Reviews for Yuri! at OURAN
BloodyHeart12050 chapter 4 . 7/22
I love this sooo much! This is such a good FanFiction!
lumigo akvo9504 chapter 4 . 6/8
Finally another installment of this awesome story! The wait was unbearable BUT worth it! Chapter is cool and I can't wait for more! Please don't make us go through such a long wait again so soon. I beg you please don't!
BubblyPinky chapter 4 . 6/8
Omfg, the new chapter is AWESOME! I didn't expect a new chapter uploaded today! The story is great, it's one of the few where Yurio's the one to go to Ouran, and the characters are just spot on! Keep up the good work!
Jennai44 chapter 3 . 12/28/2019

Also, will Otabek every show up at Ouran? Or will someone look over Yuri's shoulder and see he is texting "Beka"?
Guest chapter 3 . 7/18/2019
Thank you for writing this so much, I really like it and it is one of my top ten favorites. I liked how you portrayed the cuter side of Yuri. Please continue writing, I'm really looking forward to your next chapter!
NoboOdY chapter 3 . 6/22/2019
Please continue this, it's really good! For the costumes I think the two star outfits would be better however it might get a little boring, anyways the final decision is up to you. The music for Yuri's performance is really fitting for the story. Honestly props to you for thinking all of that up, I could never do that, I'm just plain lazy! I was wondering if you were going to include the skating competition in the story, and if the host club is going to be there? Also will we get to see more of Viktor and the other Yuri? Sorry I just really love those two!

As for the story itself, like I said it's really good! I really like how you portrayed Yuri's character, especially in chapter two. I honestly find
him very relatable in the sense that he has anger issues and doesn't like to admit it even when he knows he's wrong.I never felt way when watching the actual anime. Keep up the good work!

Guest chapter 3 . 2/16/2019
This is definitely my favorite YoI and Ouran crossover and is in the top three for my favorite YoI crossover in general. I hope that you update again soon.
L chapter 3 . 12/31/2018
olivia.rodriguez.927 chapter 3 . 10/21/2018
I love this please update ~
purediabolus chapter 3 . 9/8/2018
Please update soon, just perfect
Flamefenrir645 chapter 1 . 9/2/2018
ALBrassard chapter 3 . 8/28/2018
I can’t wait for a Update !
Flamefenrir645 chapter 1 . 8/25/2018
Please update! This story is absolutely awesome, I can't wait for the others to find out Yuri's true identity!
sugapanda9302 chapter 1 . 8/5/2018
pls ya got ta update. this stoey is awesome
DarkLover62199 chapter 3 . 7/27/2018
I'm really loving this fic! Keep it up!
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