Luke and Galen strode down the ramp of the Rogue Shadow into a docking bay of the second Death Star. Awaiting them, with weapons raised and ready, were stormtroopers, Imperial Guards and other personnel on the station. One Dark Jedi Guardian wearing black armor ignited a pair of lightsabers and commanded, "Drop your swords, Jedi."
Luke and Galen looked at one another and ignited their weapons, taking up combat stances. For the first time since they had met, Luke Skywalker and Galen Marek fought side by side. Shadow Guards dropped from the scaffolding above with lightsaber pikes at the ready and the Guardian charged in with them, but there was no stopping the two force juggernauts that plowed through them. With waves of power and force lightning, Galen Marek swept aside squad after squad while Luke slashed his way through, sending hail storms of debris into the groups of enemies. They hurled TIE fighters and an Imperial shuttle into the largest and most thickly packed groups. When they walked out of the hanger, their weapons held loosely in their hands, they left behind them piles of crumpled bodies and smashed electronic pieces.
Palpatine had sensed the vast exertion of power emanating from the two warriors and, for the first time since his murder of his own master, he began to feel the creeping cold of fear. Slapping a control on the arm of his chair, he yelled, "I want every available unit of guardsman, Guardians, stormtroopers and whoever else can be spared to converge on the intruders."
The stations commander stuttered. "But your highness, we are in the middle of a battle with the rebel fleet outside."
The emperor nearly screamed. "I don't care! Get them here, NOW!"
Luke and Galen had just demolished another unit of opposing defenders in the corridors. Luke asked as they continued, "Do you know where we're going, Galen?"
Galen nodded. "I do. It's some distance and there will be many enemies between us and the throne room. Stay alert."
As if to prove his point, they walked into a large control room filled with Imperials. They didn't even have time to sound an alarm before they were crushed by the combined might of the two force warriors. Suddenly, Galen smiled thinly and said, "How bout a detour? Let's take out this thing's main laser cannon – give an edge to the Rebellion."
Luke grinned and they made there way to one of the turbo lifts. The Death Star had a series of turbo lift and rail systems that allowed speedy passage from one side of the station to another. It was less than a half hour before they came to the fire control room and less then five minutes before they had cleared and disabled the center. That done, they head back towards the base of the emperor's observation tower where his throne room was located. The resistance had become even more thick. They never made more than a dozen steps before needing to cut down or blast away another group of enemies. Behind them, they left trails of destruction and death and all throughout the station, the officers and personnel of the Empire were growing less concerned about the fleet outside and far more concerned about the pair of unstoppable force wielders that wreaked havoc on anyone or anything they came across.
When Mara Jade landed aboard the station, she followed the trail at a break neck pace, following all the way to the firing control center and then back towards the throne room. Her heart began to pound. These two men were trying to kill the only person who ever took notice of her or made her feel like she mattered. She would die before she let them kill the emperor.
Luke and Galen stood facing what seemed to be all the remaining Shadow Guards on the station. There were thirty of them and both of them knew that thirty force sensitive enemies such as these would be more than a match for the two of them separately so they stuck tightly together as the Shadow Guards circled and sometimes ventured to send forth a torrent of force lightning. The attacks were each easily deflected. Suddenly, in a single rush, the Shadow Guards converged upon Luke and Galen. Luke had activated his second lightsaber and they were hard pressed to maintain their defenses. Suddenly, Galen yelled, "Get down."
Luke obeyed and felt as a blast of energy repulsed every attacker in all directions with Galen at the center. Moving fast, they cut down as many as they could before they could recover. Luke drove against a group of four of them, using every possible advantage. They fell and Luke attacked another group. The majority of the group had recovered and Luke and Galen found themselves pressed back to back again, a hazardous place to be when both of them wielded lightsabers. The shadow guards were far more cautious now, trying to be prepared for anything. What they weren't prepared for was the maelstrom that the two force warriors summoned. So strong was it that it absorbed the lightning and ripped the Shadow Guards off their feet. Alone, neither Luke nor Galen would be able to control a maelstrom of that magnitude but together, they allowed it to swell and grow until the entire area was a whirlwind of debris. As one, with one loud voice, they released the attack. When they stood and looked, even they were horrified at the destruction they had unleashed in the cargo bay. There was not a single box, loader, droid or body that was in one piece. Even the bulkhead of the nearest walls and ceiling were buckled and parts were even shredded. After a moment, they turned and left the evidence of the carnage, silently agreeing to never unleash an attack of that destructive power ever again. Still, they fought their way to the foot of the observation tower. When they reached the turbo lift, they found four Dark Jedi Guardians waiting for them.
