Author has written 38 stories for Star Wars, Star Wars, and Star Wars Rebels. Most of my stories are going to be coming from Star Wars: The Old Republic. I started playing it back in 2012 and have enjoyed it tremendously ever since. After completing several story line, I always thought that it would be awesome to write up more details into the story. I am very new at this and can't wait to see how my stories will be viewed. First off, my characters are usually as follows: Nedeser Thul - Jedi Shadow - Male human Note: These are not the names I used on SWTOR. For the time being, my Malavai Quinn story is on hold. I need some of my other stories to catch up (I by that I mean there are a few others I need to start and get caught up.) Okay so I thought it would be best to categorize my stories since I have several multi-part series going on. Below are the lists of my stories in chronological order. (That is, for each particular series.) - Stories of the Defender (I started at the end with Burning cold and then reverted back to Mingled Joy and Sorrow) - Star Wars: Deadman's Treasure - The Dark Side Unleashed - Star Wars: A Fragile Hope - The End of the Sith - Tales of the Revanchist - Knights of the Old Republic: Soldier of the Republic - Flashpoint I: The Esseles - Old Friends, New Enemies - The Bed He Made - Yavin University - Rogue Squadron - Foundation - Eras of Love - Valentines Stories |