Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .
Diggle's Anger by
LycoX reviews
John Diggle's anger towards Oliver for choosing Laurel over Deadshot causes a rash decision to be made.
Arrow - Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters: 6 - Words: 5,101 - Reviews: 21 - Favs: 30 - Follows: 23 - Updated: 7/21 - Published: 6/8 - Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow, Black Canary/Earth-1 D. Laurel Lance, Tommy M., John D./Spartan - Complete
AU of Arrow 1x23 by
Phillipe363 reviews
Instead of Tommy dying in the Undertaking that does not happen, and a few other events take place differently from how Oliver gets his hood to Diggle not being a stupid Olicty cheerleader to unhealthy levels. Using deleted scenes or script info that never got filmed gives us another way Arrow season 1 finale could have gone.
Arrow - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,247 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 12 - Follows: 7 - Published: 4/8 - Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow, Black Canary/Earth-1 D. Laurel Lance, Tommy M., Shado - Complete
The legacy of the Jedi by
Bl4ckHunter reviews
One-shot story. Fix-it. ! Warning: Contains spoilers to THE RISE OF SKYWALKER. ! Realistic outcome of Rey's final fight with Palpatine.
Star Wars - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 626 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 7 - Follows: 1 - Published: 3/23 - E. Palpatine, Finn, Poe D., Rey - Complete
Together in the afterlife by
Phillipe363 reviews
Upon arriving in the afterlife Oliver finds a person he didn't expect because she literately cannot be dead given she was alive as he died. That person is Sara Lance. Just what exactly is going on here and how Oliver has already died long before his death on Earth 38? Find out.
Arrow - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 627 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 18 - Follows: 8 - Published: 3/20 - [Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow, Sara L.] - Complete
A new beginning by
Bl4ckHunter reviews
One-shot story. After the Crisis of Infinite Earths, everyone attempts to start over and grieve over what had been lost. But what they soon enough realize is that not everything might be lost forever.
Crossover - Flash & Arrow - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,503 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 7 - Published: 3/15 - Complete
All I Know Is I Won't Go Speechless by
DZ2 reviews
First, there were Dementors, then dictating advice and the Order. Now, they expect him to sit there, smile and wag his tail, his voice drowned out in the thunder? No, Harry will not be silent anymore: he has a voice and it's time they remember that. Grey Powerful Harry/Tonks
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Drama/Fantasy - Chapters: 4 - Words: 16,229 - Reviews: 185 - Favs: 924 - Follows: 1,343 - Updated: 3/10 - Published: 1/11 - [Harry P., N. Tonks] [Ron W., Luna L.]
Actions Made, Consequences Paid by
LycoX reviews
With the return of a certain student whose yet to fully tap into his potential, Principal Reynolds throws a new challenge upon said student much to his dismay. (Set between Phoenix and Extinction)
Smallville - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Drama - Chapters: 8 - Words: 12,498 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 21 - Follows: 11 - Updated: 2/5 - Published: 3/23/2019 - [Clark K./Superman, Lana L./Valkyrie] Alicia B., OC - Complete
Rest Interrupted by
LycoX reviews
Oliver's rest in the Afterlife is unfortunately interrupted thanks to the Monitor's good intentions.
Arrow - Rated: T - English - Drama/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,774 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 18 - Follows: 8 - Published: 1/25 - Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow, Felicity S./Overwatch - Complete
Chloe defending Alicia by
Phillipe363 reviews
Having had enough of how Smallville is treating Alicia Baker as if she was evil itself and the pain it's putting Clark in, who still grieving from her death, results in Chloe having some choice words for quite a lot of people. From Lana Lang right down to Clark's parents.
Smallville - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,775 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 19 - Follows: 11 - Published: 12/17/2019 - Clark K./Superman, Lana L./Valkyrie, Chloe S., Jonathan K. - Complete
I Am the Master of Death by
DZ2 reviews
One-Shot: So, a true hero falls and the fluke gets to break the rules to suit his own purposes? That was the only way the world could be saved? No, I don't think so! And nor does a force more powerful than the Sorcerer Supreme and the Infinity Stones combined. MoD/OP/Godlike Harry;
Crossover - Harry Potter & Avengers - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,812 - Reviews: 71 - Favs: 686 - Follows: 341 - Published: 11/26/2019 - Harry P., Death, Iron Man/Tony S., Dr. Strange/Stephen S. - Complete
It Starts With Why by
purastella reviews
Hermione stared down at the newspaper in her hands. "When I disappeared from Malfoy Manor, my world was at war. When I woke up, they said we'd won. They didn't say what we lost." Looking up at Steve, she continued, "You keep saying how when you woke up, everything had changed. Yet, for my world, nothing has." She tossed the paper on the floor between them. "I suffered for nothing."