Jade had just come to the cargo bay. She stood, gaping at the carnage in horror. There was no way that this must destruction could have been wrought by Skywalker and Marek. Not even they were that powerful. Yet, there it was. Fear began to freeze Jade's heart and she felt a sob rising in her throat. Quickly, she contacted her master. Master, Skywalker and Marek are coming after you. I'll be there as soon as I can.
No reply came and Jade shook her head and felt tears rolling down her cheeks. Taking a lightsaber and a lightsaber pike from the ground, she took off after Marek and Skywalker.
Luke and Galen were hard pressed by the four Dark Jedi Guardians. Remembering Mount Tantis on Wayland and the Guardian there, Luke decided that each of these were every bit as good as that one. Fortunately, Luke had learned much and grown even more skilled since then. Even so, he was hard pressed by his two assailants. Several times they nearly killed him and he was saved only by his finely honed reflexes. With a blast of force energy, Luke sent one of his hurtling into the two attacking Galen before focusing his efforts on the remaining attacker. Galen just blasted the heap of three Guardians with force lightning, wrenching their lightsabers out of the way as they tried to deflect the attacks. By the time Luke finally cut down his opponent, the other three were smoking piles of armor and flesh. Galen turned to him. "Shall we continue?"
Luke motioned before him. "Lead the way."
They were about to step into the turbo lift when a desperate, angry call came from behind them. "NO!"
They both turned. Mara Jade was running towards them, a lightsaber pike in her hands. Luke turned to Galen. "Go. I'll meet you up stares."
Galen nodded and entered the lift as Luke strode towards Jade. She attacked viciously with a skillful flurry of blows, even more skilled than the Shadow Guards. They locked blades and Luke snarled out between gritted teeth, "What have you done to Salene?"
Galen exited the turbo lift and immediately cut down the two Imperial guards in his path. Emperor Palpatine stood from his throne. In one hand was a lightsaber. "Welcome home, Lord Starkiller. I must say that I am a little displeased with the armor you have adopted."
Galen strode forward. "My name is Galen Marek and I am here to right the wrongs that I have committed for the past four years – beginning with killing you."
The emperor sneered and leaped down the stares to meet him, starting with a torrent of force lightning. Galen caught it with his hand, absorbing it and then returning it with destructive force. The Emperor simply absorbed it himself and then attacked with his red blade.
Luke parried and blocked and spun and dodged as Jade attempted again and again to kill him. For a second time, Luke asked, "What have you done to Salene?"
Jade sneered. "She's unconscious on the floor of her own med center but still very much alive. Honestly, Skywalker, you need a woman who can take more of a punch than that. She's so fragile that making love must be the most tedious part of your relationship."
Luke smiled coldly, not allowing himself to be goaded into a mistake. "I couldn't care any less about your opinion. A puppet only has the opinion of whoever allows her to have such. You are insignificant, Red. Once the emperor is dead, you will be a hand without a body to make it worth anything. I'm going to leave you alive, Jade. I have no need or desire to kill you. Please, just put down your weapons."
Jade was breathing hard and she sneered. "That's fine. I want to kill you. I feel bad for your lover. She's going to be alone until she finds another man."
Luke shrugged before deflecting another flurry of attacks with negligent ease. Jade was getting frustrated at her inability to get through his defenses. Luke was shaking his head sadly. "The emperor all but raised you with the assistance of the Empire's best military and combat instructors. What a sad life. Now, you're beholding to a megalomaniac who doesn't think twice about wiping out worlds and species – unable to think for your self or live for yourself. It would be mercy to kill you now. But I won't. Perhaps someday you'll get a second chance at life. In the mean time, sleep well."
Once again, with a wave of his hand, Luke attempted to put her in a stasis but this time, she was able to resist. Luke's eyes widened and he said, "Impressive. Most Impressive."
With a bolt of force lightning, he shocked her and then, exerting a great force of will, he shattered her defenses and put her under in a healing trance. The phrase he set to wake her was 'have a good life'.
Smiling in satisfaction, he boarded the turbo lift and road to the top of the observation tower. There, he was fascinated to see Galen and the emperor fighting furiously, seeking to get through one another's defenses. Leaping to the aide of his friend, Luke attacked. Palpatine only just deflected the attack in time. Now he knew he was a dead man. Facing each one at a time would have been a manageable problem but two such force users as these both at once would lead to his death. This realization caused him to become vicious with wrath, summoning all the dark powers he could but somehow, his two enemies evaded, stopped or simply eliminated every attack. With a leap, Palpatine moved to a catwalk away from his opponents. Glaring with yellow eyes, Palpatine yelled, "So perhaps it is your destiny to kill me and take my rule but be warned. Your own work will weaken you and return to destroy you."
Galen laughed. "Narrow minded Sith! We have no desire to rule in your stead. We want your entire Empire to crumble and fall and disintegrate into in fighting. That way a new Republic can be built on the ashes of the fallen Empire. Foolish old man. The ways of the dark side have blinded you and made you weak."
