Reviews for No Longer Envious
Guest chapter 1 . 7/21
What's going on with this story? It's genuinely amazing.
Silence liberal chapter 1 . 5/16
If you ever plan to revisit your story, I'll leave this review for you to find.
In my opinion, this story is the best I have ever red. It's characters are believeble and understandable.

This is the only crossover I have found that used Envy so well. You succeeded where most authors failed at, you gave him flaws, eg fear of fire, his attitude and fear of being lonely. His interactions with the Golden Trio don't feel forced and he isn't best friends with them immediately.
Please consider continuing the story.
A person chapter 1 . 10/21/2019
Had this idea first time I read this story (great story by the way. Read it 5 times. Hope you update soon.) But when you get to book 5 I had a couple of ideas of how Envy's past could be revealed.
1. During Harry's occlumency lessons he rages again and tries to use legilemency on snape but he moves out of the way and hits Envy who was standing in the doorway for some reason (detention with snape?) And sees one of the scenes from brotherhood (I'd recommend the scene in gluttonys stomach where he says that he was the one who started the ishvalan war or where he confesses to Hughes murder)
2. He jumps in front of the curse that kills Sirius and falls into the veil where his depleted philosophers stone (which he still has, for some reason) absorbs the souls in the veil returning him to his full power. He might give up his newfound power in fear that he'll become a monster again. And he'll explain to the golden trio, Neville, Ginny and Luna (who were at the ministry) about his past.

Don't know if this will help but I hope you're able to continue it. It's one of the most unique stories involving envy I've read that doesn't involve Dumbledore or weasley bashing (never understood the passion the hp fandom seems to have for those).
Jostanos chapter 21 . 10/12/2019
Omake?: Somewhere in the highlands of Scotland a portal opens up and a familiar "shrimp" ("WHO ARE YOU CALLING SO SMALL THAT YOU CAN'T SEE HIM WITH A MAGNIFYING GLASS!?") not only falls through it, but also takes a tumble down the hill that the portal is on spurting expletives along the way down before finally landing in a heap at the bottom of the hill.
"DAMNIT, TRUTH!" the blond haired young man exclaims as he rights himself "You didn't have to throw me out like that. Jeez."
"INCOMING!" came a shout from above and our *ahem* "puny" friend immediately ducks as another young lad comes "flying" past him, but landing in a "Super hero" pose!
The same voice from before exclaims rather cheerfully "AND HE STICKS THE LANDING! A PERFECT 10! THE TWERP RECEIVES A 5.7 FOR HIS *ahem* TUMBLING RUTINE! CIAO!"
"TRUTH! YOU BASTARD!" "Give it a rest, brother. At least we're here."
coronadomontes chapter 21 . 7/30/2019
AimaZero chapter 21 . 6/25/2019
So, will you keep updating this?
I hope so, I really love this fic, and i'd love to see it updated again.
ManaketeSmoocher chapter 21 . 5/4/2019
Lovely chapter as always, but I thought I should mention British schools actually use the house system! Rowling based the Hogwarts houses on an existing system, so Eliza probably wouldn’t have any confusion with that bit of information
sbenela chapter 21 . 4/29/2019
I love this story. Hope you continue it.
LONE RANGER 97 chapter 10 . 2/24/2019
I feel a bit guilty for not reading this for a while but now I'm back to read this story and I have something to say.
when I first started reading the story I thought it was going to be another story where there was tons of hate on Dumbledore, Ron, or some other character I like but to my surprise I didn't find that and that made me happy because I've always wanted to try and read a Harry Potter fan fiction that I liked but I couldn't because all the stories that I found just put a lot of hate or dislike on Ron, Dumbledore, or another important character and because of that they were completely out of character and it was as if they were someone else completely like they weren't the characters that I've read about in the books and seen in the movies, but in this story that didn't happen and for that I am very grateful because this is an amazing story and it even keeps the characters in character, like when Ron distrusted Envy it was because he was a Slytherin and that is something that I would see Ron doing but eventually he grows to trust Envy even if he is a Slytherin which is something that I can also see Ron doing.

If I had to give this story a rating I'd rate it a 5 out of 5
foxchick1 chapter 21 . 1/18/2019
I love this fid and I can't wait to read more.
Guest chapter 21 . 1/14/2019
I'm excited for this to continue. I actually really like the idea of a human Envy going to school and making friends. This is actually surprisingly unique.
Professional Grave Robbers chapter 21 . 1/12/2019
I'm excited for more, this is a really good book, I kinda hope that at some point Envy has to spill that he was a homunculus and gets his ability to shape-shift back, anyway I am very excited for more and I wish you good luck with writing.
Morwyn K chapter 21 . 1/8/2019
I feel like she took this surprisingly well, and isn't done with the subject... This was a good chapter, thanks for writing this !
Fall2Glory chapter 21 . 1/3/2019
I mean, he's in Slytherin so unless he decides to go into the Forbidden Forest he should be fine for the year.
AngelAzazel88 chapter 21 . 1/3/2019
Is envy ever gonna show his unhuman side? Thank you for updating!
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