Crossover - Harry Potter & Avengers - Rated: M - English - Drama/Angst - Chapters: 18 - Words: 106,832 - Reviews: 547 - Favs: 882 - Follows: 925 - Updated: 11/10/2019 - Published: 3/16/2019 - Hermione G., Captain America/Steve R., Iron Man/Tony S., Loki - Complete
A Whole New World by
LycoX reviews
The Crisis has come and gone with failure being the result. But not all is lost as a new world and a new start is made. Allowing a special few a second chance.
Crossover - Flash & Arrow - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,156 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 3 - Published: 9/25/2019 - Linda P., Wally W., Tommy M., Shado - Complete
Icarus by
LycoX reviews
In Kara's moment of doubt after seeing a man die during 'Human For A Day', an unexpected source of encouragement comes her way.
Crossover - Arrow & Supergirl - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,260 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 21 - Follows: 12 - Published: 9/18/2019 - Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow, Kara D./Supergirl, Cat G. - Complete
Broken Arrow and Lost Canary by
Bl4ckHunter reviews
AU after 3x09. After being defeated by Ra's, Oliver is forced to desperate measures to stop him and he gains unexpected allies to do so and someone he never thought he would see ever again.
Arrow - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 16 - Words: 26,876 - Reviews: 50 - Favs: 70 - Follows: 59 - Updated: 9/5/2019 - Published: 7/10/2019 - [Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow, Sara L.] Black Canary/Earth-1 D. Laurel Lance, Ra's al Ghul - Complete
A different decision by
Bl4ckHunter reviews
One-shot story. Alternate ending to Arrow 5x11. Dinah declines Oliver's offer in order to find herself again.
Arrow - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 854 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 4 - Published: 8/28/2019 - Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow, Dinah Drake - Complete
The Surprise Child by
LycoX reviews
What if Clark and Alicia hadn't been interrupted and had gone all the way in his room during 'Obsession? What if that had resulted in a huge surprise for Clark nine months later?
Smallville - Rated: T - English - Drama/Family - Chapters: 11 - Words: 18,471 - Reviews: 20 - Favs: 67 - Follows: 50 - Updated: 7/30/2019 - Published: 4/6/2019 - Clark K./Superman - Complete
Flannel Is My Power, Plaid Is My Armor by
LycoX reviews
Threats from his past and in recent times forces a certain Last Son to step up to the plate in a big way. (Phoenix, Slumber)
Smallville - Rated: T - English - Drama/Adventure - Chapters: 18 - Words: 28,353 - Reviews: 24 - Favs: 16 - Follows: 13 - Updated: 7/12/2019 - Published: 4/8/2019 - Clark K./Superman, Lana L./Valkyrie, Jonathan K., OC - Complete
No holding back by
Bl4ckHunter reviews
One-shot story. Takes place in 6x14. Oliver gives his former teammates a chance to stand down but they force him NOT to hold back anymore.
Arrow - Rated: T - English - Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,242 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 30 - Follows: 15 - Published: 5/16/2019 - Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow, John D./Spartan, Dinah Drake, Black Siren/Earth-2 D. Laurel Lance - Complete
Coffee House Confrontation by
LycoX reviews
What if the second argument between Clark and Lana during 'Extinction' had gone a lot worse?
Smallville - Rated: T - English - Drama/Angst - Chapters: 10 - Words: 14,460 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 16 - Follows: 16 - Updated: 4/5/2019 - Published: 3/28/2019 - Clark K./Superman, Lana L./Valkyrie - Complete
How About I Hunt You Down? by
LycoX reviews
After Alicia tearfully tells Clark of Jason's threat towards her, he's unwilling to leave it alone. (Pariah related)
Smallville - Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 767 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 17 - Follows: 5 - Published: 3/24/2019 - [Lana L./Valkyrie, Jason T.] Clark K./Superman - Complete
From The Roof To The Window by
LycoX reviews
Clark's little rooftop escapade from the Daily Planet during 'Insurgence' is seen by a whole lot of people.