With that, both he and Luke leapt up onto either side of the emperor and attacked. He fought viciously, snarling, screaming and spitting like a mad kath hound. With a throaty roar, he leapt and flew across the room before sending the worst storm of force lightning either of them had ever seen. Using both their lightsabers and the force to block and absorb as much as they could but the power was so great and terrible that they had to counter attack or else be consumed from with in. The battle grew worse and metal and wires snapped and the throne room was rocked and pieces of metal and plasteel flew everywhere. Finally, all three of them stopped. Palpatine screamed and, pulling a second lightsaber from some hiding place, he went at both of them. Luke and Galen were once again hard pressed by their terrible opponent. However, the more ferocious the emperor's attack, the more Luke realized that he was afraid of the inevitable. Suddenly pressing his own attack, Luke sought out the single weakness in the emperor's patterns of attack and defense. When he found it, he struck with three smooth strokes. With a scream of pain, the emperor fell to the floor. Both his hands were missing and the final slash had severed his spine. Luke and Galen circled and looked down at him. Galen was about to thrust his lightsaber through Palpatine's back when Luke's right hand shot out and stopped him. "No. We've beaten him and he doesn't have the power to hurt anyone else. Don't you sense it? The rebel fighters are about to destroy this station and we need to leave."
Galen glared down at the monster who had killed all his friends and the woman he had loved and all he wished to do was to kill Palpatine. "What would Juno want, Galen? What would she want you to do now?"
Galen knew the answer. With a deep breath, he retracted his blade and he and Luke ran for the turbo lift. From where he laid wheezing and dying on the ground, Palpatine said, "My death will be avenged on you both! You may have won now but in the end, it will never really matter. The dark side will always win in the end."
Luke turned and said, "Perhaps so but today, it has been driven away by the light."
With that, the turbo lift doors shut and they rode it down. At the bottom of the lift, they ran out and Luke scooped up Mara Jade's still unconscious form. When they made it to the hanger, Luke was a little miffed to see that she had stolen his freighter. With a sigh of disappointed resignation, Luke hurried her aboard, set her in the pilot's chair and set it to automatic take off. He left the ship then and returned to the Rogue Shadow where Galen had already prepped it. "One of these days, you are going to regret working so hard to keep her alive, Luke."
Luke shrugged. "Perhaps but at least my conscience will be clear."
They watched as Luke's freighter went straight to the Executer and landed in the private hanger. Luke went to his ship and pointed it out of the hanger while Galen went over the intercom and said, "Attention, this is Darth Starkiller. I am ordering that the Executer be surrendered to the Rebel Alliance. I repeat, I am ordering that the Executer be surrendered to the Rebel Alliance. All batteries are to be shut down and all fighters returned to dock. Admiral Piett, offer the surrender to their flagship."
A sullen confirmation order came across the intercom and they moved out of the imperial formation just as the Death Star blew. Luke felt it, as did Galen – the deaths of millions in a split second and, of course, the death of Palpatine: one final scream of anger and pain before silence. With a sigh, Luke set the ship to take off and jump to a random point in the galaxy. Looking down at Mara, he said, "Have a good life;" before turning and leaving the ship just before it took off. Luke hurried to the medical station where he found Salene with a bacta patch on her head. She smiled and tears rolled down her cheeks as she ran up to him and hugged and kissed him. It was over. The emperor was dead and the Empire would crumble without leaders in a strong position. The Alliance would be able to set up their new Republic. Even now, Luke knew that a shuttle was coming to the main docking bay.
Leia walked down the shuttles boarding ramp and smiled at what she saw. There, before her, stood Darth Starkiller, though he wore stark white armor instead of the black stalker armor. Beside him was her brother in Jedi Robes and armor. Clutching his hand was a beautiful woman in an Imperial medical officer's uniform. The last person was a decidedly sullen Imperial admiral. Leia knew him – Admiral Piett. Luke and Starkiller held out their weapons, as did the two Imperial Officers. Leia accepted the lightsabers and Han took the blasters. "We are quite eager to discuss the terms of your surrender, Lord Starkiller."
Starkiller allowed the transparesteel face plate to clear and smiled thinly at her. "I have forsaken the title of Darth Starkiller, Jedi Organa. My name is Galen Marek. I am quite eager to discuss them myself."
Luke and Salene stayed close together no matter where they went. Leia even allowed them both to stay in the holding areas on board the Alliance Flag Ship Home One. As they sat their, Salene nestled tiredly and contentedly in his arms, Luke felt as though he was doing the right thing for the first time in over a year. With that, Luke drifted off to sleep with Salene cradled in his arms.
I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you would like me to continue along this story line, tell me so in the form of a review, please. Regardless of whether you do or not, please read and review. Thank you all.
Updated May 24, 2016