![]() Author has written 2 stories for One Piece, and Pirate101. ABOUT ME I'm a Pirate Enthusiast. I love everything to do with pirates. My favorite series is One Piece and I've logged countless hours on Pirate 101. But on the other end of the spectrum, I've also played through Assassins Creed: Black Flag and watched the Starz series Black Sails. My favorite book is Treasure Island, my favorite Disney Movie is Treasure Planet but I love all four of the Pirates of the Caribbean Movies. I've seen Muppet Treasure Island over a dozen times, I regularly participate in International Talk Like a Pirate Day and I've dressed as a pirate for Halloween a total of four times. I may have a problem... but it's a Pirate's Life for Me! TV TROPES BROTHER ON BOARD HAS A TV TROPES PAGE! Here's a link for anyone interested in seeing it: tvtropes (dot) org (slash) pmwiki (slash) pmwiki.php (slash) Fanfic (slash) BrotherOnBoard Thank you to everyone who contributed! BONNIE ANNE PICS A non-ghost screenshot of Bonnie Anne. j0hns1lver (dot) deviantart (dot) com (slash) art (slash) Bonnie-Anne-661623136 A screenshot of Bonnie Anne and a Transportal. j0hns1lver (dot) deviantart (dot) com (slash) art (slash) Bonnie-and-Transportal-661622469 Here's a screenshot of Bonnie Anne the fox showing off Bonnie Anne the rifle. j0hns1lver (dot) deviantart (dot) com (slash) art (slash) Bonnie-Anne-and-Bonnie-Anne-529453638 Visit my Deviant Art Page to see screenshots of Bonnie Anne in action on Pirate101 j0hns1lver (dot) deviantart (dot) com (slash) gallery (slash) 54507986 (slash) Bonnie-Anne Here's a link to the Armada's wiki page. villains (dot) wikia (dot) com (slash) wiki (slash) The_Armada And just for kicks and giggles, here's a link to the Carnival of Venice Wiki page so you can match the Armada faces to their mask. wikipedia (dot) org (slash) wiki (slash) Carnival_of_Venice BONNIE ANNE FAN CLUB Motto: She's not just a gun. President: Sabo Vice-President: Luffy Secretary: Usopp Other members: J0HNS1LVER Fairy of the Friz Syluk psychopathonadiet TheREALMightyKamina rasEnshur1KEn AnyMoreBrightIdeasGenius Wiba The Patient One traindheart luvBonnieAnne rosewillow narusasufangirl (Nami - President of the Anti Bonnie Anne Fan Club) Anyone else who believes in the rifle and would like to join the Bonnie Anne Fan Club just send me a PM or a Review expressing your interest in joining. SABO'S ATTACKS Sabo's attacks are the Musketeer Epic Abilities from Pirate 101 as well as Bonnie Anne's signature abilities. Scatterblast - Bonnie Anne's Signature Ability - Sabo swings the rifle and fires all the rounds at an approaching group of enemies. The high caliber bullets hitting enemies in front causes them to go flying backwards and knock over any other enemies that may be behind them. Knockback - Bonnie Anne's Stock Assault Ability - Sabo uses his rifle as a bat and sends his target flying. Follows up by shouting "And she's/he's/they're outta here!" Overwatch - Musketeer Epic - Sabo shoots an approaching enemy. Double Tap - Musketeer Epic - Sabo follows up taking down one target by immediately shooting another one. Burst Fire - Musketeer Epic - Sabo fires a second shot at a target he's hit. Burst Fire Barrage - Sabo (or Bonnie) fires multiple shots at one target. Rouse - Bonnie Anne's Healing Ability - Bonnie Anne fires on her own and wakes Sabo when he's sleeping/hypnotized/suffering from a really stupid idea (like making Zoro the Straw Hats' navigator) Parting Shot - Musketeer Epic - Sabo shoots an enemy that's running away. Quick Draw - Musketeer Epic - Sabo shoots an enemy 'shooter' before they can get off their shot. Quick Adjust - Musketeer Epic - Sabo fires a second shot at a target he's missed. Return Fire - Musketeer Epic - Sabo fires back at an enemy that has missed him. True Grit - Musketeer Epic - Sabo fires back at an enemy that has hit him. |