Smallville - Rated: T - English - Suspense/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 968 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 3 - Published: 3/19/2019 - Clark K./Superman - Complete
Jonas Dearden Investigations by
LycoX reviews
After a premonition of a dark future the night before his return to Lian Yu from Russia disturbs his sleep, Oliver Queen sets out to discover if a key element of the vision is true. Upon learning it is, he vows to never again pick up the bow, instead opening a P.I. firm in Central City where he hires on newly-minted CSI, Barry Allen, and newcomer to Central City, Kara Danvers.
Crossover - Flash & Arrow - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Adventure - Chapters: 35 - Words: 58,570 - Reviews: 76 - Favs: 130 - Follows: 115 - Updated: 10/2/2018 - Published: 1/15/2018 - Barry A./The Flash, Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow - Complete
Unleashing the Arrow by
ssjmrxi reviews
6x14 Oliver shows the team of worthless individuals why he's so feared...why he was once the Heir to the Demon. He also doesn't take any of their BS.
Arrow - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,267 - Reviews: 20 - Favs: 107 - Follows: 48 - Published: 3/4/2018 - Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow, Rene R., Dinah Drake, Black Siren/Earth-2 D. Laurel Lance - Complete
Nothing I Wouldn't Do For You by
WritersBlock039 reviews
The wedding of Barry Allen and Iris West has brought guests from all of the multiverse - including a universe so horrible it only received a letter designation: Earth-X. The forces of Earth-1 and Earth-38 are ready to fight, but if they don't succeed, the life of one of their own is on the line. Rewrite of "Crisis on Earth-X" to include Kariver. Book Five of The Unmatched Records.
Crossover - Arrow & Supergirl - Rated: T - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 36 - Words: 78,345 - Reviews: 124 - Favs: 280 - Follows: 153 - Updated: 2/26/2018 - Published: 1/29/2018 - [Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow, Kara D./Supergirl] Sara L., Barry A. - Complete
Clever Tactic (Or Scott Gets Payback) by
LycoX reviews
After his latest encounter with Mrs. Argent, Scott does the unthinkable.
Teen Wolf - Rated: T - English - Family/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,495 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 19 - Follows: 10 - Published: 2/21/2018 - [Chris A., Mrs. Argent] Scott M., Agent McCall - Complete
Between Two Worlds by
WritersBlock039 reviews
After a month of hearing nothing from Slade, he returns to Star City to ask for help in rescuing his son, Joe. After all Slade has done for him since Lian Yu, Oliver agrees to help. But they won't be going alone - two more step up to assist without hesitation. Rewrite of "Deathstroke Returns" and "Promises Kept" to include Kariver. Book Four of The Unmatched Records.
Crossover - Arrow & Supergirl - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Family - Chapters: 15 - Words: 25,650 - Reviews: 29 - Favs: 159 - Follows: 79 - Updated: 1/20/2018 - Published: 1/14/2018 - [Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow, Kara D./Supergirl] Slade W./Deathstroke, Malcolm M./Dark Archer - Complete
Won't Let You Down by
WritersBlock039 reviews
Three months after defeating Prometheus, Oliver Queen's life has improved for the better, and he owes it all to Kara Danvers. So when Kara suddenly falls out of contact after months of keeping in touch, Oliver heads to Earth-38 to ensure she doesn't suffer anything like he did, and he won't be going alone. Book Two of The Unmatched Records.
Crossover - Arrow & Supergirl - Rated: T - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 21 - Words: 58,416 - Reviews: 101 - Favs: 316 - Follows: 156 - Updated: 12/14/2017 - Published: 12/10/2017 - [Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow, Kara D./Supergirl] Thea Q., Alex D. - Complete
One Call Away by
WritersBlock039 reviews
Prometheus has always been ahead of the Green Arrow during their confrontations, and now he's pushed Oliver Queen to his limits. With the Flash MIA and the Legends unresponsive, Oliver knows there's only one more hero he can reach out to, even if she's in another universe. Rewrite of "Missing" and "Lian Yu" to include Supergirl. Book One of The Unmatched Records.
Crossover - Arrow & Supergirl - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Angst - Chapters: 12 - Words: 23,802 - Reviews: 59 - Favs: 328 - Follows: 159 - Updated: 12/9/2017 - Published: 12/8/2017 - Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow, Adrian C., Kara D./Supergirl - Complete
Survivors by
SpeedForce 1229 reviews
An escape pod lands on Earth with a 13 year old girl and a one year old boy as its passengers. The two have only minutes before they are being chased by a species they do not know or trust, humans. Kara runs across the country with only one goal in mind, fulfilling her oath to her mother and keeping Kal El alive while trying to deal with powers that are becoming out of control.
