleted scenes", as it were. Things added to the canon text yet still fully canon plausible. Excellent, excellent work. Although I am not personally convinced about "eternal security". But that is a topic for another time and place.

Thanks for this chapter! :)
AslansWatchman chapter 2 . 7/12
Last three sentences are excellent.
Yes, I have the same problem with the notifications.
Anonymousme chapter 1 . 7/7
Is this a dream? Rose and Psyche are still alive after all and they're here! It's great to see you back, even though I myself haven't been here often lately, unfortunately. I have, however, read all your CoN works (I think) at least twice each, and hope you get back to writing! This is great so far. Please update soon!
Ghostwriter71 chapter 2 . 7/5
Whoa. I think this is an even deeper chapter, philosophically. A LOT of concepts to think about here.

And yes, I have not been getting emails about PM's for months, if not longer. :/ I have to go into my actual account and go to me inbox to check. Not certain what's up with that.

Excellent chapter, as usual. :)
Ghostwriter71 chapter 1 . 7/5
The chapter is great. And honestly, that last line...absolute perfection!

Also, welcome back. I'd no idea it had been two years! :O Crazy how time flies. Hope you're not going to leave us for another two years.
AslansWatchman chapter 1 . 7/4
Never really noticed that part "were called".
Well done in conveying how his title might have come to him.
The last sentence by Edmund sums it it quite well.
Saoirse7 chapter 2 . 7/4
"A more fitting title would be King Edmund the Redeemed." I really love that. Edmund has long been a top favorite for me and I think you did an excellent character study on him for this chapter. Also, I love that these are all set in Horse and His Boy so far, because that one is my fave of the seven. :) (And I've noticed ff has decided to stop notifying of PMs for some reason.. I'm glad it's not just me!)
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