Disclaimer: I do not own DC Comics or the CW TV shows Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl or any other characters or elements pertaining to the mentioned franchises.

Palmer Tech, Starling City

"Thank you. Thank you all." Oliver said, meeting with Sara, Laurel, Tommy, Thea, Diggle, Helena, Tatsu, Felicity, Ray, Roy and Nyssa. "We all made it out alive because we worked together. And I thought that this crusade would end only with my death." He turned to Sara and Tommy as everyone looked solemn for a moment. "But even if I had died tonight, it would live on because of you all." He looked around at everyone. "And as we've seen, not even death can keep us apart from each other. Together, we can beat anything." He turned to Thea, who smiled, wearing her own red hood and bow and quiver.

"This city isn't lacking masks." Laurel said.

"Heroes." Oliver corrected. "Which is why I no longer need to be one."

"What are you saying?" Felicity asked, all of them confused.

"Ra's took that identity away from me. Everyone believes the Arrow is a murderer…"

"…who died during the bioweapon attack." Laurel assured Oliver. "I talked to Dad. He's pissed but… he's still willing to help. As far as the world knows, the Arrow was framed and as of last night, is dead."

"And I don't want to be that person anymore." Oliver said, turning to Sara, who was surprised. "You once told me that you have darkness inside you. But I've been in that darkness too. And we've both found our way out. Or do you want to run again because you're afraid you don't deserve us?"

Sara considered. "I've asked myself that a lot in the past few months. And to be honest… I don't want to run anymore. At least not alone."

"You don't have to be." Laurel said as everyone nodded, while Laurel hugged her. "We never should've let you go."

"I'm not going anywhere this time." Sara promised, both sisters in an emotional embrace.

"And maybe this city needs someone better." Oliver said, turning to Tommy, who looked surprised.

"Ollie…" Tommy trailed off.

"You've helped me in the past few weeks because you're my brother." Oliver said. "We've been there for each other, thick and thin. And you always find a way to bounce back, whenever you are on your knees. If anyone can follow suit, it's you."

"Oliver… I don't know." Tommy wondered. "I mean… these past few weeks—"

"It's hard to live with it. But you'll find a way. Just like I did." Oliver said.

"Maybe this is how you'll find your way to light." Laurel pointed out, holding Tommy's hand, old feelings resurfacing as Tommy considered before picking up Oliver's hood.

"Look, you did good, Laurel but you still have a lot of training to do." Sara said as Laurel nodded, knowing Sara had a point. "I think I can teach you a lot in few months."

"There's something else we need to talk about." Oliver said.

Central City

"Why are we here?" Laurel asked as she, Oliver and Sara walked down the streets of Central City the following day before Oliver took a breath, shame filling him.

"Look, Laurel… around seven, maybe eight years ago, I cheated on you." Oliver said and Laurel was stunned and then, enraged, while Sara gapped. "It was just one time and I got drunk at one party."

"What happened?" Laurel demanded.

Oliver took a breath. "I think it's best if we do this with her." He approached the house and knocked on the door as a brunette opened and gapped, surprised to see them.

"Oliver? Sara? Laurel? What brings you here?" Samantha asked, surprised.

"Hey, Samantha. It's been a while." Oliver smiled. "I think we've got a lot of catching up to do."

Starling City

"Few weeks ago, the Arrow died." Tommy said, while transmitting his announcement in the camera to the city, while wearing his new outfit. "But what he stood for, didn't. It lived on in heroes who took up his mantle. People who believe that this city should never descend into hopelessness. Who believe that although life is full of darkness, that darkness can be defeated by light, and tonight I am declaring my intention to stand with them, to fight for this city, to be the symbol of hope that The Arrow never was. I am the Green Arrow."


"Clever way to eliminate your father for not giving you the ring." The man with a dragon tattoo on his arm said as Talia was on her knees, meditating in her monastery.

"I admit, I may have underestimated Oliver and Thomas and Sara." Talia smirked.

"Don't think this is over. They may have beaten the Longbow Hunters but I still have powerful allies. When I'm done with your students, I'm coming for you." The man said before walking away as Talia laughed. "You won this game but we'll be playing another game soon enough."

Later, Nanda Parbat

"This was your plan all along." Nyssa realized as the assassins were uncertain who to follow, considering that Talia had killed Ra's.

"Our father never would have passed our mantle onto a woman. He has always been stuck in his way." Talia reminded as Nyssa sighed, knowing Talia had a point, finally seeing the truth.

"And yet you would continue furthering his agenda, despite spiting who he was? That he was ashamed of us and renounced us?" Nyssa sneered, disgusted.

"I think we both know we can forge the League into better ways." Talia said. "If you want the mantle, let's settle this honorably. I think we both know we have an unfinished business to settle."

Nyssa smirked. "Like old times." She pulled out her sword as Talia did the same before they rushed at each other.

Lian Yu

"You should have killed me." Joe sneered, now locked up in the cell Slade was once.

"I am not a monster anymore, Joe. I hope one day, you'll see reason." Slade said before walking away as Joe glared.

Sometime later, Joe heard gunshots as some mercenaries entered, shooting down the guards and three more men entered. One was a man with light hair, wearing suit and another one was a bald man with a beard and a black tank top and a dragon tattoo on his arm. Another one was a man with short hair and short beard with a knife in his hand, slitting the throat of one of the guards.

"Well, looks like you failed. The Longbow Hunters were not cheap. I must say, I may have made a wrong investment, when I put my money on Merlyn and helping him train Chase." The man in suit said, picking up the surviving guard, who gasped and paled, his skin turning grey as light left his eyes as he fell down, dead, while the man with a dragon tattoo stepped on the throat of another guard, snapping his neck. "I guess you need some work in the hive, work together with the rest, instead of relying on a few. You owe me one."

"As long as I get to kill my father, I'll do whatever you want." Joe smirked.

This was Talia's plan, to use Oliver and Sara and claim the title of Ra's, since I know of at least one occassion she tried to double-cross him and I know that most adaptations have her portrayed as obsessively loyal to him but I thought this would work, her manipulating Oliver and Sara so that she could claim Ra's place, since it's obvious in Arrow she left because Ra's never would've allowed her to be her successor.

If I recall, in some comic books she asked Bruce for help because of that. Right now I am keeping it open-ended all of it but I think you can guess who were the men visiting Joe in the end.

Now, I am not fully sold on the sequel but I am considering it because I have highly enjoyed writing this story but if I decide not to, anyone else can step up for the challenge if they PM me first.

Please review and let me know if you have enjoyed the story to its end.

With regards