Supergirl - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Chapters: 49 - Words: 440,954 - Reviews: 659 - Favs: 401 - Follows: 373 - Updated: 10/15/2017 - Published: 12/18/2016 - Kara D./Supergirl, Alex D., Eliza D., Jeremiah D. - Complete
Little Lucifer by
charmed4lifekaren reviews
Post 2x15. Chloe Decker is just starting to feel like she has gotten to know Lucifer Morningstar, but after Lucifer gets a visitor she realises that there is an entire side to her partner that she's never seen.
Lucifer - Rated: T - English - Family/Friendship - Chapters: 23 - Words: 90,884 - Reviews: 131 - Favs: 340 - Follows: 235 - Updated: 6/17/2017 - Published: 5/13/2017 - [Lucifer M., Chloe D.] Maze, Charlotte R./Mum - Complete
Descent into Darkness by
Valerie Vancollie reviews
What if instead of waiting for Luke to come to him on Endor, Vader had gone for Luke and the others, capturing them while with the Ewoks?
Star Wars - Rated: T - English - Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 24,118 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 64 - Follows: 24 - Published: 6/4/2017 - Luke S., Leia O., Han S., Darth Vader - Complete
Sweet Revenge by
Valerie Vancollie reviews
What if Luke had used the Dark Side when he was still a child?
Star Wars - Rated: T - English - Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 11,599 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 80 - Follows: 28 - Published: 5/29/2017 - Luke S., Darth Vader, Biggs D., Owen L. - Complete
Vengeance? No! Avenger! by
Deadlandmarshal reviews
Harry and Hermione have gone farther than they ever expected in pursuit of the last task Dumbledore left to them, how are they going to handle it being derailed by the actions of the worlds mightiest heroes? Edited by the mighty Pazed!
Crossover - Harry Potter & Avengers - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Suspense - Chapters: 31 - Words: 79,204 - Reviews: 996 - Favs: 2,565 - Follows: 2,669 - Updated: 2/25/2017 - Published: 9/19/2015 - Harry P., Hermione G. - Complete
I'm Still Here by
kathryn518 reviews
The second war with Voldemort never really ended, and there were no winners, certainly not Harry Potter who has lost everything. What will Harry do when a ritual from Voldemort sends him to another world? How will he manage in this new world in which he never existed, especially as he sees familiar events unfolding? Harry/Multi eventually.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 13 - Words: 292,799 - Reviews: 5723 - Favs: 17,837 - Follows: 20,714 - Updated: 1/28/2017 - Published: 9/21/2013 - Harry P., Fleur D., Daphne G., Perenelle F.
Reprise II by
Elfpen reviews
The second arc of the Reprise AU. Ben Kenobi has been living in the past for three years, working behind the scenes to change the course of history. New friends and allies bolster his efforts, but old enemies - and new - lurk around every corner. With every day and every decision, Ben steps away the life that he knew and into a future he cannot predict.
Star Wars - Rated: T - English - Family - Chapters: 21 - Words: 142,203 - Reviews: 429 - Favs: 841 - Follows: 554 - Updated: 8/26/2016 - Published: 4/28/2016 - Complete
Reprise by
Elfpen reviews
Ben Kenobi dies aboard the Death Star in the year 0 BBY. He wakes up shortly thereafter in the Jedi temple in the year 41 BBY. Haunted by memories and regret, Ben must forge a new path for himself in the Jedi Order of his youth while navigating the murky waters of time travel. Crafting a better future from bitter experience is hard, but learning to heal is even harder. Major AU.
Star Wars - Rated: K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 22 - Words: 99,150 - Reviews: 493 - Favs: 1,284 - Follows: 770 - Updated: 4/28/2016 - Published: 11/12/2015 - Complete
Caught On Camera! by
LycoX reviews
After Clark revives from getting shot by Chloe's kidnapper, he gets noticed in a rather big way when he goes to stop the missile from destroying Smallville.
