![]() Author has written 3 stories for One Piece, and Pokémon. Hello people, this is Aliahra here. I actually made up the word I use for my name but I like it. But when I say it out loud with my weird accent it sounds like I'm saying that I'm "a liar." I find it funny. Anyway, I'm warning people now my Grammar is a little messed up (though it is improving) and I have Dyslexia so I'll probably have a few errors in my stories. Please read my stories and give me feedback. Here are some random things about me. I am a girl. I was born in Western Australia and I like to blame my accent on being raised there. Example of a weird accent, a liar can be heard as Aliahra. (I believe it may have cursed me though) I have three older siblings, all boys. I play Basketball and Netball. Competitive and Social for both but also Mixed for indoor Netball. I once went to America to play Basketball for Queensland (though the score sheet said it was Australia). I really liked it over there, chocolate's better here though. I'm obsessed with chocolate milk and love chocolate. I think I might have a problem since it never lasts a day at our house. My brothers have all bribed me with it. I'm not even sorry. I always stay read to the most recent chapter of One Piece. I love that manga a lot. Like, a lot! I love Pokemon. Don't play Pokemon GO though. I have Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, White, White 2, X, Alpha Sapphire, Sun and Moon, Ultra Sun, Let's Go Eevee and Sword. I also greatly enjoy the fangame Pokemon Reborn, can't wait for the final update to finish the game (Not even the developers know when that'll be anymore). I hate onions and tomatoes but I like french onion dip and tomato sauce. Though nothing with mushrooms is good. Cheese is the fifth element (everyone in my family loves it, and so do the wild birds we feed it to. A baby Magpie now eats out of our hands! From the originators that'd used to swoop to the now where they love us, it was worth the years. This makes me so happy!). And yes I've read the Kane Chronicles... My favourite book series (Manga series are not included) is Percy Jackson and the Olympians/Heroes of Olympus/Trials of Apollo. I really need to pick up the Tyrant's Tomb right next to my bed and read it. It's been there for months now. If I had to choose two of the Seven Deadly Sins to represent me, they'd be Sloth and Pride. In fact, my Pride is my motivator against my Sloth. Feed my Pride and I get motivated. Don't feed it and it takes a lot for me to write. I'm horrible at keeping track of time. Whenever I'm on a car trip it barely feels like any time has passed, even for a 2 hr trip for training! I'm doing a Bachelor of Engineering (Co-op) at University. They are very time-consuming subjects. I can't keep deadlines for my stories because of this, sorry. I am an overachiever. Plain and simple. I'm also very competitive. These things fuel my Pride. I have Anxiety. It typically likes to scream at me, when it's not? It makes me feel like a failure who can never surpass anyone or anything and why should I bother when so many others are better than me. I mean, it also makes sure I work on my assignments because that panics me like nothing else but presentations so it's not all bad. Suck it procrastination. That's all for now. Here's a list of my stories and updating scheduled.
Progress Report of the Next Chapter for The Dream: Unfortunate Planning: Finishing Outline (? Major Points-Not balanced in weight) Note that this does end up fluxing. Writing: 0/?? Points Done (0%) Editing: Nothing Completion Level: 0%: [Planning 5%, Writing 90%, Editing 5%] Current Size: 0 pages OR 0 words. Current Feelings: How to end the fight? What comes next? Got a bit to plan. Progress Report of revamping the old chapters for It's Not a Devil Fruit! I'm going back and changing somethings in the old chapters. I just finished the first one and realised that I'm going to be making some changes that would make later chapters strange and disconnected. So I'm going to revamp all eleven current chapters then start the next chapter. Whether I update the old chapters before or after I finish and upload the next chapter is up for debate. I know not everyone who reads my stories comes onto my profile to read this. Chapter 1: 100% Complete - 7820 words Chapter 2: 20% Complete - 946 words Chapter 3: Chapter 4: Chapter 5: Chapter 6: Chapter 7: Chapter 8: Chapter 9: Chapter 10: Chapter 11: Chapter 12: (Planned) Minimum Completion Size: 5000 words per chapter. List of Story Ideas, not sure if I'll do them: Gamer of the Sands: Naruto Fanfic. An SI Reincarnation as a Gamer. Replaces a character in the series, not an OC. I've written about 5 chapters and am doing so many calculations behind the scenes. There are twelve Sheets (tabs) in Excel and a very vague plan. List of Stories I Beta Read, check them out! Candle Heart by UmbraAurumDragon (My own Beta Reader for The Dream, I've Beta'ed another story of her's too) the Rock on the Seas by HaruHanabishi (I occasionally ask her to read The Dream as a second Beta Reader) |