Smallville - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Suspense - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,980 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 41 - Follows: 19 - Published: 5/28/2015 - [Clark K./Superman, Alicia B.] Lana L./Valkyrie, Lois L. - Complete
The Founders Four by
parihpfan reviews
On a dark and stormy night, the staff and students of Hogwarts were taken by surprise when four mysterious figures appeared outside on the grounds. Who are they and why do they look like the Founders? What does this mean for the war? AU Time travelling
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 25 - Words: 66,634 - Reviews: 430 - Favs: 1,095 - Follows: 899 - Updated: 5/17/2015 - Published: 7/13/2012 - Harry P., Founders - Complete
Harry Potter: Geth by
mjimeyg reviews
During the final battle Harry is hit with a luck spell... but who exactly got lucky? Harry finds himself in the future fighting a new war when all he wants to do is have a nice and easy life. So he decides to have fun instead.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 43 - Words: 276,717 - Reviews: 2694 - Favs: 7,110 - Follows: 3,799 - Updated: 11/19/2014 - Published: 10/27/2014 - [Tali'Zorah, Harry P.] [Shepard, Ashley W.] - Complete
No More Secrets by
sbmcneil reviews
Hermione has started her new job in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and is handed a case that shakes her world view. Ron and Hermione both learn more about themselves and their assumptions about the wizarding world. * Deals with issues of domestic violence*
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 9,081 - Reviews: 63 - Favs: 417 - Follows: 102 - Published: 5/20/2014 - [Ginny W., Harry P.] [Hermione G., Ron W.] - Complete
Weary Wizard by
Yunaine reviews
When a few inappropriate questions derail the meeting at the Hog's Head, Harry lets the situation play out. Eventually, he refuses to commit his free time to teach a bunch of easily distracted fools. - Set during fifth year; Harry/Hermione
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 18,450 - Reviews: 627 - Favs: 8,936 - Follows: 2,499 - Published: 4/26/2014 - [Harry P., Hermione G.] - Complete
Past an Hour the Prospect's Black by
White Squirrel reviews
One-shot. Harry suspects the Second Task will involve hostages, but he still can't find a way to breathe underwater. In his desperation, what other options might he devise?
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,601 - Reviews: 126 - Favs: 863 - Follows: 298 - Published: 4/25/2014 - Harry P. - Complete
Victory at Ostagar by
Arsinoe de Blassenville reviews
When Bryce Cousland's little spitfire scaled the Tower of Ishal and lit the beacon at the critical moment, King Cailan won a mighty victory against the darkspawn. The Blight, however was far from over. All other origins included, plus Hawke and his companions. Cousland/Loghain, Morrigan/Anders, Surana/Zevran, Fergus/Anora, and more. Half a million hits and still going.
Dragon Age - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 128 - Words: 1,173,512 - Reviews: 5274 - Favs: 1,602 - Follows: 1,021 - Updated: 11/30/2013 - Published: 3/18/2010 - Cousland - Complete
M-Day by
mjimeyg reviews
M-Day. A day that would go down in history as the emergence of a new breed of humans. The Magicals. It all started with one individual who thought he was there to save the mutants. Sequel to Potter's Protector, rating for violence and swearing, no slash.
Crossover - X-Men & Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 26 - Words: 140,583 - Reviews: 479 - Favs: 1,835 - Follows: 1,016 - Updated: 8/25/2013 - Published: 12/17/2012 - Harry P.
On the Wings of Dragons by
Bobmin356 reviews
The Weyr prepares for the step of going public against the backdrop of heightening international tensions and increasingly complex personal issues. And is Britain really secure now that the Ministry has been conquered? Sequel to The Queen Who Fell to Earth. Harry/Hr/OCF
Crossover - Harry Potter & Dragonriders of Pern series - Rated: M - English - Drama/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 19 - Words: 365,930 - Reviews: 2280 - Favs: 3,184 - Follows: 2,021 - Updated: 4/7/2013 - Published: 6/5/2012 - Harry P. - Complete
Harry Potter and the Long Summer by
sbmcneil reviews
Harry was stuck with his angry relatives all summer. Ron and his brothers were never able to rescue Harry from Privet Drive. When his absence from Hogwarts is discovered, Minerva McGonagall heads out to find her wayward lion.
Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 9,518 - Reviews: 84 - Favs: 512 - Follows: 216 - Published: 4/2/2013 - Harry P., Minerva M. - Complete
Black, White, and Red All Over by
Battle Fries reviews
When Willow picks up on Voldemort's resurrection, the Council moves to aid Harry Potter in his struggle against the Dark Lord. Post-Chosen, Post-Goblet of Fire. Posted on TTH under user name LegacyWeapon.
Crossover - Buffy: The Vampire Slayer & Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 15 - Words: 62,605 - Reviews: 117 - Favs: 383 - Follows: 228 - Updated: 6/12/2012 - Published: 9/25/2011 - Willow R., Harry P. - Complete
The Queen who fell to Earth by
Bobmin356 reviews
Forced to compete and abandoned by his friends, he steps from the tent with only one goal in mind, suicide. Instead Harry awakens a power that spans time and space and starts a war between the worlds.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Dragonriders of Pern series - Rated: M - English - Drama/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 18 - Words: 302,411 - Reviews: 2681 - Favs: 6,100 - Follows: 3,176 - Updated: 3/26/2012 - Published: 11/28/2011 - Harry P. - Complete
Potter's Protector by
mjimeyg reviews
The spirit of Hogwarts believes that Harry has suffered enough in his eleven years of life and calls in a protector to guide and care for him. Not slash, rating for violence in later chapters.
Crossover - Buffy: The Vampire Slayer & Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Family - Chapters: 45 - Words: 261,714 - Reviews: 1218 - Favs: 4,062 - Follows: 1,730 - Updated: 2/5/2012 - Published: 12/23/2011 - Xander H., Harry P. - Complete
SmallvilleX: Evolution Year 1 by
ben10987654321 reviews
Clark ends up attending a certain school for the 'gifted'. Smallville/X-Men: Evolution x-over.
Crossover - X-Men: Evolution & Smallville - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 86 - Words: 549,097 - Reviews: 1836 - Favs: 1,250 - Follows: 704 - Updated: 10/20/2011 - Published: 5/20/2010 - [Rogue/Anna Marie, Clark K./Superman] - Complete
Becoming Alpha by
Miz636 reviews
A single difference changed Harry Potter as he began his life at the majestic castle known as Hogwarts. Collecting friends from all four Houses, he starts his journey by becoming the Alpha. Will the changes hinder or help his destiny?
Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 37 - Words: 172,345 - Reviews: 1297 - Favs: 1,921 - Follows: 903 - Updated: 4/13/2011 - Published: 10/10/2010 - [Harry P., Ginny W.] Tracey D. - Complete
Dynasty by
Valerie Vancollie reviews
Coauthor: Rebecca Thomson. Abandoned on the first Death Star, Luke's true identity is revealed and Vader takes him to Coruscant. There he learns about the Empire and the Dark Side even as he hears his best friend has joined the Alliance.
Star Wars - Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters: 45 - Words: 332,375 - Reviews: 1184 - Favs: 1,282 - Follows: 457 - Updated: 5/25/2007 - Published: 6/11/2006 - Luke S., Darth Vader - Complete
The Road To Hell by
Starway Man reviews
Repost, no new text. The First Evil is defeated in 2003, and blames Willow and Xander for that. But working through Drusilla during 1998, there is still a chance for it to triumph in the end.
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer - Rated: M - English - Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 11,646 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 125 - Follows: 49 - Published: 12/28/2002 - Xander H. - Complete
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .
The Rise of the Emerald Archer reviews
Oliver Queen has been granted a second chance at life by Mar-Novu for his services, and he's not about to waste it, but he soon finds out that time travel is not as simple or as 'fun' as Barry Allen and Sara Lance have implied, and that changing the timeline represents an awesome and terrible power.
Arrow - Rated: M - English - Drama/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 59 - Words: 273,580 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 45 - Follows: 35 - Updated: 7/17 - Published: 7/7 - [Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow, Black Canary/Earth-1 D. Laurel Lance] Malcolm M./Dark Archer - Complete
Arrow: I Know
An unmodulated voice and a look into the eyes of the disguised Hood give Laurel Lance all the evidence she needs to put the pieces together.
Arrow - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,062 - Favs: 14 - Follows: 13 - Published: 7/9 - [Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow, Black Canary/Earth-1 D. Laurel Lance] - Complete
Arrow: I Lied reviews
When Laurel comes to him about the polygraph results, Oliver comes clean with her rather than continuing to hide who he has become.
Arrow - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 912 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 17 - Follows: 16 - Published: 7/8 - Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow, Black Canary/Earth-1 D. Laurel Lance - Complete
Arrow: You Saved Me reviews
After the events of 4x17, "Beacon of Hope", Oliver requests a private word with Laurel to discuss something of great importance to him.
Arrow - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,259 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 13 - Follows: 8 - Published: 7/8 - [Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow, Black Canary/Earth-1 D. Laurel Lance] - Complete
Arrow: A Disappointed Mentor reviews
Talia al Ghul is displeased with the student she tracked down and trained throwing away the calling offered to him and decides to give him a short, brutal lesson in the truth of who he is and what he is capable of before issuing an ultimatum that will leave him with but one choice: to resurrect the Emerald Archer.
Arrow - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,199 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 14 - Published: 7/7 - Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow, Felicity S./Overwatch, Talia al Ghul - Complete
Arrow: He Chose You reviews
Angry and bitter about Oliver Queen's choice to pursue Edward Rasmus rather than help him catch his brother's killer, John Diggle informs Laurel of the truth of how Oliver Queen spends his nights, leading to several unexpected conversations and consequences.
Arrow - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,353 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 11 - Published: 7/7 - Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow, Black Canary/Earth-1 D. Laurel Lance, Tommy M., John D./Spartan - Complete
Consistency reviews
Sara Lance makes a couple of changes to reality before depowering the Spear of Destiny.
Legends of Tomorrow - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 729 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 21 - Follows: 17 - Published: 4/11 - Sara Lance/White Canary, Eobard Thawne, Damien Darhk - Complete
The Unexpected Encounter reviews
2040 AU. After discovering the plans for the destruction of Star City in Felicity's secret lair, William, Roy, Dinah, and Zoe receive a new set of coordinates that lead them to an unexpected, and somewhat tense, encounter with a man thought long-dead: Oliver Queen.
Arrow - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 894 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 20 - Follows: 16 - Published: 4/10 - Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow, Roy H./Arsenal, Dinah Drake, William C. - Complete
Arrow: The Demon's Judgment reviews
When Felicity Smoak dares to challenge Ra's al Ghul in the sanctum of his own fortress, the Demon's Head does not give her love advice. Instead, he delivers a swift and crippling punishment that destroys whatever bonds Oliver Queen might have had with this upstart woman. 3x20 fix-it with a patriarchal and medieval League of Assassins. Rated M for content.
Arrow - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,935 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 21 - Follows: 9 - Published: 4/9 - Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow, Felicity S./Overwatch, Ra's al Ghul - Complete
An Overheard Conversation reviews
While commiserating with one another about their mutual boy problems, Laurel Lance and Thea Queen overhear a conversation that will shatter all their preconceptions about what they think they know.
Arrow - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,772 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 32 - Follows: 26 - Published: 4/9 - [Black Canary/Earth-1 D. Laurel Lance, Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow] Thea Q., Moira Q. - Complete
When Ollie Met Oliver reviews
When Smallville's Oliver Queen finds himself on Earth-1, he takes the time to impart some sage advice to his brooding dimensional counterpart.
Crossover - Smallville & Arrow - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,458 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 24 - Follows: 15 - Published: 4/8 - Oliver Q./Green Arrow, Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow, Felicity S./Overwatch - Complete
The Siren's Scream reviews
Black Siren was one of Zoom's most intelligent and lethal lieutenants, and when she is faced with the 'challenge' of Curtis Holt and Felicity Smoak, she deals with it as surely as she could deal with any other challenge. With ruthless efficiency.
Arrow - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 968 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 8 - Published: 4/7 - Felicity S./Overwatch, Black Siren/Earth-2 D. Laurel Lance - Complete
Arrow: No Holding Back reviews
A fix-it for 6x14. Oliver has more to say when Dinah foolishly challenges him, and later shows Team Snowflake just how dangerous he is.
Arrow - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,826 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 38 - Follows: 22 - Published: 4/6 - Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow, Rene R., Dinah Drake - Complete
Green Arrow vs Overwatch reviews
In the aftermath of 5x10 and the capture of Black Siren, Oliver has some harsh words for his tech specialist and reaches out to Black Siren in an effort to reach the side of her that is like the woman he knew and loved.
Arrow - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,675 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 21 - Follows: 12 - Published: 4/5 - Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow, Felicity S./Overwatch, Black Siren/Earth-2 D. Laurel Lance - Complete
Arrow: Monster reviews
A look at what might have happened if the Oliver as portrayed in 5x09 and 5x17 had been the Oliver who arrived back in Starling City to take on the criminal and corrupt.
Arrow - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,531 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 21 - Follows: 6 - Published: 4/4 - Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow, Malcolm M./Dark Archer - Complete
The Hood Returns reviews
After his defeat at the hands of Ra's al Ghul, Oliver Queen returns to Starling City and discovers what has been happening in his absence. He is not pleased, and returns to his old tactics to deal with the threats to his city before having a pointed conversation with his team.
Arrow - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,020 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 31 - Follows: 16 - Published: 4/3 - Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow, Malcolm M./Dark Archer, Danny Brickwell - Complete
Arrow: Swan Song reviews
The Dominator dream world has a far more adverse affect on Oliver Queen than in canon, and even the attempted intervention of Sara Lance and Barry Allen can't deflect Oliver from his self-destructive course. M for dark content.
Arrow - Rated: M - English - Tragedy - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,194 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 5 - Published: 3/20 - Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow, Sara L., Barry A. - Complete
Arrow: The Wrong Target reviews
4x18 fix-it fic. As Green Arrow strains against the magic binding him and Black Canary as Darhk prepares to end her life, he receives an unexpected boost that provides Darhk all the proof he needs that he targeted the wrong woman.
Arrow - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,570 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 37 - Follows: 21 - Published: 3/16 - [Black Canary/Earth-1 D. Laurel Lance, Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow] - Complete
Smallville: The Request reviews
When Clark Kent's parting comments after requesting to borrow her meteor rock necklace scare Lana Lang, her pleading request to know what's going on has a different outcome than in canon.
Smallville - Rated: K+ - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,299 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 16 - Follows: 9 - Published: 2/14 - Clark K./Superman, Lana L./Valkyrie - Complete
Spark of Rebellion reviews
An alternate take on what could have caused the Dominators to choose to wipe out the metahuman population on Earth.
Flash - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,218 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 7 - Published: 10/23/2019 - OC - Complete
Harry Potter and the Shadow of the Demon reviews
A mad plan two decades in the making has finally come to fruition and Ra's al Ghul, formerly Harry Potter, awakens in his 14-year-old body, intent on cleansing the Light and the Dark of those corrupting them. To do so, he becomes The Phoenix, and soon discovers that there is a new responsibility on his shoulders: to lead the magical equivalent of the League of Assassins.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Arrow - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 18 - Words: 54,352 - Reviews: 84 - Favs: 477 - Follows: 414 - Updated: 9/8/2019 - Published: 8/24/2019 - Harry P., Voldemort, Albus D., Ra's al Ghul - Complete
Arrow: It's Not Easy reviews
Tag to 2x20. When Sara Lance begins to backtrack after her first setback on her attempt to follow Oliver's path away from darkness and being a killer, both Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak give her something to think about.
Arrow - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,244 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 17 - Follows: 11 - Published: 8/30/2019 - [Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow, Sara L.] Felicity S./Overwatch - Complete
Arrowverse: Leagues reviews
Oliver Queen has no moves left. Talia al Ghul, acting through her agent, Adrian Chase, has effectively forced his hand. But both the Emerald Archer and his former teacher have forgotten the generation of heroes he's inspired.
Arrow - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 9,528 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 47 - Follows: 24 - Published: 8/28/2019 - Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow, Sara L., Barry A., Talia al Ghul - Complete
The Flash: This Is Thawne! reviews
Barry Allen doesn't allow his wife to browbeat him into accepting her view of the situation regarding Nora and retakes control of his destiny from both Iris and Eobard Thawne. (NOT FOR WEST-ALLEN FANS)
Flash - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,439 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 92 - Follows: 54 - Published: 8/27/2019 - Barry A./The Flash, Iris W., Eobard T./Impostor Harrison W./Reverse-Flash - Complete
Arrow: The Demon Awakens reviews
The salvation of Zambesi is not without consequences. With no Vixen in Detroit, Oliver Queen has no one to turn to for magical assistance and Damien Darhk kills his only son, awakening the remnants of Warith al Ghul deep within Oliver.
Arrow - Rated: M - English - Supernatural/Horror - Chapters: 1 - Words: 12,313 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 68 - Follows: 36 - Published: 8/26/2019 - Oliver Q./Arrow/Green Arrow, Ra's al Ghul, Damien Darhk - Complete
The Room of Requirement reviews
What if Harry Potter had been chosen by a Lantern ring? What if Harry Potter had chosen different paths? Explore these and more in the room of requirement, a repository of story starters, deleted scenes, omakes, and other projects that don't make the cut or can't be worked on right now.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 2 - Words: 5,370 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 55 - Follows: 57 - Updated: 7/13/2019 - Published: 7/9/2019 - Harry P.